So It's Back To First Principles

(After 6 decades people still talking about JFK assasination.)

Now we (would) have wonderful opportunity of technic. Full HD cameras, drones. But actually what we get? Lossy compressed audio and video files.
(It is just if you wanted to eat your lunch with your hands kept behind you.)

One should expect it would be way better documented than the JFK case.

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Reports will be coming out soon that blame everything on incompetence and mistakes (e.g. siloed communications). At that time it will be crucial to push back with evidence that certain people’s behavior was inexplicable without malicious intent (either actions = MIHOP, or inactions = LIHOP). Thank you VegasPatriot for all your diligent work.


That is probably not a wound on his back. His original position before they cuffed him and searched him was that he was slumped on his left side… so his shirt would absorb blood there.

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It for sure is much better documented than the JFK assassination but unfortunately we don’t have access to all the material that is out there. So there’s only speculating for the parts we don’t have video or audio evidence already.

Let’s see what the USSS report comes up with. From a WaPo article
“The findings of that review may be released to the public next week, the government officials said.”
I don’t expect a lot but maybe they’re at least able to keep the 60 days.


ME apply common sense? Funny. I’ll respond with asking YOU a few questions to determine who has common sense. I have merely been rebutting the member(s) who continue to claim shots were fired from window 3 sans any possibility or evidence.

  1. Do you have any credible evidence window 3 was opened or removed at any time, and if so please elaborate?
  2. How high is the middle and top of window 3 in relationship to the fences, the bleachers, and the people standing on same?
  3. Does any audio match the “white flashes” from window 3?
  4. Explain/contrast the reflections on window 2, compared to window 3, especially pertaining to the allegations they are somehow evidence of window 3 shenanigans but not window 2…

I’ll await to see whether your accusations that I lack common sense have merit.

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In regards to 3rd window shots:

There were no cameras recording the 3rd window at the time of the first 3 shots.

The Stewert video has captured it before and then after the first 3 shots, but at the time of those: it was aimed at the sky/leaves/tree.

The bodycam video abruptly changes direction immediately before the first 3 shots ring out after the officer had yelled for people to get out of the way. (Doesn’t send out a single audio command to the guy on the roof with a rifle…but yells at the people on the fenceline. Interesting.)

If you have a single video actually showing the 3rd window at the time of the first 3 shots, by all means: please share.

As far as the timing, something weird has been done to the 3rd window in the Stewert video. There’s no reason for that window to behave the way it does.

Would there be enough time to drop a temporary window pane, fire 3 shots, and replace the pane per the Stewert video timing and the 3rd window’s strange appearance? Yes. Plenty.

Could a shot fired from the 3rd window reach Trump on the podium? Confirmed with math, measurements, and other images of line of sight. Yes.

Does it clear the fences? Yes. See above.

Were there people on the fenceline in front of the 3rd window at the time of the shots? No. Confirmed with body cams and Stewert video. Anyone claiming otherwise is a damn liar. That fence area was cleared right before.

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Dare I say, “Elementary, my dear Watson.” :wink:

I’ve been meaning to put a slide like this together for some time to explain the type of reasoning or logic I use in my Timeline Analysis process. Now is as good a time as any. Thanks for the inspiration.


Generalization, however, is not an unambigous step of logic.

Yesterday the Sun rised up and today too. But not ensures it will rise tomorrow. You know, I got up yesterday as well as today. But I’m not sure I will live forever.


Hello Roger

In your diagram, you state that Trump’s height is 73 in. And that you -3 inches down to his ear level, then -2 down for posture, then +1 for shoes. All that sums to 69 inches. Your diagram gives it as 68 inches however. Also, the bleachers are 11 feet 2 inches high. You put it as 11.2 feet, from which you get 134.4 inches. It should be 134 inches exactly.

Also, with regard to your data, when I do the calculation, I get the starting elevation of the bullet at the wall of building 6 as about 8.4 feet high (I cannot be exactly precise because of the discrepancies listed above).

You state that it should be 6.39 feet high at the elevation of a window. Are you certain about your math?

I’ve been meaning to reply to this post. I’ve listened to it, I’m listening to it right now, actually. This is very, very weird. I’ll number the paragraphs for easier referencing.

1. Source: the other videos from the youtube user who posted this are also weird. One depicts a videogame-like scene that shows a character with Crooks’ face shooting another character. Made me think of some teenage Crooks fanboy that plays videogames and is mentally susceptible to these things, almost inspired. If I had this person close to me, I would red flag him/her, whether the video is true or fake.

2. Maybe-Crooks Voice: I just played that TMZ video where Crooks is being bullied and talks about his penis size. At first glance, the voice from that tmz video does seem to match the voice from this video, but Maybe-Crooks’ voice on this one seems like it was EITHER recorded with a cellphone from a speaker playing the original file OR that it went trough an equalizer filter to make it sound like an older analog phone call.

3. the conversation has obviously been edited, since there are moments where the sentences are cut, and Maybe-Crooks says different names during the full audio. Jake, William and Jesse Madrid. … as if someone has created this based on multiple different interactions.

4. The other voice sounds very artificial, like it was indeed AI. Maybe-Crook’s deliveries sound a little bit more normal, but still too precise, uncommon for normal language.

5. The whole exchange sounds too perfect for normal spoken language during conversation. The deliveries are too well structured, and resemble more like written messages being read. Could it be that these were actual Discord, some forum or some social media messages that someone tasked AI to read?

6. Let’s assume for a moment this was a real text spoken by AI. Why not just release the printscreens? To protect the brand image of the forum/social media platform from being seen as a breeding ground for potential assassins, etc?

7. Also considering AI read this out loud, and the texts were real, who then wrote the text and when? Was it AI or a human? Or both? At some points, it sounds too weird for AI to have come up with some of these concepts (at least without specific instruction by the human behind the AI), such as:

  • that “digital taskforce” concept (in which part Maybe-Crooks refers to being part of what would be, I assume, an underground investigative group looking up dirt on Trump).

  • the fornite skins concept, which Maybe-Crooks uses just before mentioning women. Would AI associate these 2 concepts by itlself? I’m not a fornite player, but I know it’s a first person shooter game and that skins are the visuals of how each character looks. People can buy, build skins, etc…

  • Maybe-Crooks says “President Trump” throughout the file. Was this content written/spoken, at least in part, when Trump was the president? The only parts where appears to exist an urgency is the beggining about sweaty hands and also at T-2:12 to end of video, when he mentions “time is running out”, which implies the upcoming election. And also at T-1:37, where he says “This is TMC calling, I hope you’re doing well. Jesse Madrid, it’s been quite some time since we last spoke… as you know tomorrow is the day when justice will be served”.

  • “As a fellow member of Law Enforcement”, which shows either an intent on the creator to bind Crooks to LE or a delusional state of mind in which he believes he’s part of some underground law enforcement team tasked with serving justice.

8. The video uses as screen and a Timer. The intention behind this particular combo, I believe, is to give credibility and some incentive-to-listen to the file. A little bit of Ethos with that, and a timer so that people know they’ll have to spend a maximum of 5 minutes on this (quite important in today’s world lacking so much attention focus). To me it shows that whoever created this wants people to listen to the whole thing.

9. Assuming it was from written text, why would someone with this info not share it and hide behind AI? To protect themselves? Don’t want the attention, the association to being penpals with Crooks?

10. My Thoughts: If this is not a complete fabrication, then I believe it would have come from someone who had access to Crook’s conversation on that Discord, from some other social media, from some game community, etc, and then created a collage from different moments in time to give an overall view on Crook’s state of mind adjusting the sequence as a phone conversation.


Luckily I have no experience with gunshot wounds… :grin:
Would this count as a little AR experience?


I can believe he has a good heart, but if he’s years behind random untrained volunteers on the internet, he’s no good as a journalist.


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Yes I would have used a scope over a RDS.
But in my younger days, I made hits at 300M with the iron sights on a M16A1 on the unknown distance range in BCT.


Indeed, they do all read as more structured than generally spoken language and interactions. I can see the potential of ai generated by social media message prompts or something of the like. The uploader of the video has already acknowledged ai as a contributing factor in creating this “video” though to what extent remains unclear.

Very possible, at least to obscure the original source of whatever this is. Whether actual recorded conversations or digital discussions, reworking it all into ‘ai generated’ content completely(*I assume) obscures the source of the material behind whatever is used to process it. Were this to be actual conversations in person recorded, posts on a forum or chat, or what have you, I don’t think we can verify until we have the original source information, which we will likely never have.


The ‘video’ is merely a logo and a timer, what would take ‘forever’ to create on that model? Were he not piecing things together, this would not take ‘forever.’

Agreed, definite red flag. Associated videos with this creator are at best troubling. I have not viewed them all but those that I have seen are extremely off-putting.



Searching into Jeff Sneddon, another actor missing from our J13 event, leads to very few hits, but this is one of them:

Police mistook hibiscus plants for marijuana, arrested Buffalo Township couple, suit claims |


Many people often say ‘um’ or something similar when thinking on what to say.

And as I mentioned earlyer, people (without moderation) do not wait the other finishes. They often interrupt each other’s speach.

This morning I found something again. (Actually I was looking for his range finder.)

Startling video from New York City’s latest “Shakespeare in the Park” production shows a character resembling Donald Trump being brutally stabbed to death. William Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” which will be performed throughout the summer in Central Park, is causing a stir among audiences because it was apparently inspired by the Trump administration. Footage shows Caesar wearing a suit and tie and constantly tweeting


Kinda makes it sound akin to endorsed by the Trump administration, though I can see very well it also inspiring violence towards the Trump administration. I don’t really know what to make of this, it is odd to say the least.

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The Myth of Range Finder

Anyone saw a picture of alleged range finder do exist?

evidence 2
evidence 3