So It's Back To First Principles

There are some problems with this photo being a bullet.

1/ The timing of Trumps position is wrong, he is like this after the first shot and before the 2nd shot.

2/ The length of the bullet. As a rough estimate, call it 1 foot, might be a few inches out. The shutter speed is 1/8000th of a second. This means this bullet is traveling 8000 feet per second. A rough number for a .223 is 3000 feet per second. Despite the error in this calculation, things are still way off here.

What this photo could actually be is the splatter of Trumps ear as it gets pulled into the vacuum trail left by the bullet. This splatter trail does not travel as fast as the bullet, stretches out and disperses over time.

This also helps explain how the photographer could of made such a lucky shot to catch a bullet. Has a bit more time and chance to catch the vapor trail that the bullet leaves in its wake.


Hi daniloaraf,

It is difficult to exactly recognize what is going on with the camara moving, but I took image by image from this small video clip and converted it into an animated GIF. Now it seems to be much clearer what is going on. Crooks seems to still be aiming, because he is moving his riffle, not ready to shoot? The smoke people claim to see is before the first shot is taken? Most likely people get confused with the watermark of TMZ? See animated GIF below. After putting these images together to an animation, I am more convinced that Crooks didn’t shoot the first shot, since he seems to be still moving his gun and aiming, 1 second later the first shot is fired, unfortunately right at the time of shooting an obstacle passes in front of the camera.

For a higher quality version here is the link:



Hi Kwaka,

1 - Well, you said it yourself, it’s a photo of the 2nd bullet. His right hand was down when the first bullet went by him. Is there controversy regarding which bullet this would be?

2 - The shutter speed does not mean the bullet would have to be travelling at 8000 fps. There’s motion blur on the projectile, after all, meaning the shutter was not fast enough to capture a ‘frozen’ image of the projectile. BTW, if we were to consider a common 55 grains bullet of caliber 5.56x45, which is the most common type of round for the AR platform, by the time the projectile reached Trump, it would have been slowed down by air resistance to 2700-2800fps after being fired with a muzzle velocity of about 3240fps. Any ballistic calculator provides these velocity values if you want to do further math. (on this page a few days ago I uploaded an image with ballistic tables given 6 different zero ranges if you would like to see the parameters for a common ammo).

3 - The splatter theory is not correct. That is a projectile. There’s a camera review not related to the trump shooting on the link below where a photographer explains how he once went to a range and captured bullets mid-air.

Sorry, mate. I believe you and Chris are wrong, gif or no gif.

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In 1/8000th sec, a 3000 ft/sec objects travels about 5 inches. Why is the streak about 12 inches long in the Trump photo? In the photos of bullets in your link, there is no streak like that.

I don’t exactly know what that camera is like taking photos of bullets. One image that does look similar is done with smoke tracers:

What I am suggesting is that the trace in the Trump bullet photo is of Trumps ear that got splattered.

I respect your opinion.

I have been busy back-tracing the first shot. Maybe somebody already knows the answer to my question: Is the shot that goes into the blisters right corner the first shot or do some people claim it is the 2nd? Maybe some video evidence?

Thanks for helping.

We are strong together.

This is the best video I have so far. The timing of the audio matches the first shot, the same one that hit Trump in the ear.

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Nice work! Thank you.

And I, yours.

Roger, if you’re working on a gun-ear-rail trajectory, check out the link below.

Ballistic Calculator - Trajectory already with common inputs

It should already load with the parameters i’ve selected considering a common 55 grains ammo for 5,56x45, which is the most common caliber and ammo for the AR platform, and also Butler’s atmospheric conditions at the time. Some parameters are things we don’t have, so we can estimate, but I know VT has also been working on this trajectory with many variations for what I could tell. If you scroll down to the table below the parabola chart, you’ll have the trajectory on the second column. Notice how the measuments increases dramatically after, say, 200 yards. The caliber’s adequacy decreases faster and faster the longer your distance, making it a less than ideal caliber for longer shots (keep this in mind when placing a second shooter on the map). Same goes for the Windage column.

So, to plot this out, I would start drawing a straight line departing the muzzle, parallel to the ground plane, in the direction of the target (this line will likely be above the target). Then, at the point where this line is directly above the target, i would place a point half an inch below. Then from that point, another point 1.91 inches to the left due do windage, and this point should be the ear (or very close to it, allowing for a margin of error on the whole model, table, bullet weight, ammo,etc). Then, from there, I would continue on the rail with the difference from the table between the distance of the rail and the distance to trump.

VT was also working on this, I believe.


from my perspective, the first shot hit:

  1. Trump’s ear (grazing, no deviation in the bullet’s path due to this)
  2. the railing of the bleachers closest to the JCB hydraulic lift
  3. the first bullet damaged the hydraulic line of the JCB hydraulic lift that held up the sound speakers.

About 2., we have 3 possibilities: either the bullet partially disintegrated (1 part ricocheted into David Dutch and the other part ended up in the hydraulic line of the JCB hydraulic lift), or the bullet catapulted a piece of the railing into David Dutch, or the bullet only touched the railing, deviated its path and ended up in the JCB hydraulic lift.

The reason why I consider David Dutch to be a victim of a ricochet or a piece of the railing projected by the impact of the 1st bullet on the railing is because I have seen video footage where David Dutch starts crumbling down immediately after the grey puff cloud appears when observing that part of the bleachers…

I will look for the video and add it here later

First and this is just common sense, any video released by the “authorities” has been analyzed to death before the FBI will allow.

Plus you can predict that no viable audio will be released and any audio is subject to tampering especially the shot string. I have heard some that has been obviously dubbed to the point that some are even stripped of the actual sound.

Doesn’t take almost a month to release body cam video especially if nothing nefarious.

This operation has been in the works for months if not years, but they didn’t plan for another failure, but the FBI has a well established track record of failure.

The FBI Gestapo needs to be at least be defunded though preferably abolished.


Dictators rule by fear and power/force.

Just ask Kamala Harris staff, which has over a 90 percent turnover rate. HUGE RED FLAGS especially for a VP with no valuable accomplishments for the American people.

Unlike President Trump’s administration that was hounded by the media, Demonrats and the Deep State, the Harris staff has only been harassed by Harris. Ex staffers repeatedly claimed they feared her. That Harris didn’t put in the work. Dictators don’t.

Look at Biden, while the World is literally on :fire:, he is MIA from the WH and again off relaxing for days out of sight, while his regimes actions against Israel and for Iran have us vulnerable to a possible WW III, but certainly terrorist attacks here at home. The only reason terrorists have attacked here already is due to our Open borders. Any terrorist attack here now will have to be extremely devastating for the terrorists to jeopardize Biden’s Open borders policy.

If we somehow avoid that attack, if and when our Borders are again secure that is when the unthinkable will happen.


he had a range finder, so, it is reasonable to assume he zeroed in on 150 yards…

note that you assume that the person you call the “second shooter” also uses the same type of rifle as the DPMS A-15 that was recovered from the roof, but that is not a correct assumption…

the “second shooter” can have used whatever rifle that was found appropriate for the job.

from my view, the person who I call “the real shooter” used a professional sniper rifle, similar to the rifles used by the snipers on the barns behind Trump.

these sniper rifles have a very narrow band of vertical drop at distances below 300 yards…

I can’t image a better gig for a Liberal Looney Leftist than “working” for Harris, ranked the most radical Leftist Senator.

Notice how she addresses voices against her like a Dictator…“I’m talking now” is a often used go to phrase.

Notice how she threatens to bypass Congress to take away our gun rights and our ability to defend ourselves, while flooding America with Illegals. They care more about Illegals rights than Americans rights. They want the unrest and chaos diverted from themselves. But the “right” to kill the unborn and one’s offsprings, she demands essential.

And her potential VP is right on board, if not worse especially with taking our guns.

Our fight is nonnegotiable and the only way they are getting my guns are through my dead hands.

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Possible, but not probable. When a shooter sights in his rifle for such a quick application in mind, he would leave it there and use a holdover compensation. Given Crooks went to the local shooting range the day before, he probably zeroed it there. These ranges usually have targets with fixed distances, so I would bet on 50 or 100 yards are much more likely, especially 100, since this zero range requires practically no holdover compensations on-the-fly at the distances he would find on the day of. He would have avoided making vertical adjustments to the sights, and probably used the rangefinder to check the distance for the windage math. On the range’s website where he was a member you can find this info here:

p.s: if someone doesn’t know the range’s name, it’s easy to look it up on Google. I just don’t feel comfortable exposing a business that had no culpability in the event, so I blacked out the name.

Yep, very true for higher calibers and higher end rifles, especially with a 100y zero. But note that I don’t believe there was a second shooter, it’s Roger who does.

no worries, I do not believe there was a “second shooter” either :slight_smile:

from my point of view, there was only the “real shooter” on top of AGR building 7 (the first building when entering the parking of the AGR site)

about the bold text: I am working on it :slight_smile:

btw: no sniper would ever zero a sniper rifle at 100 yards…

And it is easy to get distracted or bogged down in the details, but we should never lose track of the basic principles.

The reason they go after Trump is to project fear. See what we can and have done to Trump. Look what we can do to you.

Thankfully God and American Patriots.

The FBI thought by killing us in Vegas that we would surrender our gun rights. They LOST.

By shooting President Trump, they lost and why Biden is gone plus his inability to filter his speech with Lies. They can’t have their Top Puppet saying the Truth. Look how easily and quickly they replaced him with another Puppet.

How many FBI assets are school shooters? We could look at Uvalde, Santa Fe, Parkland High shool, Tennessee, etc etc…

Never forget flipping through and even recording as many News channels after the Tennessee shooting. The one thing in common really caught my attention. Every broadcast I was able to see said they couldn’t believe how fast the FBI arrived on scene. The FBI is still hiding her Manifesto and Journal as much as possible, but ALL FBI failures in outcome.

And back to FBI failures and examples take Lisa Page and Peter Strzok that vowed that We (the FBI) will stop him. The FBI even rewards itself during failure. Better luck next time, yet anyone who has ever owned a government device like a cell phone or computer have no right to privacy.

Since Obama transformed the “Intelligence” agencies and especially the FBI, what have they done to deserve the benefit of the doubt?

And as they spy on Americans and groom their next mass shooters/assets, they hide behind “their sources and methods.” Unchecked power seeds corruption.

Hope in my Lifetime, I see this EVIL fully exposed.

When do they stop poking the Bear…when the Bear rises up and pokes back.

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You got me there for a moment… :laughing:
I know, I’ve seen your site, but not the math in detail yet. To be fair, that spot you believe there was a 2nd shooter is a very reasonable place. It is covered from any known counter-sniper position. In fact, there should be a counter-sniper there! I discarded it because there’s no audio of a shot, not even supressed, and also because I believe Crooks took the first shot (there’s video of the case being ejected for crying out loud…)

Ok, that’s fair…

For those that wish to believe that Crooks was the/only shooter, he wasn’t really a sniper. Instead, unbeknownst to him like the Vegas “shooter” he was on a one way mission as an assassin.

Still not sure about Crooks, but I feel confident that the Vegas “shooter” never even fired a shot. A known Cassino gambler that got coerced is much more plausible. Looking at the Vegas crime scene, what you see is a note held in place with a roll of duct tape. But instead of a suicide note, it had handwritten ballistic data. And excuse me, but I caught The Views Ana Navarro proclaim that showed he was a Professional. Sure…

The shooter(s) from Las Vegas knew the range to the crowd of 20,000 that was essentially caged in. Even if you were shooting at one target instead of spraying bullets till those on the ground (spotters) were satisfied with the body count, ballistic data is unnecessary.

Vegas average distance was 450 yds. That was known to them. A fixed distance, so sighting in for a True Professional would be that yardage. Period.

If you wanted to later shoot other targets in the case of Vegas, one would setup a weapon for that especially in an elevated room setting.

No difference for Butler. There was only one target that was the focus. Anything else was just extra and again a (fixed) crowd. Pinpoint accuracy wasn’t required.

Butler was there last chance to prevent Trump from being the Republican Presidential nominee. And as a Sidenote, I would really like to know, WHO picked that site for the rally.

A common mortal wouldn’t have access to know the distance to the stage and President Trump. But an Insider would and it was obvious that they did, unless you believe Crooks just seemingly knew the best location to go to block out Hercules 2 and the questionable CS team in the building behind him.

Just went to the correct spot at the correct time with Zero SS and LE resistance.

What are the Odds?