So It's Back To First Principles

Interesting. I’ve not seen the back wound before. Are we certain that’s a wound and not a logo or something? This is the only back image I’ve seen.

arm shot (Small)

Bongino is a good guy. He is usually just a few steps behind., because he doesn’t jump on everything conspiracy related. For years he didn’t get things some of us would have. But then I was getting mailers in 1990’s that told us we were in prewar Germany here and always seemed to talk to people who were in the know about stuff. Like a Sperry engineer that told me what the “planes” were that flew over us on their way to PHX back in the time of the Phoenix Lights. So I am both watchful and although not a genius in any area, I have a God that shows me stuff. I don’t think we should judge him too harshly. He does get some insider SS info at times because he was one. Don’t we listen to things that have turned us in a maybe slightly different direction? We all need to be open. Some who are totally on the other side manifest themselves pretty easily. Do any of us trust “Greg”?


That would be a stretch.

Back is a big logo, you can see it in the first photo of him on the wall. But his arm doesn’t look so hot. Maybe the 9th shot?


Not sure.
demolition ranch t

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OK. I didn’t think there was a back wound. I’m fairly certain he’s hit in the arm from shot 9.

that cop had dropped his taser and picked it up from the roof…

I do not know why that taser dropped, but that is what he was doing…

I’ve used red dots (never on a pistol) and always much-preferred scopes.

I noticed how “wet” the back top of the shirt looked from the beginning but now that we have seen the possible evidence of the last shot through neck head area it could be blood from that.

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And yet I must ask, how do you know this info, @howdoiknowthisinfo ???

and I don’t know why people are not studying the bodycam footage that would answer 95% of the questions and we could focus on the remaining 5% that is really questionable.
*it’s not towards you but just generally speaking.


I think it was on he left side but would have to check the video again.

I believe it was Gray Hughues investigates who focused on this cop’s remarkable action…

will see whether I can find the link…

hang on…

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RCG, I AM convinced that he carried it onto the property immediately before he accessed the roof. I will share excerpts from my first Timeline Analysis to explain why, In short, since there were no sightings of him with his backpack throughout the day, and no evidence revealing where he had it, Occam’s Razor suggests he left it in the trunk of his car after leaving Bethel Park to head to the rally the second time that day. Find the car, and you’ll find the backpack and rifle.


This was my thought to some degree, was going to do just that today.


and probably a lot of sweat as well

  • hot n sunny day
  • even hotter roof
  • bear crawling around
  • his stress level
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Look at the another picture.

I guess the black part of his t-shirt is bloody.

Yes. Blood saturation and a logo.




OK. Great! There’s more than enough evidence to take it to the D.A. (hypothetically of course). The other stuff can be worked out before trial (hypothetically again). I believe it’s solved (in my mind).