So It's Back To First Principles

Indeed, they do all read as more structured than generally spoken language and interactions. I can see the potential of ai generated by social media message prompts or something of the like. The uploader of the video has already acknowledged ai as a contributing factor in creating this “video” though to what extent remains unclear.

Very possible, at least to obscure the original source of whatever this is. Whether actual recorded conversations or digital discussions, reworking it all into ‘ai generated’ content completely(*I assume) obscures the source of the material behind whatever is used to process it. Were this to be actual conversations in person recorded, posts on a forum or chat, or what have you, I don’t think we can verify until we have the original source information, which we will likely never have.


The ‘video’ is merely a logo and a timer, what would take ‘forever’ to create on that model? Were he not piecing things together, this would not take ‘forever.’

Agreed, definite red flag. Associated videos with this creator are at best troubling. I have not viewed them all but those that I have seen are extremely off-putting.



Searching into Jeff Sneddon, another actor missing from our J13 event, leads to very few hits, but this is one of them:

Police mistook hibiscus plants for marijuana, arrested Buffalo Township couple, suit claims |


Many people often say ‘um’ or something similar when thinking on what to say.

And as I mentioned earlyer, people (without moderation) do not wait the other finishes. They often interrupt each other’s speach.

This morning I found something again. (Actually I was looking for his range finder.)

Startling video from New York City’s latest “Shakespeare in the Park” production shows a character resembling Donald Trump being brutally stabbed to death. William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” which will be performed throughout the summer in Central Park, is causing a stir among audiences because it was apparently inspired by the Trump administration. Footage shows Caesar wearing a suit and tie and constantly tweeting


Kinda makes it sound akin to endorsed by the Trump administration, though I can see very well it also inspiring violence towards the Trump administration. I don’t really know what to make of this, it is odd to say the least.

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The Myth of Range Finder

Anyone saw a picture of alleged range finder do exist?

evidence 2
evidence 3


Edit: I forgot to add the link. Maybe this is the first bodycam footage.
(Already there were 3 people on that roof.)

Well clearly here, you cannot see the rangefinder because, duh it’s in his pocket. We don’t take photographs of the insides of pockets, nor bottles, nor backpacks, nor random white vans carefully extracted. We only photograph what we need. :zipper_mouth_face:


some days ago, @VegasPatriot also assumed the rangefinder was in his trouser pocket…

it could have been anything in his pocket, e.g., pack of cigarettes, gum, notebook, etc…
everybody seems to BELIEVE it is the outline of a rangefinder, but nobody seems to have evidence of this belief whatsoever…

the only location that makes sense to have used a rangefinder is on the roof before firing the first round…

would it make sense to anyone if a shooter puts that rangefinder back in his trouser pocket while lying on a roof, right before firing a couple of rounds?

are there any roof pictures of his right trouser pocket?


it is obscured by Biden’s letter which was wrapped around the range finder. :smile:


yes, given occam’s razor, that is the most obvious and simple and thus most plausible explanation :slight_smile:

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But it is too big to just say ‘sorry I forgot in my pocket’.

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i don’t know how familiar you are with my work. but I rarely make assumptions or speculations. I’m primarily interested in analyzing the evidence available, and whenever possible seek a second or third form of corroborating evidence.

So, for those on this forum who might fall for your critique of my inference that the bulge in his pocket is most likely a rangefinder, based on available evidence, below are three forms of evidence that attest to Crooks having a rangefinder. I challenge you to do the same. Provide at least 3 different forms of evidence that describes Crooks being in possession of a different object, one that has a similar shape as the bulge in his pocket. I’ll wait.

1. The Beaver County After Action report.

2. Witness testimony.

As reported by ABC:

“Nicol noticed an unattended bike and backpack. And he saw the man looking up and around, then pulling a rangefinder from his pocket. There was no apparent reason to have a distance-gauging device at a political rally featuring the man who, in a few days, would accept his party’s presidential nomination.”

Source: Local SWAT team blames Trump assassination attempt on lack of planning, communication - ABC News

As reported by CNN:

“The officer, Greg Nicol, zoomed in with his binoculars and saw that the skinny young man with long hair and glasses was holding a rangefinder, a device used by shooters to calculate the distance to a target. He had it pointed directly at the stage where Trump was about to speak.”

3. Radio communications stating that a rangefinder was found with Crooks.

As reported by The Washington Post:

“’Just an FYI, we had a younger white male, long hair, lurking around the AGR building,’ a local countersniper said at 5:42 p.m., according to a time-stamped transcript of encrypted radio communications obtained by The Washington Post. ‘He was viewed with a range finder sighting the stage. … We lost sight of him.’”


As reported by TribLive:

"Amid the din of a helicopter and chatter on the police radio, officers described finding a remote control on Crooks, no more than 6 inches long and powered by a 9-volt battery.

“They’re wanting pictures of it for the bomb squad,” someone said.

An officer described it as looking very similar to a garage door opener, with an extendable antenna and the numbers 1 through 12 on it.

Investigators reported finding home-made explosive devices in Crooks’ vehicle and another in his Bethel Park home.

“He has a range finder and cell phone, as well,” one officer said.

“If that phone starts ringing …” one officer instructed, “call me in case he’s got someone working with him.”

Source: 'A failure on multiple levels': Records reveal security lapses at Trump rally


Yeah, it seems like the reports are strong. But the device didn’t get photographed on the roof, did it?


No photographs have been released anyways, but if you read the last source, an officer stated over the radio that it was found with him on the roof. Specifically where he doesn’t say.


At the bottom line, no photo of evidence. That’s bad.
Three times they missed to take a picture. First at magnetometers, second when Greg saw him, third at the final scene.


Crooks may have stashed it in his backpack or something. Note we also didn’t see his car keys.


If you discount first-hand radio communications from an officer on the roof stating he had a range finder, I wonder how you would accept a photo of said range finder, which was most likely taken at the scene as well as in the FBI evidence room, just not publicly released. My guess is your claim would be it was photoshopped, or the FBI used one of their own range finders to photograph.


We didn’t see his underwear, either, but I’ll bet it was logged in as evidence and photographed as well as the rangefinder and his keys.

We can’t complain on the one hand that the FBI isn’t releasing all of the evidence, and then on the other assume no evidence exists.


Well, I don’t think I complain about the FBI not releasing evidence. I think I’m more on the side that anything taken by the FBI might as well have been teleported to the sun. I’m just finding it a tad odd that we don’t seem to have a photo with the rangefinder, but I bet it was just in the bag, and the contents of the bag didn’t get photographed because it happened to be too far from the body or something.


You have to remember that we have photographs taken of objects at the scene, upon initial access to the roof, by ESU or other responding officers, and we have bodycam footage.

The photographs were taken to communicate key information. In the case of the remote detonating device, it was to alert others of a potential explosive device somewhere. Those were not photographs taken by the investigators cataloging what was found at the scene.

Then we have bodycam footage, which although it is itself evidence, it was not used to document evidence.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. If we discount every bit of evidence as being tainted or fabricated, why even bother with investigating the event.