So It's Back To First Principles

Nice job! Did you take into consideration the 12.5 feet minimum distance closer to source 4 that the first shooter could be than Crooks based on shinesprite4’s echo analysis? It’s another data point. I did a rough analysis of that on Google Earth and that line comes right around the point where your backtracked shooter position is. Just a thought, you might include that in your diagram.

Funny you mention history as I was just thinking how sad it makes me that so much history has been stolen (erased), altered for ill intentioned, selfish reasons.

For centuries books have been systematically removed from circulation and eradicated from the public by hiding or destroying them. People have unthinkingly just let the old books slip away by selling or giving them away and it history dismisses with them and a false narrative replaces our history. The Tartarian Empire comes to mind. Coincidently my High School chose the Tartars for the team mascot in 1917 when it was founded.

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How would anyone know who Trump would pick for VP beside Trump himself? It wasn’t announced until the RNC and people were pushing for other canidates right up to Trump announcing his pick.

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At 9:10
Here is 2 vehicles parked behind water tower.

At 1:30 look to water tower.
One SUV ??? and 1 vehicle take off very quickly.

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The DS didn’t have to know specifically who, they just had to be reasonably confident it wasn’t going to be someone they could control.

Could be a variety of explanations. Don’t know if they were in the vehicle, and can’t tell if they ran to the vehicles, and if so from which direction. I had to chuckle though, it could have been the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page of this event.

I agree in so many ways that I will reserve for now not to mention.

Though History also teaches us to the victors go the spoils no matter how ill gotten most of the time, until there is a correction. Till then they also rewrite History in their often delusional image. We are in many ways trying to live/survive through these times.

Imagine if Biden had been shot at, they would still be looking for people to arrest.

America is obviously on a Bad path and needing an extreme correction.

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History is written by the victors.


Yep and also my point though I guess I didn’t make clear enough? May go with sleep deprivation :melting_face:

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Start watching at about 1:15:00 and you will get a Birds Eye view of what is going on

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So all the subsonic sounds cullen talks about happens way before shooting begins. u see 3-5 flys on DJ stewart camera(remember no phone camera can record a bullet flying past) u can see one motion blurred bullet like thing flying above crooks head seconds before shots rang out. But this as well is a fly imho.

So few millseconds before shots rang out, u can see crooks looking sideways as compared to few seconds before he was looking more towards DJstewarts camera. So after the subsonic cullen sounds and the flys on camera, crooks was very much alive.

Now all the window flashes - abt 20 frames of it, happened only after the 9th shot rang out in audio. which means thats not a shooter either. its some reflection hitting the glass from the way it disperse itself.

I think the water tower cannot be seen from podium.

I would like to see deep analysis of all these things you reference including deep fake detection. Then I would be more amenable to designating green, yellow and red. Currently I am not green or red on any of this🧐

This is just me talking, an old man with no voice, no tech, no reach, just trying to put stuff out there to be picked apart by people at much higher pay grades🤷‍♂️

I don’t not put stuff out there because the stakes in my opinion are too high.

Try sorting out the players middy likely involved; start out at about 1:15:00

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no tech for me. just quicktime to go bck and forth on the video on a big screen. i have shot quite a bit of slomo stuffs back in the days so i know what cameras can achieve what and whats the best possible with a phone camera. so when people claim it can do the impossible, my bs detector goes off quick.

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Hi VegasPatriot,
I don’t quite understand your question, but simply taking echoes into consideration, we can say the following: Echo is simply the sound that hits a flat smooth surface perfectly bouncing off that surface. Try to enter a completely empty room with smooth concrete walls and clap your hands. You will hear the sound bouncing off everywhere and you will get multiple echoes. Simply adding a carpet dampens this effect considerably. This is why you see all that isolation material on the walls in the professional recording studios, to avoid any echoes during recording. So, if we are looking from where an echo could be coming from, we see a huge flat wall behind crooks of which I believe is building 7? I did not include this building into my simulation since it was not of interest to trace back the bullet trajectory. However, I integrated it now upon your request to analyze the echo. As you can see, assuming Crooks only shoots 6 shots, all of them would reflect off building wall 7 and therefore the people standing next to that building can clearly hear the echoes. However, looking from the position of Steward, all 8 shots you will not hear the echoes as clearly as from the side. Chris has mentioned this phenomenon many times in his video. Changing the riffle position does not eliminate this echo effect.
I see many people on YouTube that try to debunk the 2-shooter hypothesis, simply by saying shots 1-3 and shots 4-8 sound the same. There is no way we can disprove this because everybody has the right for free speech. However, I never see YouTubers talk about the echoes from the side of the building. The fact that the first three shots don’t have echoes is actually damming for the “Crooks shoots all 8 shots” hypothesis however, would strongly suggest the below hypothesis favorable, having a shooter shoot the first 3 shots from out of a room keeping the echo inside the room. Please have a look at the updated drawing including echo indications.


I’m new here because I found Chris on YouTube and appreciate his sensible approach to the Citizens Investigation. If I’m rehashing covered ground, I apologize, there is a lot of content to try and dissect here.

Like almost everyone, I’ve tried to consume as much information about the assassination attempt as possible. I think some stuff is compelling but also unintentionally wrong.

I visited the AGR building and Butler Farm grounds on Saturday. One thing I took away from the visit is that the ground-level windows are too low for a professional to set up there. I know there are videos online with supposed muzzle flashes in one of the windows, but I think something else is being captured. Perhaps a reflection.

The chain link fence is the biggest deal breaker for me. That adds difficulty to the shot that doesn’t need to be taken. The potential of a clouded sight picture (moving crowd) only reinforces that belief.

I think further investigation needs to be focused on the vents directly under the roof line. They would raise the shooting position close to three feet easily clearing the fence and crowd while offering the shooter better concealment.

I counted the ridges on the side of the building and the ones on the roof. They put Crook’s body within three feet left or right of the vent directly below him.


these images show where the real shooter was located: on top of the high building BEHIND crooks…

yesterday, I posted the url of the page where you can see these images, together with some additional information like the time the bullets and sound would have travelled from the rifle to the different targets, but the system seems to forbid me to submit anything from that website…

it also seems I am not allowed to add anything else to this topic “because I am a new user”, so I am trying whether it is possible to edit a previous post…

the head of the man who died on the roof was on rib 20 when counting from the parking. as soon as I am back able to post something, I will post an image of the different rib numbers.

if you look at the position where the body on the roof was found, it is aligned with the water pipe next to the second window starting from the parking, so your blue dot needs to shift to the right and should be placed on the water pipe


if you append “.com” to my username, you get to the website I was referring to…

It’s a fine idea. I’d like it if you’d try to make it work with the rest of the evidence we’ve been looking at. Chris has been trying to place the possible other shooter for a while. Maybe your idea would fit. Have you checked?