The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

Originally published at:

Representative Clay Higgins from LA, deployed his prior LEO and investigative experience on site in Butler PA between Aug 4th and 6th.

The most shocking findings were that the FBI had already committed four egregious violations of standard investigation practices.

  1. The FBI released all the First Responders that same evening, with the bulk seen wandering off to their cars less than two hours after the shooting.
  2. The FBI physically cleaned up the crime scene including the blood and other biological material on the roof of AGR building 6.
  3. The FBI released Crooks’ body for cremation on July 23rd, without notifying anybody especially and including the various government bodies investigating J13.
  4. The FBI released the entire crime scene in just three days.

These actions rise to the level of obstruction of investigation and cannot be the product of incompetence, no matter how profound that might be or how long-running their DEI programs. It’s far more consistent with an intentional act to bury the investigation and assure no firm conclusions can ever be drawn.

For their part the Secret Service’s own actions are equally shady. The nose-wrinkling facts are these:

  1. Had Counter Snipers On Trump For The First Time Ever
  2. Deployed Them Stupidly
  3. Instructed Local LEO To Inside B6 Positions in Southwest Corner
  4. Didn’t Attend Meetings
  5. No Day-Of Briefing With Locals
  6. Didn’t Use Local Provided Radios
  7. Declined/Refused Drone
  8. Didn’t Even Communicate With Themselves as the stage team left Trump on the stage even as their sniper teams were swiveling about and readying for action
  9. Didn’t Interview or Debrief Any Local LEOs As Of August 9th

It tell you, it’s almost like the government has no interest in finding out what happened, for some reason.



I think the light reflecting in the windows that people claimed to be muzzle flashes came from the stage lights.

This pic was taken from behind the barns upon which the sniper teams were located, looking out to the stage and stage lights.


I just want to document for posterity: Dr. Martenson’s reactions to the astounding information pieces reviewed are legitimately hilarious and perfectly delivered. I’m confident that his mannerisms reflect what most of us feel as we go through this hot mess. Certified Awesome. :joy:


From these findings I’d hope you could put; 100% Cover up, Body evidence inconvenient, in the Green Bucket. Also Shooter location is inconvenient, although still Yellow as it isn’t clear why it would be bad for us to know the details.


The 3 letter agencies are corrupt as all hell. With the government cabals and corporations who hold them by the short hairs. Then you have the puppets running around say or it all a right wing conspiracy. In the mean time these groups came together to try to Assassinate President Donald J Trump.
That God for saving PRESIDENT TRUMP and the rest of us who see through all there BS.


I’ll play Devil’s Advocate: the autopsy was completed, cause of death clear, all relevant bloodwork completed, and a grieving family begs for their son’s body.

10 days is a long time for a family to have to wait to retrieve their loved ones’ body. Yes, he is deceased, but they are not. It’s very hard to tell parents and a sister in mourning that they can’t lay their son and brother to rest.

Was he a patsy? Almost assuredly, but clearly, he wasn’t mentally healthy and his decision making capabilities were impaired. His family is probably bewildered beyond all belief and it could be cruel to extend their suffering when they are innocents in all this. /advocate over


Here is a statement by FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate I’m having a hard time buying. It just seems unlikely to me that a business’s security camera would be able to capture the location that has been pretty well confirmed to be the access point.


VegasP, I wondered the same thing.

I did a really casual Google Street View to try and figure out which business it might have been, but came up dry, and dropped it.


I did too, and only found a few security cameras that might have line of sight, but they didn’t look too high end to me.


Inquiring minds would like to know to which family the shooter’s body was released, and whether they were able to positively identify the body.


It won’t matter. Hilary destroyed 33,000 emails. Cell phones were wiped after Russiagate. J6 committee destroyed all the evidence and an “update” wiped out text messages. Nothing EVER comes of it. And they know it.

We’ll get indignant, congress will ‘investigate,’ rant for the cameras, and then go out for a beer. Something else will happen (I mean, school is back in session now), and people will sigh and say, ‘That’s just the way the govt works’.

Can you imagine the amount of shredding and hammers to phones between Nov and Jan if Trump is able to overcome Dominion?

  1. Hugged Trump after he stood up instead of dragging him off the stage.

I read the report earlier but it was much better with you doing it.

Cremating the body really bothered me, although not surprised of course.

I am not convinced of things concerning him. But one thing I have faith in is the people who just may find it all out because we all know that everything this govt is —
Is incompetent. Maybe that is what Fight, Fight, Fight is all about. We pray for more whistleblowers daily and that they are protected.


The business in question with the video camera may have been AGR itself.


There you go, thinking logically again. Good point
damn good point!


correct, but if that’s true then that is a really weird way of stating that


That’s why our own investigation is so important. I do believe some reps are solid - so far Clay Higgins, Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson (who was excellent in creating his own panels of experts on the coronavirus.)


That’s exactly why I didn’t even consider it. Now I want to check the drone footage to find a camera in that area of the building.


Like the footage from the Pentagon and nearby gas stations of the supposed airplane that hit the Pentagon on 9/11, I don’t expect us to ever see any footage by the AGR security cameras - those are already in FBI hands.


@cmartenson @intolerance

Thanks for interjecting common sense into the conversation, @commenter. I think we have a security camera here.