So It's Back To First Principles

OMG. I think in the 13 second of this video we can se the shoot been fired. The white blob my actuly be the gun fire!!!

These are the 13 frames where the white spot appears in 11 off them. That is 0.36 seconds of the white flash. Is this consistent with a Gun fire flash?
The sound of the 2nd shoot appears in the midlle of the white flash.
Can some one make that spot still in the video???

Try this. I have much more just ask me.

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I was going to hold off, because there are so many layers and writing about is just time consuming, so I was done for today at least.

But here it is and I am going to try and be brief. The assassination on Trump is so similar to Vegas, it would take me hours to try and explain.

Plus I excelled in school, but I learned early on that it pains me, when I sense I can’t share in a meaningful enough way, what I know or have learned.

The 2 biggest things to realize is why what has happened…happened then pay particular attention to the timing and any coincidences.

While you are doing all that, see if you recognize a pattern.

There is one that is very obvious and for a spoil alert, it is about GUN CONTROL…

Then WE will be defenseless as those in Cuba, Venezuela and to an extent even Mexico. I love History and though all 3 different in reality very much alike.

In order to “accurately” calculate the path or arc of a bullet you need the shape, weight and caliber of the bullet, the type and grains of powder in the cartridge, the length of the barrel. The elevation of initial and terminal points and atmospheric conditions. You can then determine/plot with some degree of accuracy. As far as I can tell nobody has been able to do that due to insufficient data. Therefore we do the next best thing and use available data and develop a field of probabilities.

We can ask people with the resources to try and recreate and record shots with quality microphones and cameras recording at strategic points. Use different calibers, different weapons, including suppressed, different rounds, supersonic and subsonic.

What is your feedback to the above? This is all above my pay grade😉

The why behind the manner of the assassination, gun vs airplane crash, is to further the gun control initiative. The why behind the decision to assassinate is different, and I believe has more to do with Trump not picking a Deep State controlled VP (GHW Bush, Pence). The why behind the timing has to do with the planned rally, pending VP announcement, RNC, and Biden dropping out.

First in the 5 most conventional forms of questioning an event, WHY is often the most difficult to answer, but in both of these events the why is rather simple.

First, the Deep State and Obama hated Americans for electing Trump and have vowed vehemently to never let happen again.

And as a Sidenote, the reason the US CONSTITUTION says that a President must be native born, the Founding Fathers didn’t want any conflicts of interest hopefully in regards to another Country. Allegiance to the US is paramount. So besides all the other Threats posed to the Deep State, he fervently challenged Obama’s origin of birth. Until recently, I always wanted the current residence of the WH to be successful especially Obama.

Reality is that Obama is the most destructive President in our Nation’s history. So Trump was at least right about Obama’s allegiance wasn’t to America or Americans and carried on with Obiden.

The WHY is that Obama wanted to ban bump stocks and WE the People…Congress didn’t allow it. Like all gun control wannabe Dictators, they want an inch to take a Mile. There was NO ONE in my inner Circle of Gun owners, Lifetime NRA members and even Gun dealers that had even heard of a bump stock.

Unlike so many school shootings, etc…the timing here is a little less clear, but the fact of the matter was that there hadn’t been any mass shooting s or terrorists events up to this point in Trump’s Presidency, so they created one and who better than Trump supporting gun huggers.

There is so much in the details, but here are some quick highlights. Shooter had no social media presence or motive. But the FBI explained in detail, how his phone showed he also had more Liberal functions and targets in mind. Clearly, according to the FBI another equal opportunity shooter with no identifying motive, but somehow only those on the Right are actually shot. Don’t believe your eyes, just trust what the FBI tells you. especially when never independently verified.

Also the same explosive in the vehicle twist for his imaginary getaway.

There is so much more, but amazing how the 2 most significant atrocities to our Country involving guns are so similar.

But I don’t remember the FBI back then asking for videos from the Public. Lesson learned, but they sure disappeared quickly from the Internet that were damning.

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I’m making this comment in response to darinhouston’ post #241 in which he asks:

“Where is the video and photos and timeline of the response to the shooting? How long did it take for the first responder to reach Crooks? Where is the video and photos of the dead Crooks on the roof and the video of the first responding officer getting there? Who was it and what did they do? Who joined him and what did they do?”

Let me start by saying there is very reliable YouTube video out there that paints a partial picture of what happened that day, and that evidence is being suppressed, edited and misrepresented by many different entities. The video we haven’t seen (that, reasonably, should be publically available) is the evidence we need so “the truth can be told”. Most times in an investigation, it’s the missing evidence (the evidence you know you should have - but don’t) that’s key to solving the mystery. So I’m challenging the team to create our own timeline, starting first with listing (and time stamping) everything we do know. Followed by listing any evidence we think we need to be 100% certain of the investigation’s conclusion. And then we need to go find the missing evidence - it’s out there! For this exercise, I would like to focus on a single topic, which I believe is the easiest to gather data on. And that topic is: How did the shooter (Crooks) access the roof, and at what time was that?

There are a few general “truths” we can start with that should guide our thoughts:

  1. There was a number of civilians gathered in the yard west of the AGR complex that captured Crooks movements on the roof. Is there additional video evidence that shows Crooks before he laid down on the roof - did he shimmy up from behind the breezeway (like he was exiting the top of a step ladder) or did he run across the breezeway roof?
  2. There was an initial response (within seconds) of approximately 14 LEOs to the west end of AGR Building #6. (Dave Stewart video) This video shows all LEOs quickly abandoning their effort to access the AGR roof with a makeshift pallet ladder, and instead rush behind the trees at the east side of the breezeway.
  3. There was a second response by LEOs who broke down the Butler Farm Show corner fencing with a car and then rushed to the scene with with an extendable ladder. (Need help with sourcing this video) Some of these LEOs must have also been wearing body cam.
  4. There was a third response by a Beaver County ESU medic team (Michelle was the medic and she pronounced Crooks dead) who responded a full twenty minutes after the initial response that captured the event with an officer’s body cam (this video has been broadly released) and shows the ESU team accessing the roof via an extendable ladder at the loading dock, and crossing the breezeway where no ladder is visible at the breezeway behind the trees. Of special note, in the audio of this video you can hear someone in the briefing inside the building actually make mention of a ladder behind the trees.
  5. There was a Sky News 4 helicopter from Pittsburg that overflew the shooting scene and captured video of Crooks dead body on the AGR roof, the extendable ladder on the loading dock, and a large fiberglass step ladder placed behind the trees and leaning on the east side of the breezeway. The BBC has this video posted on their news site ) This video also captures the fact this shooting scene was left completely unattended, as there are no LEOs in this video - at all! Very strange.
  6. There is a transcript of the LEOs communications right before the shooting whereby they are trying to locate Crooks. The transcript reads as follows: “Last time I seen him was by the pine tree between the two buildings, the walkway joining the buildings,” the officer who earlier spotted Crooks on the roof reported at 6:10 p.m. At 6:11 p.m. a local officer hoisted up to the roofline by a colleague reported the first sign the man on the roof was, in fact, a deadly threat.
  7. The shooting started at 6:13 pm.

I’m of the opinion there is overwhelming circumstantial evidence that Crooks accessed the roof via the large step ladder seen in the helicopter video, and it was removed in the twenty minute time period that immediately followed the shooting.

What we need is a time stamped version of the Sky News 4 helicopter video ( that could confirm whether or not this ladder was in place before the end of the twenty minute period following the shooting.

We could also use any video of the second response teams actual approach to the loading dock. Video that shows them setting up the extendable ladder. Perhaps it shows the step ladder behind the trees.

And a time stamped comparison of the video made by one of the shooting victims that shows Crooks (maybe it was - maybe it wasn’t - looks like two separate images to me - one running in the background and another popping up to check the shot) running across the rooftop compared to the video of him crawling into shooting position.

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I bow down to the real thinkers who visit this site! How refreshing to know there are others who think like me!


And now the Trump assassination attempt. Same tune. Biden wanted to ban our AR style rifles in the worse possible way, but again WE the People Congress wouldn’t allow. And like Obama, Biden care less if Americans die especially Trump supporters.

But again “the shooter” has essentially a non existent social media presence and he too according to the FBI was looking at even Liberal targets. Just trust us another equal opportunity shooter with no motive…Okay, we believe you FBI.

And again same scenario, dead man tells no tales, but has explosives in his vehicle for his imaginary, patsy escape.

This time the timing is very clear without even exposing the myriad of coincidences that singularly may mean little but collectively becomes impossible to explain away, so for the most part they haven’t even bothered themselves over. Biden was so humiliated by Trump in the debate that he was sick of talking about it, but instead insisted that Trump had to be in the Bullseye.

When I returned home from the Navy, my grandfather, who I deeply loved like few others was showing signs of Dementia. No one including his Son my Father was willing to take care of him or even took him to see a doctor. Bottom line for the next 5 years, I dropped everything and took care of him. I saw a lot and learned a lot.

One of the things that happens is a loss of filters and even after days of prep, Biden couldn’t get his story straight. Revealed it ALL. No I didn’t mean Bullseye, but Crosshairs, Joe said repeatedly. Hey Joe, you were never asked about Crosshairs, but yeah essentially the same thing. After repeated attempts to get back from the Truth and on message…Joe said he meant that they should “focus” on Trump.

Then Newsflash Crooked Joe, who have you been focused on?

And how many times did Joe call MAGA and Trump a threat and vowed to keep Trump from getting elected by all means possible. Trump was only a couple days from being the Republican Presidential nominee for President. Any coincidence on the timing of the attempt? Any coincidence in the fact that an AR style rifle was used in such an attempt?

I was watching the rally Live, when the shots rang out and I knew immediately what was happening and the style of rifle used.

And these are just some of the Highlights.

Similar to 9/11. With all due respect, not really.


I very much agree

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hello Ray,

the parameters you mention only matter in perfect lab conditions.

in reality it is totally impossible to match the theoretical approximations.

e.g., the speed of sound depends on air humidity, ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure.

in this case, we are faced with a shooter who shoots downhill from an elevation of about 9 meters to 3 meters.
shooting downhill or uphill are totally different disciplines than what we usually do in the range.

this means that the only things we can reliably depend on is line of sight and the fact that the arc of the bullet overshoots or undershoots depending of the distance of impact compared to the distance at which the scope has been zeroed/calibrated…

what I show in the images on Analysis of the July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, PA with Indisputable Evidence of the Real Shooter's Location is that there is a direct line of sight from the real shooter on the high building behind crooks that is not hindered by anything: that shooter even has the possibility to take crooks out!

given a straight line of sight and the assumption that the rifle was zeroed at, e.g., 200 yards, the real shooter would not have had a difficult time to take Trump out.

it is a miracle out of a thousand that Trump is still alive…

this flash has been analyzed by Gary from Paramount Tactical and he came to the conclusion that it was a simple light reflection

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Agreed that with variable significant winds (est. 10-12mph based on big flag flying horizontally), Trump moving unpredictably, the real shooter may have been a back up for unexpectedly shifting circumstances (i.e. Crooks/Yearick may have been under an MK Ultra Mind Control or variation thereof and was going off script trying to thwart the plan) had to jump in to fire emergency hurried shots to coincide with a timed event. The shooter might have made miraculously great “near misses” for all we know.

The shooter also could have been cramped in the false ceiling above the ground floor window with a tiny access opening, cramped space, restricted field of view. (We need to inspect the inside of that building)

This whole thing feels like an itch inside my skull I can’t get to. I feel if everyone in the country could draw on every possible resource to find every scrap of information and evidence and have the will to see this thing through and hold those responsible (deep state) accountable we might have a chance for unity and throw the yoke oppression off and end this interminable war on our freedom, liberty and rights.

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what I think happened is the following:

  1. crooks HAD to be on that roof of building 1 of the AGR site (Chris refers to this building as building 6, but the BC ECU report defines this as building 1). crooks was running late, which explains why he was seen running on the roofs towards the roof of the building where he was killed.

  2. crooks had to be at that specific location where he was found and killed as this location aligns perfectly with the line of sight of the real shooter who was lying on top of the highest building behind crooks (this building is not labelled, but it would make sense if it was building number 7.

  3. the real shooter on top of building 7 was a top notch expert professional sniper who used a very carefully calibrated/zeroed rifle similar to the sniper rifles of the counter attack teams. I say this because it is impossible for a frail twenty year old to absorb the recoil of firing several rounds in short succession and doing this more or less accurately.

I saw Gary from Paramount Technical showing that it is possible to shoot 5 shots with an AR-15 in less than a second, but Gary has tens of years of hands-on experience, he is muscular and has shot many thousands of rounds with many different guns. so, it is technically possible to shoot 5 shots with an AR-15 in less than a second, but it is highly questionable whether the frail crooks would have been able to do that too…

  1. the identity of this top notch sniper can only be known to his colleagues: the one who recently went missing in action is the one who shot at Trump during the rally.

it is typical that the real killer is killed shortly after accomplishing their task. the gunman on the roof of building 1/6 (allegedly crooks) was simply sacrificed to misdirect the audience from the real killer on top of the roof of building 7, and this real killer must have been killed shortly after he got off that roof. this is speculation, but makes perfect sense if you look at all the other assassinations and attempts.

  1. the whole event was orchestrated in great detail to optimize chances of success to kill Trump, but they failed: Trump survived thanks to a miracle out of thousands.

  2. there were no drones or helicopter patrols or even guards on the water tower for the very simple reason that these would have seen the sniper on the roof of building 7, and this was not supposed to happen.

these are my 2 cents…

recoil for a 223 AR is virtually non existent. A small child can easily handle the recoil. However, shooting that fast and shooting accurately is a completely different discussion. If you know what trigger reset is, someone trained to work within reset can be relatively accurate, but even at the reported rate of fire would still be difficult.

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exactly. it is not because it is possible that it also happened…
remember that crooks must have been very nervous: he just ran to the location where he was found, people were shouting around and alerting police (or whatever affiliation they had) officers that there was a suspicious guy on that roof, and it is claimed that the gunman on the roof pointed his gun at a peeping tom who interrupted his activities…

so, in these circumstances, we should believe that this frail man fired 3 rounds that were precisely timed 1 per second, and he then fired a burst of 5 in 1 second, where the 1st of these was very close to Trump and the next 2 shots and the subsequent burst of 5 went is not totally clear to me…

James Copenhaver and Corey Comperatore must have been hit by one of the bullets 2-8.

I think David Dutch was injured by a ricochet of the first bullet that hit the railing of the bleachers. I analyzed many videos frame-by-frame and the first bullet hit the railing, caused the grey cloud and then hit the JCB hydraulic lift which (most likely) stopped the 1st bullet. in the frame-by-frame analysis, it is clear that David Dutch started crumbling down after the 1st shot and before the 2nd shot, where he was not in the line of fire of this 1st bullet, i.e., it is extremely likely that he got injured by a ricocheted part of the bullet or a part of the railing

I have also seen images of 2 bullet holes in the windscreen of the John Deere tractor that was standing close to the JCB hydraulic lift.

about the recoil. we should compare oranges to oranges. the man in this video ( shoots a DPMS A-15, which is the brand and type of the AR-15-style rifle that was recovered on the roof of building 1/6.
this is a muscular man and the recoil is not non-existent!

also note the time it takes this man to realign and aim after every shot… he shoots 1 bullet every 2-3 seconds.

crooks allegedly shot 3 rounds in 3 seconds an 5 in 1 second while grouping the shots relatively decently…

Dear Chris,

Referring to your YouTube Video “The FBI and Regime Media Work Together To Busy The Investigation - Peak Prosperity” somebody put out the hypothesis that a second shooter could be situated in building 6. Our Forum Team here at PeakProsperity has been working on back tracing the first shot for weeks and everybody gave their good feedback so that we are ready to present the preliminary results as per below drawing. This drawing has integrated all of the findings that our citizen investigators have found. So we have documented references for each position. Here is the first finding subject to be challenged by anybody:

Assuming the first shot hit Trumps ear and the bleachers corner. This will gives us 2 points defined in space of which we are able to backtrace and determine the shooters position. After first analysis the back traced bullet is not consistent with Crooks position. Crooks position is offset by 9 feet in the horizontal and 4 feet in the vertical position (Y axis). The theoretical position of the shooter comes from building 6. For each position there is a reference document that confirms each point. This theoretical calculation is subject to change in case the given references are proven to be incorrect.


To roger-knight (post #319): your team does excellent work! I’m impressed! If your conclusion is that the real would-be assassin was on bldg 7, then that would explain why the pictures of dead Crooks show an exit wound out the front of his skull - if his job was to kill both Trump and Crooks.