So It's Back To First Principles

The fact that the speed of light is faster than the speed of sound is irrelevant for this situation. The delay that would be produced by either is infinitesimal and unnoticeable in comparison to the number of frames that separate Trump’s hand position in Doug Mills’ photo and the one when the second supersonic shockwave is heard. At 0.25x the video is at 60 fps and there are more frames that I can count without using a video editor. Everybody can see that there is no noticeable delay between Trump lips movements and the sound of his voice. There is no reason why the supersonic shockwave would have a greater delay.

Chris have you heard the 911 audio recording about shots fired toward water tower?

" /the-abandonment-of-posts-in-the-overwatch-building-is-difficult-to-accept/ "

Not so hard to accept if you consider that an “unidentified actor” was either still lurking in the building/room, or, made their way in and up to the post. Once the post was clear, all the necessary equipment and devices were ready for use. Pre-staged in the ideal sniper hide. Suppressed and hidden, with the BEST equipment and position.

Think about it!

" /the-abandonment-of-posts-in-the-overwatch-building-is-difficult-to-accept/ "

Not so hard to accept if you consider that an “unidentified actor” was either still lurking in the building/room, or, made their way in and up to the post. Once the post was clear, all the necessary equipment and devices were ready for use. Pre-staged in the ideal sniper hide. Suppressed and hidden, with the BEST equipment and position.

Think about it!

Hi daniloraf,

I remember Chris mentioning in his video that we do not see casings being ejected on the TMZ Ross video. If you have a link to a video, where you can clearly see the first shot is done by Crooks, I would be glad to see it.

Looking at below image, this would mean considering the gravity and the wind that we are even closer to the vent opening than actually illustrated? If anybody could calculate how many Inches, I would gladly integrate it into our simulation. Keep in mind, we are all in together, trying to find the truth …

Everything in our CAD model drawing is based on “Spot on” math. Each point in space is referenced and can be provided. Which dimension are you doubting in this drawing? If somebody can bring proof that one dimention is incorrect, I will gladly update the CAD model.

Screenshot 2024-08-08 233615

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Hi VT,

Sure, which dimensions would you need. As you can see on the drawing everything has a ref number.

At your disposal…

based on what I have read and checked on the visibility of bullet trails, this image is a photoshopped hoax. why would the trail be visible only after the bullet grazed Trump’s ear?
this video ( shows at 100.000 fps that grazing, and even piercing, an ear is not consistent with the trail shown in doug mills’ photo…

there is also a photo where Trump has blood on his fingers after having he reached for his ear. that photo is most likely a hoax as well…

Please show your math that the bullet was traveling at 100FPS

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yea the vents never opened up. But if i was the shooter, i would only leave a mini hole thats not detectable. Ground floor was high risk for any shooter coz people walk past all the time and there is no guarantee they wont be spotted before they could take a shot. i dont think any pro would pick the ground floor.

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I’m interested in ref. 690 and 402. How the height of the stage was estimated?

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There is video of Trump touching his ear and blood on his hand. Are you claiming the video is a hoax, too?

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So with the new Butler PD video.
The 2 vehicles in the video I was wondering about.
Is the cop who climbed the roof in the far right vehicle.
And the second video is the UTV and cop car to the left.
These cops were all guarding the water tower.
And in the shade.

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Hi Roger-knight,

For the shell being ejected, you can check it out on the links below. Do use a large screen monitor, and if you watch the TMZ video on youtube, it’s helpful to slow down the speed.

On this X post it will be easier to see in full screen. Both shell and recoil (look at the top of his shoulder)

That is a case being ejected. On the video you’ll see it better because there’s motion.

None, I’m not familiar with the model’s dimensions. When I write about the parabola of the bullet what I had in mind was to alert the guys doing the site modelling about the ballistic trajectory, and how it can change due to the zero range configured on the sights, ammo characteristics, etc, so you guys can consider these variations.

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these are artefacts due to video compression.
this is where I see “casings” popping up and disappear…

we should also hear the distinctive sound of the shells hitting the roof.

however, this is not heard in any video I’ve seen so far…

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because he was shot dead before they thought of that possibility, and you can die only once :slight_smile:

ref 609 is taken from here:

ref 402 is taken from here:

and here:

I hope you are more clear with these two points and don’t hesitate to ask if you need any more clarifications. Below the two official referance documents:

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Watch the VIDEO capture on X on a large screen, please, and see that brass shine away during ejection. I marked it on the still frame just for location reference. It’s not an artifact. Watch the video over and over…

That, my friend, is a legit 5.56 shot, case ejection, recoil and everything. I’ll bet you my AR on it.

No, you wouldn’t hear the brass cases hit the roof on any of the videos. Definitely not with a rally going on. If the camera was on the roof close to Crooks then maybe, but not from videos filmed from the ground. Come on, man…


deal. You will be shipping it to a friend of mine in Washington DC shortly :wink:

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I do agree that the sound of any empty rounds hitting the roof would not be picked up by that microphone.

When watching the video, it does have an appearance of a round getting ejected. When going through the video frame by frame and trying to track the path of the round it is not a consistent path, the path of if it was an empty shell jumps around too much to make sense.

I do not see any recoil in the shoulder.

Recoil is not something monstruous, and cases fly all over the place…

As we speak, the Rifle World Championship IPSC is taking place in Finland. A multi-day event, this friday being the last day. Watch this video at the mark of 2 hours and 28 minutes.

On this stage, you can hear some weird sounding crack-thumps, see how little the recoil is and also watch cases going all over the place while the athlete shoots… some fly directly down, some sideways, then forwards, then backwards… many very similarly as the one flying on that first shot by Crooks. Same caliber and rifle platform.

oh… and on this 2nd video at 14:15 you can see another athlete on the same stage, First Person Camera…crack-thumps, anyone?

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