So It's Back To First Principles

this flash has been analyzed by Gary from Paramount Tactical and he came to the conclusion that it was a simple light reflection

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Agreed that with variable significant winds (est. 10-12mph based on big flag flying horizontally), Trump moving unpredictably, the real shooter may have been a back up for unexpectedly shifting circumstances (i.e. Crooks/Yearick may have been under an MK Ultra Mind Control or variation thereof and was going off script trying to thwart the plan) had to jump in to fire emergency hurried shots to coincide with a timed event. The shooter might have made miraculously great “near misses” for all we know.

The shooter also could have been cramped in the false ceiling above the ground floor window with a tiny access opening, cramped space, restricted field of view. (We need to inspect the inside of that building)

This whole thing feels like an itch inside my skull I can’t get to. I feel if everyone in the country could draw on every possible resource to find every scrap of information and evidence and have the will to see this thing through and hold those responsible (deep state) accountable we might have a chance for unity and throw the yoke oppression off and end this interminable war on our freedom, liberty and rights.

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what I think happened is the following:

  1. crooks HAD to be on that roof of building 1 of the AGR site (Chris refers to this building as building 6, but the BC ECU report defines this as building 1). crooks was running late, which explains why he was seen running on the roofs towards the roof of the building where he was killed.

  2. crooks had to be at that specific location where he was found and killed as this location aligns perfectly with the line of sight of the real shooter who was lying on top of the highest building behind crooks (this building is not labelled, but it would make sense if it was building number 7.

  3. the real shooter on top of building 7 was a top notch expert professional sniper who used a very carefully calibrated/zeroed rifle similar to the sniper rifles of the counter attack teams. I say this because it is impossible for a frail twenty year old to absorb the recoil of firing several rounds in short succession and doing this more or less accurately.

I saw Gary from Paramount Technical showing that it is possible to shoot 5 shots with an AR-15 in less than a second, but Gary has tens of years of hands-on experience, he is muscular and has shot many thousands of rounds with many different guns. so, it is technically possible to shoot 5 shots with an AR-15 in less than a second, but it is highly questionable whether the frail crooks would have been able to do that too…

  1. the identity of this top notch sniper can only be known to his colleagues: the one who recently went missing in action is the one who shot at Trump during the rally.

it is typical that the real killer is killed shortly after accomplishing their task. the gunman on the roof of building 1/6 (allegedly crooks) was simply sacrificed to misdirect the audience from the real killer on top of the roof of building 7, and this real killer must have been killed shortly after he got off that roof. this is speculation, but makes perfect sense if you look at all the other assassinations and attempts.

  1. the whole event was orchestrated in great detail to optimize chances of success to kill Trump, but they failed: Trump survived thanks to a miracle out of thousands.

  2. there were no drones or helicopter patrols or even guards on the water tower for the very simple reason that these would have seen the sniper on the roof of building 7, and this was not supposed to happen.

these are my 2 cents…

recoil for a 223 AR is virtually non existent. A small child can easily handle the recoil. However, shooting that fast and shooting accurately is a completely different discussion. If you know what trigger reset is, someone trained to work within reset can be relatively accurate, but even at the reported rate of fire would still be difficult.

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exactly. it is not because it is possible that it also happened…
remember that crooks must have been very nervous: he just ran to the location where he was found, people were shouting around and alerting police (or whatever affiliation they had) officers that there was a suspicious guy on that roof, and it is claimed that the gunman on the roof pointed his gun at a peeping tom who interrupted his activities…

so, in these circumstances, we should believe that this frail man fired 3 rounds that were precisely timed 1 per second, and he then fired a burst of 5 in 1 second, where the 1st of these was very close to Trump and the next 2 shots and the subsequent burst of 5 went is not totally clear to me…

James Copenhaver and Corey Comperatore must have been hit by one of the bullets 2-8.

I think David Dutch was injured by a ricochet of the first bullet that hit the railing of the bleachers. I analyzed many videos frame-by-frame and the first bullet hit the railing, caused the grey cloud and then hit the JCB hydraulic lift which (most likely) stopped the 1st bullet. in the frame-by-frame analysis, it is clear that David Dutch started crumbling down after the 1st shot and before the 2nd shot, where he was not in the line of fire of this 1st bullet, i.e., it is extremely likely that he got injured by a ricocheted part of the bullet or a part of the railing

I have also seen images of 2 bullet holes in the windscreen of the John Deere tractor that was standing close to the JCB hydraulic lift.

about the recoil. we should compare oranges to oranges. the man in this video ( shoots a DPMS A-15, which is the brand and type of the AR-15-style rifle that was recovered on the roof of building 1/6.
this is a muscular man and the recoil is not non-existent!

also note the time it takes this man to realign and aim after every shot… he shoots 1 bullet every 2-3 seconds.

crooks allegedly shot 3 rounds in 3 seconds an 5 in 1 second while grouping the shots relatively decently…

Dear Chris,

Referring to your YouTube Video “The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Busy The Investigation - Peak Prosperity” somebody put out the hypothesis that a second shooter could be situated in building 6. Our Forum Team here at PeakProsperity has been working on back tracing the first shot for weeks and everybody gave their good feedback so that we are ready to present the preliminary results as per below drawing. This drawing has integrated all of the findings that our citizen investigators have found. So we have documented references for each position. Here is the first finding subject to be challenged by anybody:

Assuming the first shot hit Trumps ear and the bleachers corner. This will gives us 2 points defined in space of which we are able to backtrace and determine the shooters position. After first analysis the back traced bullet is not consistent with Crooks position. Crooks position is offset by 9 feet in the horizontal and 4 feet in the vertical position (Y axis). The theoretical position of the shooter comes from building 6. For each position there is a reference document that confirms each point. This theoretical calculation is subject to change in case the given references are proven to be incorrect.


To roger-knight (post #319): your team does excellent work! I’m impressed! If your conclusion is that the real would-be assassin was on bldg 7, then that would explain why the pictures of dead Crooks show an exit wound out the front of his skull - if his job was to kill both Trump and Crooks.

Nice job! Did you take into consideration the 12.5 feet minimum distance closer to source 4 that the first shooter could be than Crooks based on shinesprite4’s echo analysis? It’s another data point. I did a rough analysis of that on Google Earth and that line comes right around the point where your backtracked shooter position is. Just a thought, you might include that in your diagram.

Funny you mention history as I was just thinking how sad it makes me that so much history has been stolen (erased), altered for ill intentioned, selfish reasons.

For centuries books have been systematically removed from circulation and eradicated from the public by hiding or destroying them. People have unthinkingly just let the old books slip away by selling or giving them away and it history dismisses with them and a false narrative replaces our history. The Tartarian Empire comes to mind. Coincidently my High School chose the Tartars for the team mascot in 1917 when it was founded.

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How would anyone know who Trump would pick for VP beside Trump himself? It wasn’t announced until the RNC and people were pushing for other canidates right up to Trump announcing his pick.

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At 9:10
Here is 2 vehicles parked behind water tower.

At 1:30 look to water tower.
One SUV ??? and 1 vehicle take off very quickly.

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The DS didn’t have to know specifically who, they just had to be reasonably confident it wasn’t going to be someone they could control.

Could be a variety of explanations. Don’t know if they were in the vehicle, and can’t tell if they ran to the vehicles, and if so from which direction. I had to chuckle though, it could have been the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of this event.

I agree in so many ways that I will reserve for now not to mention.

Though History also teaches us to the victors go the spoils no matter how ill gotten most of the time, until there is a correction. Till then they also rewrite History in their often delusional image. We are in many ways trying to live/survive through these times.

Imagine if Biden had been shot at, they would still be looking for people to arrest.

America is obviously on a Bad path and needing an extreme correction.

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History is written by the victors.


Yep and also my point though I guess I didn’t make clear enough? May go with sleep deprivation :melting_face:

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Start watching at about 1:15:00 and you will get a Birds Eye view of what is going on

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So all the subsonic sounds cullen talks about happens way before shooting begins. u see 3-5 flys on DJ stewart camera(remember no phone camera can record a bullet flying past) u can see one motion blurred bullet like thing flying above crooks head seconds before shots rang out. But this as well is a fly imho.

So few millseconds before shots rang out, u can see crooks looking sideways as compared to few seconds before he was looking more towards DJstewarts camera. So after the subsonic cullen sounds and the flys on camera, crooks was very much alive.

Now all the window flashes - abt 20 frames of it, happened only after the 9th shot rang out in audio. which means thats not a shooter either. its some reflection hitting the glass from the way it disperse itself.

I think the water tower cannot be seen from podium.