So It's Back To First Principles

I’ve been saying from the beginning they had an exercise of the exact scenario and they are mixing in video and photos from that along with the July 13th attempt. Look at the video of him crawling on the roof and how close he was that that side of the bldg plus that guys hair is much thicker. Then we have the other footage where he’s running across and in another position on a different side of the roof. Then the pictures of him sitting on concrete look nothing like the guy that was crawling on the roof from side of building. His hair is like thin and oily compared too thick and shiny. I caught this right away.

he is doing it for hits. he is a moron. dont waste time on him. too much bs and mixing audio nd video from diff timings.

edit: not saying he may never come across anything of importance. he might. but slim chances there.


Hi Sarah,

wow I followed that case for awhile until things slowed down. What suspects? I thought it was just Brian K involved. Can you point me to where I can go for this. Thanks

Consider Clay Martin Clay Martin is a former USMC sniper and Reconnaissance Marine. He crossed services to the US Army, retiring from 3rd Special Forces Group holding the 18 series MOS’s of Echo (Communications SGT) and Fox (Intelligence Sergeant). While teaching Close Quarters Battle and SOTIC for the Army, Clay became a professional 3 Gun competitor, as well as earned a Master rank in USPSA.

He agrees with John Cullen’s suppressed subsonic fire at the Trump Rally. Do you agree this lends some credibility to Cullen’s hypothesis during the 2+hr segment they posted?


No because Cullen probably edited the footage or it could just be Dave’s keys or when he tripped.

Hey Sarah - Sorry, for the record, I’m not Chris. Just a guy who came upon your post and wanted clarification. :blush:

Thats OK, no worries. The entire case at Idaho and President Trump is absolutely crazy. I’m so thankful he is ok. Wish I could say the same for the Idaho 4.


Hi Chris,

I understand the feeling, but a little more on that later.

But I also thought that the/a shooter could have been concealed and taken a position inside Bldg 6.

Made me think of the DC sniper.

Going to drop a few links, if you want to see how 2 serial mass shooters devised a similar plan.

The trunk of the Chevrolet Caprice was modified to serve as a “rolling sniper’s nest”. The back seat was modified to allow a person access to the trunk. Once inside, the sniper could lie prone and take shots through a small hole created for that purpose near the license plate.[50]

Not a big fan of Wikipedia, but additional information there, just to give validity that one of the ideas you proposed in your last video has in effect been done before.

Everything didn’t transfer as hoped, but here is idea. Hope this edit is better.

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1/10th of speed - time expansion in audio and a lot of things can sound like subsonic. what we need is the same sound from multiple audio sources to show confluence and sounds like subsonic on realtime playback. its not that hard to cross reference to a stock audio track or someone to replicate the same and see if it matches. May be it will But cullen have a history of chasing the wrong tail. Initially he went after the shadow on the water tank. Then went after the reflection on the ground floor window. now after the subsonic. i think cullen have serious issues. even in my drunk state i dont get obsessed over such things. i may come up with 20 diff ways it might have been pulled off inorder to narrow it down but always ready to take whatever can put holes in my theory. Cullen cant handle criticism either.

now since i remember, cullen used the gunfire audio above the reflections to establish shooter was inside the building(means he spliced in audio from a diff time on top of the reflections). and a bug caught on camera to say it was subsonic bullet traveling towards crooks before the shoot out started. Any idiot with half a brain know phone camera cannot capture a bullet travelling.


My original thought was that Crooks fired first and then the second/backup shooter, because that is how I have always done it in a hunting scenario. The reason being to give the less experienced shooter a chance/opportunity they have never had before. If I shot first (assuming I did my thing and hit), why even have another (less experienced shooter).

After I stepped back, what was normal for me wasn’t the point of the exercise, which was to create a strutting peacock (Crooks) to draw all the attention, while the experienced shooter took position and waited.

Crooks was allowed to play his part, timed up and synched up almost too perfectly…

And LE had so many opportunities to intervene or simply be present, but without those shouting at Crooks…Gun…on roof, etc., I’m sure the outcome would have been different. Like a sports play for example in football, hard to imagine even now if anyone in LE had held Crooks up. Messed up the timing. Guy left his post, which should be a major protocol violation, then can’t locate Crooks and also gets locked out of the building. We all know how impractical but so convenient to have happened.

Seems the 1st Shooter…panicked…rushed just enough to change their planned result, due to all the shouting from observers.

Because if our likely hypothesis is proven without a shadow of a doubt, it would have been game over is Crooks had actually been shot before the actual shooting began.

If everything I have learned so far is even close to the Truth, Crooks in reality was a minimal threat due to his weapon choice, optics and lack of overall skill.

DPMS 2013 seems a poor weapon. Unmagnified Red Dot though MOA is still unclear. Rangefinder worthless with that setup unless better optics, but then wouldn’t need a rangefinder at that close range. Iron sights option seemed a nice touch, but definitely not for a rushed shot.

Plus running across virtually flat roof tops in broad daylight just before SS and LE should have been most vigilant with Trump taking the stage. Hurts my brain the more I think about.

And you can see several people in the perfect position to record and one can see many are…but not one video made public of Crooks shooting.

That is the one lesson the FBI learned from the Vegas shooting, difficult to account for all of that raw footage. Back then, the best they could do was to take down every video as quickly as possible to reveal the flaws in their plan.

One of my biggest questions is who approached all those people near Building 6 taking videos? Were their phones/camera seized like Stewart, before they had a chance to safeguard their recordings.

And the most disturbing thing I heard from that first midnight FBI press briefing is their request for all video footage/evidence. Of course wasn’t about Public Safety. That briefing was worthless especially when the FBI said the SS is just not available now for comment.

Found this information early on about Crooks DPMS and I was like Wow heard none of this anywhere else. And went back today and took awhile to relocate. Sounds like a fair assessment, if you haven’t heard.


I have counted 6 suppressed rounds in the @realdjstewart videos playing at normal speed. He gets down on the ground after some whizz by. He follows the path with his camera with at least one of them. He captures something in two frames flying through the sky with one of the suppressed rounds.

In the Piper Grimley video, a lot of before the main shooting is cut out. There is one sound before the main shooting starts that could be a suppressed round with some echos.

I do agree the first shooter was on the clock with the timing of the shot. For Trumps last words to be “if you want to see something that is really sad, take a look at what happened.”, it would increase the trauma of the event if they where on target. Send a strong message to everyone of who is boss.

Thankfully it did not go that way.


I mapped out the trajectories of the first bullets and come to the conclusion that they originated from building 7. that is the building between building 6 and the parking of the AGR site.
I summarized these with a couple of google earth images at Analysis of the July 13, 2024 Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, PA with Indisputable Evidence of the Real Shooter's Location

The timing of the first shot in relation to specific statement always stuck with me. Glad to see someone else noting the significance of it.



One thing I feel certain of their was a communication network setup in advance that only a handful knew of and even fewer had access to.

Then is one thing to be in a shooting scenario, when you decide when to take the shot and any bowhunter knows that one decision largely determines success or failure.

But that changes dramatically, when someone is in your ear and says shoot now. I can’t tell you how many times a knat, mosquitoes,yellow jacket or simply a bug interfered with the timing of a shot.

The first shooter was definitely hidden from plain sight and was most assuredly relying on a spotter/command central, when to take the shot.

You just don’t shoot the Biggest Threat to the Deep State without serious oversight. Like lets just throw Crooks out there and let this 20 year old cook figure it out on the fly.

The 2 main things I focus on, when I commit to a shot is my breath control and how I feel the trigger. And why I like 2 stage triggers. I like to feel that first break as I keep increasing the pressure on the trigger. And if the gun going off doesn’t surprise me then I rushed the shot. Its amazing especially at distance how much a difference it makes, if your trigger pull/squeeze is less than perfect.

And I enjoy all the audio analysis. That was one of my favorite details from the Vegas shooting, studying all the audio analysis before it was taken down. Was some great work.

So much information/disinformation is out there and I am trying to stay focused on the obvious, but I do wonder about the Blackrock ties especially if true regarding the AGR building. How convenient, if one wanted to build a secluded sniper nest inside Building 6. Its like here, have the keys. Wouldn’t be a difficult build.


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I think we need to see this video more, this could be another piece of puzzle.

Video - Dropbox

Here is the probable location from where the fottage was taken and probable location of Crooks:

At the second 13 we hear the 2nd shoot and have visual on Crooks position at the same time. There is a white blob at the exact position of Crook at the time of the shooting and one second later there is a black blob at the same position.

At the position of the footage (top of the middle bleacher) it was certainly above Trump’s head, so it should have visual of Crooks.

Not saying that it is Crooks, but for it is strange it changing from white to Black, 1 second after de 2nd shoot. In the next 10 frames on second 14 it maintains the color black. Is it possible that this video was tampered with?

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rayCoffin in Post #270 made the following comment that we all need to take to heart:
“This entire incident is a matter of vital national security. It speaks of deep corruption and treason (a hanging offense). I do not know anything about it with any degree of certainty nor do I believe anyone that was not in on the planning and execution does either. These are very smart and sneaky people that use psychological warfare to trick and mislead us at every turn.”
My take - this is a repeat of 911. We’ve all seen the overwhelming evidence that WTC Building #7 did not collapse that day because of a terrorist action. But yet, we did nothing. We have crossed the rubicon, folks. The America we grew up in is dead - and we killed it (through our apathy). That was the plan (of the Marxists who’ve infiltrated almost every one of our public institutions). Just look around, most Americans are too fat and lazy to do anything, let alone challenge the government narrative. These will be very dangerous people when the SHTF, so you’d better know your community!


He has three more in flight, especially the two with Trump in the frame. He has another one flying in front of the flag. I don’t like to get emotional or call people names, I prefer to focus on confirming it debunking evidence. Remember “There motto is dived and conquer” and they spread misinformation so we dint dig into the real evidence. Clay Martin is the real deal, look him up. Get someone to do deep fake analysis on all suspicious photos and evidence. NOBODY has done that yet. I don’t have the ability to do it.
John Cullen We found another shooter.. On Trump's other side.…-on-trumps-other-side…html

I like this post, but there is much more. Would you like me to point you in the right direction?