So It's Back To First Principles

Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

Thanks for your input and welcome. I do agree with your XZ angle. I get the same on my model (see screenshot below) but where I think you a completely off is with the vertical plane Y see 2nd screenshot. According to our research team here at peak prosperity both heights (Trumps ear and the corner of the blister) are the same height (within a couple of inches) That means the shot is not descending and not ascending, it is straight. Below you can see how we achieved the heights according to our Excel table. Please indicate the heights of the two elements you are using (Trumps ear and the corner of the blister). I would be curious to analyse your numbers.


Going back to first principles? I like this approach.

Look at Trump’s right hand position in the three attached images.

The first image is famous Doug Mills photo of a bullet passing by Trump:

The second image is a screenshot taken at the time where the first supersonic shockwave can be heard on the video:
First supersonic shockwave

The third image is a screenshot taken at the time where the second supersonic shockwave can be heard on the video:
Second supersonic shockwave

A supersonic shockwave heard from Trump’s microphone indicates the moment at which a bullet passes by Trump’s microphone. Hence, the second image is the moment at which the first bullet passes by Trump’s microphone and respectively the third image is the audio signature for the second bullet.

Now, based on Trump’s right hand position, can you tell me which bullet Doug Mills photo has captured? The first or the second? It can’t be the third or following bullets as Trump has already ducked under the stand by then.

Yes, you’re correct it can be neither of them as the first image depicts Trump’s right hand mid-air while the second image has it on the stand and the third on his ear. You can verify for yourself that I took the screenshots of the video at the correct time by slowing down the video and pausing at the sound of the supersonic shockwaves:

This means that one of the following is true:

  • Doug Mills photo was tampered with and a bullet was added to it.
  • The sound of the supersonic shockwaves was simulated to Trump’s microphone.
  • Both of the hypothesis above are true.

What we know for sure is that Doug Mills photo and the supersonic shockwaves signature can’t be both authentic.

If you’re not incorporating this fact to your interpretation of the event then, you’re not operating from first principles.

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It can’t be the second bullet either because Trump has his hand on his ear when the sound of the second supersonic shockwave is heard.

Doug’s image would be bullet #2 (passes ahead of sound)
Notice he is in a grimace and in process of pulling his hand up to ear from result of bullet 1
I do wonder if Doug was lucky, uses special camera, or…?
Professional photographer inputs needed.

In this case, how do you explain that Trump’s right hand is on his ear when the sound of the supersonic shockwave is heard?

Bullet would pass by visually before sound would arrive.
This is a short distance, so I could be wrong.
Just my 2cents

The speed of sound is about 1,125 ft/s…

This is the position of Trumps hands as shot 3 passes. Don’t see any blood on the fingers though?

For a one hour interview with the photographer that took the shot:

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It can’t be the third bullet because:

  • Trump’s right hand has no blood on it (Doug Mills pictures show blood after Trump touched his right ear)
  • Look at Trump’s head position in comparison to the microphone. It doesn’t match the picture.

Hi LogicallyMinded,

We have had this discussion before, but the argument that CA11 is mentioning is convincing to me. Trump is relaxed and his hand is holding the mic stand shortly before the first shot is taken. He is also smiling. Looking at Doug Mills photo, Trump is already raising his hand and has a frown on his face. Nobody is that fast with reacting to something, for bullet on the photo to be the first one.

I don’t understand the argument you’re making. Are you saying that the bullet on Doug Mills’ picture would be from the second shot? If so, how do you explain that the second supersonic shockwave is heard when Trump has his right hand on his ear?

This body position of Trump is more consistent with the photo of the bullet. This frame is taken after shot 1 and before shot 2 has its audio recorded. This means that the photo is of shot 2.

Maybe there is some short delay in the audio recording as it goes through all the processing to account for the miss match? It does take another 3 video frames until the snick of shot 2 is recorded. Distance from the bullet to the microphone maybe?

Whether it adds difficulty or not, shots from the top of the third window and the vents easily clear the fence and bleachers.

As far as the moving crowd: nobody civilian was supposed to be there on AGR grounds at all and in fact, prior to the shooting, a man clears people from the fence line in front of Building 6 with threats of trespass.

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If the inconsistency is due to a delay then it needs to be explained but considering the speed of sound and the bullet, it doesn’t appear that a delay can be the explanation.

Your images clearly show the vents that I’m referencing in my post and they are all closed when Crooks is on the roof above them. My theory that a possible 2nd shooter could’ve used one of those vents is wrong.

Yes, the place itself does seem to fit with the 2nd shooter theory overall, but I believe it would make sense only if the first shot came from that location, instead of Crooks’ location. And on the high quality TMZ Ross video seen on a large monitor you can actually see the casing being ejected on shot 1, and you can also see the effect of recoil tbh.

I agree. However, incline fire starts needing a compensation holdover if the angle is of more than 5 degrees (positive or negative). What angle did you get from your theory? I myself never bothered checking the angle because I discarded that roof due to audio.

Bullets are always vertically ascending or descending. It’s a parabola, and even it you knew the exact type of 5.56 ammo he used and did some real world forensic tests for comparison, still you would enconter variatons in the trajectory of brand new ammo, due to bullet weight, powder charges, air, wind, etc. Given the caliber-weapon-ammo combination, even if the gun was firmly fixed without moving a milimeterat the time of firing, the bullets would not hit the exact same place. Close, but not same place… the lesser the weight of the bullet in grains, the more dispersion you would get.

Spot on: math is needed here.


Here is new police bodycam footage that I believe you were asking for in your last video:

This is of the officer who was holding on to the roof and dropped to the ground after seeing someone on the roof.

Here’s a little more video from before the officer drops back down. Here he is being boosted up by another officer:


Uhm, why didn’t they just climb on the car and shoot at him??


hey Roger. I’m heaving difficulty reproducing you model. Can you provide me the references of the dimensions?

Note: I’d like to mention that the light propagates way faster than sound.
I guess the sound was recorded by camera’s mic far away from loudspeakers.
There is some delay between the frames and the sound assumed belonging to.