So It's Back To First Principles

yes, I checked. the different photos I posted prove that the shooter was on the higher building (AGR building 7) behind the man who died on AGR building 1 (Chris calls this building 6)…

if you go to my website (append .com to my username) and there you see the calculations of bullet travel to target and when the sound arrives, in addition to a couple of other data.

I tried to contact Chris Martenson and Gary from Paramount tactical, but to no avail…

there is a direct line of sight which is unhindered by anything else than the people on the bleachers form the real shooter on top of AGR building 7 and Trump and the JCB hydraulic lift.

the shooter was shooting down from about 9 meters (top of building 7 + height of tripod and rifle) to about 3 meters (height of the bullet impact in the JCB hydraulic lift).

shooting downhill is a totally different discipline than shooting horizontally at the shooting range. it is impossible that it was a novice and frail person like crooks to have done this…

the real shooter must have been a muscular professional top notch sniper. given lee harvey oswald’s precedent, the man must have been eliminated by now, so the only way to find out who shot at Trump is to check out which professional top notch snipers have gone missing in the past couple of weeks.

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Chris is utterly deluged with info, so please be patient. And please be more specific. Does the math work for the first shot? If we consider the crack of the first shot, does the report for that shot arrive at a time that makes sense if the shooter is where you think he was? Please show your work for the first shot.

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yes it does.
go to my website and you will see it.


I was referring to your theoretical position of shooter two meeting the criteria from shinesprite4’s time delay analysis. It aligns well. This diagram should explain it better.


I’m not persuaded, but I don’t want to try to drag it out of you. If you want to write an explanation in this forum, just a brief sketch of the math of why you think your idea makes sense, I’d read it with interest. Have a good day.

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I am impressed by the fact that you visited and that you can rule out shots interfered with by the fence. Have asked about the fence repeatedly. Also you suspect the vents, very interesting. Can you tell if the flange edge on the vent is laying on top of the wall, built in or behind?


I do not know the name of the sound analyst who made the statement, but the witnesses at the trees are at exactly the distance that was mentioned a couple of days ago

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did you visit my site?

Chris does NOT use the correct numbering that is compatible with the BCESU report of a couple of weeks ago…
AGR building 1 = what Chris calls building 6
AGR building 6 is the last number mentioned in the BCESU document (I wonder why :wink:
as the real shooter was on the high building between their AGR building 6 and the parking…
the real shooter was on top of the roof of that building 7

coordinates of real shooter: -79.970102° lon, 40.859032° lat, on top of that building…

unhindered direct line of sight with JCB hydraulic lift at -79.971142° lon, 40.856693° lat

and Trump in between at -79.971007° lon, 40.857008° lat

height of trump is podium of 1.2 meters + 3cm height of shoes + length of Trump

impact height on the JCB hydraulic lift is about 3 meters

elevation of the real shooter on the roof is about 9m

the sound and bullet travel times are mentioned on my website.
take my username, append .com and have a look.

I have to go now. cu back in a couple of hours.

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I believe Chris used AGR’s building numbers.

The difference in heights is not that much of a downhill shot. The given measured distance is the Hypotenuse of a right triangle. The effective distance is the bottom leg of that triangle.

Begging the question.

Here, I took a shot ( :wink:) at the math that you seem too shy to do.

You say the shot was about 237m, and that the round might have been traveling at about 869m/s. So the slug takes ~0.2727s to arrive. The speed of sound on that day was apparently ~351.18m/s, so the report would take ~0.6748s to arrive. So in the recording of Trump’s mic, we should hear the report 0.4021s after the crack. Did I do that right? If so, is that what we actually see in the audio data? I don’t remember, I’ll have to go back and look.

Edit: doesn’t seem like it at first glance. But if I’m wrong, just tell me, I sincerely want to know.

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Chris, would you please set up a Data Room with primary materials like videos and text messages? Thank you for your enormous efforts here.

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We definitely don’t have everything as organized as we should, but here’s a bunch of stuff. Dropbox


Wow! Thank you. I was actually looking for the text messages…

I think this is the best source for texts I know of. ICYMI: Grassley Oversight Unveils ‘Most Detailed Picture Yet’ of Trump Assassination Attempt

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The blue circle on my image is the position of the wall vent. Crooks was almost directly above it +/- three feet.

Here is an image I was able to pull from the internet of the vent(s). This would be the vent on the far left of the building in relation to my image. Not the vent I have circled. All the vents are not the same, however. This image better shows the vent clearance (above fence/people), vent type, vent height, window height, fence in the foreground, and how people could interfere with the sight picture from the window.

I’m not claiming there was a shooter behind the vent but after visiting the site it appeared to be a much better option than the lower windows and should be further investigated. Plus, a vent lines up almost directly below Crooks.
thumbnail_IMG_2779 (Small)

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From what I can tell by the photo it looks like an opportunity for a shot to be made, but the difficulty of shooting through a narrow slot could explain the near misses is what I am thinking :thinking:

Reviewing the texts, the sniper that planned to leave early at 4:00 pm but stuck around seems strange to me. If the below are his texts, he is leaving the lot at 4:26. Then he sends another text at 5:52. Throwing shade here, but he could be setting up an alibi.

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Thanks for that link. One thing that stands out so far is in the ESU Briefing plan, page 6.

Pdf link

In that plan, Trump was suppose to leave at 1615, which is pretty close to the time he did leave. Trump was suppose to talk for 75 minuets, but that did not happen. Does anyone know what the reason why Trump was running late that day?

With the way things turned out, the plan got back on track.