Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

I 100% agree that GN was involved, but let’s be careful when we say “involved”.

GN needs to be interviewed. Remember, he was teamed up with the as-of-yet-unidentified Butler sniper. These people may be extremely reluctant to talk bad about each other. GN may not want to say that he was handed a certain keycard and then asked by the other guy to go downstairs with the assurance that the Butler sniper would hold the fort upstairs.

We are at a hideously awkward stage of this investigation. We pretty much understand the overall story, and we have identified numerous people of interest, and normally the case would be pretty much solved and over, because the people of interest would have been interviewed. The only reason this thing is still dragging on is that the government is deliberately failing to do basic policework, and most likely preventing local police from solving the case either.



Chris said in a video a few weeks back that if the gun the counter sniper used were to hit a human in the head there would be nothing left of said human head. Or, perhaps, not knowing much of what bullets do when they hit the target, since the counter snipers were up HIGHER than “Crooks,” if the bullet went through his head would it not be lodged in the building behind Crooks?


Thanks, everyone.


We don’t know where the round ended up. We don’t even know for sure who killed Crooks, or with what kind of round, or where in his body Crooks was hit. The prevailing theory (I think, prevailing by at least a little bit) is that Crooks was shot by the southern Hercules counter-sniper team. The shot may have hit him on the left side of his mouth and exited out the back right side of his neck. Personally I find this plausible. If the round had hit him elsewhere, I would have expected a different injury.

If it was really the southern counter-sniper that shot him, depending on the trajectory, we may find evidence of the slug lodged in some building behind Crooks. But we haven’t done very much investigation about that compared to the trajectory from Crooks to the podium. But people are doing a bunch of surveys with drones, so maybe we’ll get some nice information about that soon.

Looks like this is possibly a fit for the badge shape?


That was very respectfully presented and well documented. Kudos!

Such questioning is always welcome here.

The truth is we have no proof of anything important out here in the cheap seats.

We don’t know:

  • Who that was on the roof for sure
  • Whether or not they fired 0 rounds or 8 rounds or any other in-between number of rounds
  • Whether the roof gun was fired, its stated caliber, serial number, barrel length, twist rate, the number and type of live cartridges found in the magazine, etc.
  • The exact wounds on the body at autopsy
  • The precise number and locations of the wounds on the victims, and whether any bullets or fragments had been recovered.

This is a lot of stuff to not know at this stage of the game…


Gary’s drone footage didn’t go down close to the building. If you recall, he said Spa Guy did. This is what Spa Guy’s drone footage captured.

This is a fruitful line of inquiry.

However, regardless of the various types and forms of fog, this plot cannot work with anybody in the overwatch building doing their effing job at the most minimal level of competency and/or attention.

Those two snipers are key. Even with a .22 revolver, they could have easily stopped the plot.

It was essential that neither of them performed their role properly.

How could this be accomplished?

Several ways:

  1. Call them off over their comms for some purpose. “Bravo team, come to the front door and speak to patrol to convey what you know!”

  2. Co-opt one of them. Somehow buy off or threaten GN and then let him know his job is to assure that neither he nor junior sniper are in position once the final deception is put out, which happens to be “he’s headed toward Sheetz”. Or vice versa, the other sniper coaxes GN out of the room somehow.

  3. Co-opt both of them. Both snipers are in on it.

  4. Use the same substance you used on the Epstein jail guards that caused them to fall into a deep sleep at just the right, or wrong, time depending on your view of things.


Yes, I immediately recognized the conflict. I am a bit Leary of the Tik Tok site and their website. That Tik Tok account has only 2 videos posted, and they are both of the vendor alley sighting. Their website seems a bit fabricated to me, too. So, I’m a bit Leary of the source. That said, unless someone did a really good AI job, I believe that video was taken of Crooks in the early evening based on the shadow, but I question the time. I’m just not sure whether the time is correct or just disinformation intended to muddy the waters. It’s pretty coincidental that it was 4:26 and not 4:25 or 4:27. The person who posted the metadata image, at least the post I saw it in, stated that metadata can be changed.


Why his left arm looks so grayish?

no tattoo
It didn’t look gray before.

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Great catch rchfox, thanks for that.
For me the time 4:26pm also is backed up with the shadows seen in the video. Maybe somebody with knowledge in sun position, time of the year, shadow thrown fom object etc. can confirm.

So that means the 2 messages by Jason Woods have either been altered or he wrote them way after he left the AGR6 building and made his observations (meaning he left his position well before the alleged 4:19pm).
Also possible the whole thing with this two messages is fake and completely made up. If so, unlucky for them somebody spotted the shooter at the exact same time 600 yards away as the crow flies.

What a coincidence. Not 4:25 or 4:27, but 4:26. If I put both 4:26 sightings (granted Woods sent it at 4:26) on a scale, which would carry more weight? A look at that Tik Tok account and the associated website makes that timestamp smell a lot more fishy than Woods text. Logic tells me that if either one of those was providing disinformation, I would put my money on the vendor valley timestamp.



listening to your post vid,
with all cops milling around on ground, what was crooks escape plan?
He would have one, (through window?) drop to ground? had promise of help? Unless it was a suicide mission (which is way it turned out).

Good work

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That is pretty convincing. Rule nothing out. The FBI are definitely hiding something.


remove markings on arm??


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The other options too reasonable.

the look-alike clothes guys are distractions.

call goes out, …“oh there he is on ground”.

The 1800-1810 timeline NEEDS enhancements. More specifically, LEO & USSS radio chatter & ORDERS need to be added. That way one might learn why the Beaver & Butler snipers left their assigned positions. One might also learn if LEOs on the west side of the AGR complex prior to 1800 were ordered or encouraged to go to sites from which they could NOT see Crooks climb onto and then run across the AGR roofs.

One final comment: It is implausible that LEOs distributed across the west side of the AGR complex would fail to see Crooks climb onto & then run across the roofs. Thus, we NEED to know why LEOs were not in positions able to see the spot where Crooks climbed up and also spots to see him run across roofs between there & building 6.

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True we have to take that in to account too.
In my opinion these are the options (or a combination of it):

  • Tik-Tok video in vendor area is completely fake
  • Tik-Tok video in vendor area is real but has faked timestamp
  • Tik-Tok video in vendor area is real and has correct timestamp (this would debunk Jason Woods Messages are fake/altered/sent with delay to the alleged observations)
  • Jason Woods Messages are completely fake
  • Jason Woods Messages are real but have faked timestamps
  • Jason Woods Messages are real and have correct timestamps and are sent within short time after the alleged observations were made (this would debunk at least the timestamp of Tik-Tok video being wrong)
  • Jason Woods Messages are real and have correct timestamps and are sent with delay after the alleged observations were made (both, video and messages, could be accurate)
  • Both, video and messages, are fake

Maybe there are more options I missed. Feel free to add on.

It’s beginning to resemble the bowler hat scene in the 1999 film, “Thomas Crown Affair.”


What is the source for the claim that cell and internet access went down at 5:48 and how long did that outage last?