So It's Back To First Principles

Unfortunately, the line between journalism for information and journalism for entertainment has blurred, sensationalizing trivial information while suppressing the keys to collective understanding. We’re left sifting through mountains of data to try to find what truly matters, hoping that it has been revealed and left uncensored. Still, we must press on.

To pivot a little, BWC2-122125 belongs to this fella right here, Butler Twp PD Patrolman Drew Blasko:
Screenshot 2024-09-08 122653
This was the gentleman that was saying that he “told them to post f*cking guys over here”, who you can see helping to try to scramble guys onto the shed to scurry up a pallet to the roof. Young looking guy, probably not a lot of years of experience, and yet he was pointing out obvious failures in the action plan to secret service. And it probably should be noted that if this guy had communication with the secret service, that completely negates that statement made by R. Patrick Young, that they “have had no communication from the secret service since the last election cycle”.

Other actors discovered include:
Butler Twp PD Sargeant Jim Sasse:
Screenshot 2024-09-08 104142

Police Department Staff Directory - Butler Township (
-Hits on names for Matthew Pearson, Jim Sasse, Drew Blasko, Jon Shaffner, David Tedeski, perhaps more I have not gone through the full list yet.

Ryan Slack, of Cranberry Twp:


Thanks. I made the corrections and even added the commas after names that disappeared between iterations somehow.

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Well, remember, there are a lot of organizations here. I’m not sure what connections Young has with Butler Twp PD. Maybe the police were there when the USSS visited AGR but nobody from ESU was there. Or maybe Young was exaggerating to score some political points (he sounds a bit resentful).

On Sasse, Tedeski, Slack, and a bunch of other people like that, I was glad to see their name patches and find out e.g. that the guys in green are Butler ESU, etc, but if we don’t even have any idea that they did anything wrong, I tend to err on the side of leaving them alone.

Like, Nicol and Murcko are prime suspects and should have been interviewed weeks ago if not arrested. Hardly anyone else is even close to that. Do you remember the guy in the Volcom shirt with the beard? He covered his face when he came out of the AGR building, but aside from that, I don’t have any reason to suspect him of anything, so I let him go.

Maybe we should make a document that matches faces and names and workplaces just to know who’s who.


Thanks for connecting one of the bodycams to a person. I haven’t gotten around to identifying them all, so if you know of any more I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


That’s kinda along the lines of where I’m working, trying to identify and place the actors involved regardless of whether or not they are at fault, in a way for my own piece of mind and understanding of the whole scene, because it becomes very confusing very quickly. I don’t really necessitate the fact that they did anything wrong, aside from perhaps the allocated sniper assets on the second story.

Continuing to comb through bwc footage, later in Blasko’s cam I hear mention of at least 3 other names identifying other actors in the area, the first two being Renaud (Christian Renaud) and Setnar (Matt Setnar), “I can’t find Renaud and I can’t find Setnar.” “Last thing I knew Setnar he went around that corner”. This is coming down from the guy on the roof. He also states that there is nobody up front, and then Blasko says “Kopas, noone’s up front.” (Chris Kopas)

Certainly trying, will let you know if I come up with any more!


Here is a good starting point and resource for identifying who is who from each of the 3 counties, and what department they belong to. I haven’t finished Washington County SWAT, but will update this post when I do.

Note: Please send me any new or updated information if you have it. Thank you!

Some additional recognition resources:

And here is my upgraded building and door map.


Did he pay for ammo at rally day by credit card or cash?
Since he had no ID with him, however a credit card could tell his name immediatelly.
(Maybe someone else payed the ammo and smuggled the bill into his pocket.)

Other problem: FBI has at least one eyewitness who saw all the muzzle flashes. (In the grand conspiracy they might plant those witnesses.)

Screenshot 2024-09-09 030251

If these are the same guy, then that would make BWC2-122117 Chris Kopas.

Denny Crawford
Penn Township (page 2)

Christian Renaud
Middlesex Township (page 2)


Joe Beachem:

Denny Crawford:

Screenshot 2024-09-09 031520
Jon Jurysta:


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So I’m clear, you are saying those are their bodcams, tight? Not just that they are seen on that body am. I ask because the top left photo doesn’t appear that a body am is being worn, or my eyes are deceiving me.

The top left photo is where that 122117 appears in Blasko’s 112125. Timestamp 18:23:14 on 122125 video.

Left is 125, right is 117.

Got it. Thanks. I didn’t want to assume.

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Understandable, and I’m glad to be able to justify my reasoning. I’m not certain that it is him, though the faces do look similar to me and the proximity in which Blasko speaks to ‘Kopas’ about there being no one up front lead me to think it a possibility, I cannot be sure quite yet.

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Good find.
I set up a list with all the personnel listed in the DJT Detail (soory, can’t upload the Excel file). Since it’s work in progress there are some I didn’t find anything or I’m not fully sure about. Would be highly appreciated if you could check/supplement/correct.
At the end we have a proper list with pictures for all/most of the people on that list. That might help to spot them on the body-/dashcam videos and retrace their movement in the course of events.
Personnel_DJT Detail.pdf (236.8 KB)


If that’s not Alex Bitts, I’m having a sundae and a banana split all at once :rofl:


we shouldn’t call them journalist anymore at this point. These are just spokespersons. No dignity left at all.


“Propagandists” works for me. And you deserve both for finding Bitts.




confirm. He comes in with the black tactical ladder they use to get up ontop the roof of AGR3 beside door 8

Then there’s also:
Officer wearing bodycam BWC2-122110

Officer wearing bodycam BWC2-122117

Sergeant Thomas (Tom) Vensel wearing bodycam BWC2-122109

Patrolman Paul Kuss, Officer wearing bodycam BWC2-122111

Tom Shane, Beaver County Sheriff’s Office

David Tedeski, Butler Township PD

Sergeant Myles Bizub City of Butler Police

Kevin Meyer, Police Chief, Cranberry Township


According to my analysis:

  • Dashcam M500-010482 (car driven by BWC2-122110) is about 1s behind of time.
  • Bodycam BWC2-122109 (worn by Sergeant Thomas Vensel) is about 1s behind of time
  • Bodycam BWC2-122110 (worn by Patrolman Tyler Collins) is about 1s behind of time
  • Bodycam BWC2-122111 (worn by Patrolman Paul Kuss) is about 1s behind of time
  • Bodycam BWC2-122117 (worn by ?) is about 1s behind of time
  • Bodycam BWC2-122125 (worn by Patrolman Drew Blasko) is about 1s behind of time
  • Bodycam BWC2-122104 (worn by Lt Matthew Pearson) is about 12s ahead of time
  • Bodycam Beaver County ESU (worn by Rich Gianvito) is about 1m39s ahead of time

just checked the ones that are actually filming up to 30min after the shooting and therefore relevant.