So It's Back To First Principles

I totally disagree.

This wasn’t a fly by the night or seat of your pants operation. It was well planned, just poorly executed.

If I knew like the real shooter did that the range was 150 yards. That is the yardage to zero at.

Unless you want me to believe that they didn’t know where Trump would be standing or where they were going to shoot from.

That the use of a drone and a rangefinder would solve that issue. Yet when this drone was supposedly flown, there would have been present Trump supporters. Yet NO ONE has confirmed. I have never had a drone sneak up on me or past me.

And then supposedly flying a grid with a drone search isn’t obvious. Please.

And if you know the setup of Crooks 2013 DPMS, you would know that a range finder was useless for that setup.

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Another question I have is, how many people were in Building 6? Because one hypothesis is that a sniper built a nest inside. Impossible to shoot from inside building 6 without anyone inside knowing. Impossible.

Yet the latest Body cam video at Building 6 shows the door closed and you see no one coming or going. Yet over a dozen LE personel are seen gathered behind Building 6 in less than 5 minutes and likely much less.

Where did they ALL come from? The one with the propped up trash can besides building 6 that supposedly a CS sniper was locked out of? “Had” to leave his post, because no other LE personnel was there to track him down?

Way beyond curious to know how ALL these LE were available, but unable to intercept a 20 year old cook. ALL instructed to stay inside the building especially as President Trump was on/taking the Stage? Who instructed?

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Not sure whose shoes is this, but someone left one on stage.

You are right.

In James Copenhaver’s video we see the man running on the roof.

From my point of view he was too late because he had to be exactly at that exact location at the exact time the first shots were fired…

For a frail twenty year old it is simply impossible to fire 3+5 rounds in such circumstances with a relatively small grouping (Trump, JCB hydraulic forklift, David Dutch, James Copenhaver, 2 bullet holes in the windshield of the John Deere tractor): if you have just been running, you have just been chased by a policeman who came over the edge of the roof to look, and there are several people standing there shouting and pointing at where you are lying on a roof, you are nervous.
Aiming a weapon and firing it accurately requires concentration, time and a steady hand.
Especially for a twenty-year-old with little experience in this matter!

I rarely call this man crooks because I don’t believe the man whose photos circulated before the attack is the same one who died on the roof: they have different haircuts…

The whole assassination attempt was carefully orchestrated:

  • no eyes in the sky with drones or CCTV or from the water tower or the tallest building in the area (AGR building 2)…
  • several guards left their posts at the crucial moments before the first shots were fired
  • most of the snipers had to do their surveillance work from a building instead of from the most suitable locations, namely the roofs, and the other snipers either had no direct line of fire, or were looking the other way!
  • the crime scene was cleaned up very quickly by the fast/federal buriers of information (in the case of the Las Vegas shooters, these buriers even repaved the asphalt to cover up bullet holes!)

Those who believe that mistakes were made in the preparation of the event by the official security services (secret services and local police and SWAT teams) are missing the point that there were no mistakes: everything that happened was carefully orchestrated and was deliberately meant to happen.

I do believe, however, that their real goal was to kill Trump, and they failed to achieve that goal.

If you listen to professional sniper trainers, they will tell you that they would have fired a second shot immediately after realizing that they had missed Trump by a nano-fraction of an inch, but they seem to forget to mention that the first set of 3 bullets was fired in 2 seconds…

The fact that Trump survived this attack is a miracle in a million!


I think I saw in one of the videos…a flying shoe as Trump was being led off. The shoe went in the direction of the SUV. Didn’t look into, because it doesn’t factor into solving this operation.

Not to mention Trump’s comment about his shoe when he was raised up, and his later comments.

this is Trump’s shoe.
during his speech, i.e., before his guards body bunkered Trump, he was wearing both of his shoes.
his shoes must have come off while he was jumped on by his guards…

his other shoe was kicked off the stage by one of the female “security” “guards”…

she tossed it off the stage right before Trump asked for his shoes…

from a security perspective, it is extremely irresponsibly from his guards to neglect Trump’s request to put on his shoes: now he had to walk over the stage, the stairs and grass sock footed… He could have hurt his feet easily, which would have increased the disaster even further…

Trump has been humilated. For purpose? He said “let me get my shoes”.

Perhaps you are right and they have to figure out how to define your hypothesis. What if a second shooter was on second floor in open window closest to shooter on roof. Butler ESU left 2nd floor minutes before shooting. Interesting.

yes, the only straightforward solution to the question “where did these bullets come from?” that makes sense is the roof of AGR building 7:

  • the man that was killed on the roof cannot have had the steady hand and skill necessary to accurately shoot 3+5 rounds in quick succession
  • any of the hypotheses where someone would have shot from behind a vent or through windows cannot match the sound analyses from various locations. E.g., realDjStew would have recorded totally different things than the witnesses at the other side of the same building if someone would have shot through any of the vents or windows facing Trump…

so, by elimination, one should check the roofs, and the only roof that makes sense if you look at the line of sight for the various bullet impacts (Trump’s ear, JCB hydraulic lift, railing of the bleacher next to the JCB hydraulic lift, David Dutch, James Copenhaver, Corey Comperatore…), you can only come to the conclusion that the bullets came from the direction of where the man on the roof was killed, and if you extend that line, you arrive at the roof of AGR building 7…

and apart from being the ideal sniper position, it also matches with all the other observations: the audio analysis (there is a direct line of sight/ear from that position and realDjStew and the witnesses near the trees on the other side of the building), and it they are at the correct distances…

even if people would have seen muzzle flashes when looking from the rally site to the direction of where the bullets came from, they would not have been able to clearly make a distinction between those from the man on the roof and those from the real shooter on that roof…

I really do not understand why there is so much resistance to see this clearly…

I have the habit of thinking out of the box and I do not dig my heels into any of the things “I believe”…
I really do not care whether I am right or wrong on whatever topic as I adjust my view and comprehension based on what I observe and work by elimination.

and after careful consideration of really many possibilities, I came to the views I elaborated on in my previous posts :slight_smile:

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I did the math for your idea in a few minutes and it didn’t work out. Why didn’t you respond to that? So It's Back To First Principles - #361 by brian60221

perhaps I was too shy to do so.
if you had visited my page, you would have known better.

I did of course visit your page. As I said, I found it unpersuasive. I asked you to explain your work, and you wouldn’t. I did your work for you, and you didn’t reply to it. I asked you to reply to it, and you replied in a useless way again.

At this point, if you’re not deliberately trying to cause trouble, your actions are indistinguishable from someone who is.


there is no need to be as hostile as you are.
respect the rules and be polite.

I have of course seen this. It’s on your website. You’ve urged me to look at it several times, and this is the third (or maybe fourth) time I have told you I found it unpersuasive. I asked you to show your work for shot 1, and you can’t or won’t. It’s not the case that I’m being hostile, it’s that you cannot or will not explain your work or answer simple questions. You can’t or won’t even say whether you agree with work that I did for you, that you should have done yourself.

this is the first shot…
Trump’s ear got grazed (cf. “real shooter - trump”) and the first bullet ended up in the JCB hydraulic lift (cf. “real shooter - jcb hydraulic lift”)…
what else would you expect to get it that this is the first shot?

Answer this post or buzz off.

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I am not a sound analyst.
whether you did that right or not and whether that is something you see in the audio data is not for me to evaluate.

I report my findings and that’s it.

you have been looking for crazy theories with shooters behind vents and hidden next to the man who died on that roof, etc., where reality is much easier and much more straightforward: extend the line of sight from which you think the shots originated and you will see that it is the roof I am talking about…

shooting is very simple: if you can visually see something you can hit it with a bullet.
the only thing that needs to be finetuned is the gun and the ammunition.
a sniper rifle with appropriate ammunition used by a professional sniper on top of the roof of AGR building 7 will do the job much better than someone with a DPMS A-15 produced in 2013 who has just been running to the location on the roof, who been shouted at by the attendees that spotted him on the roof and who has just been interrupted by a peeping police man.

under these conditions, it is simply impossible that that man on the roof fired 3+5 shots in rapid succession as accurately as what we have observed that day.

Then why are you on this forum? It exists for us to communicate about theories.

You don’t seem to have any findings. You extended the line between Trump and Crooks, and it lands on a roof, and have been saying that’s where the real shooter was. I did the very first thing anyone would try to test the idea, and it doesn’t seem to work.

No I haven’t.

What would the speed of the round need to be for the difference between the crack and the boom to be about 0.22s at Trump’s mic like we see in the audio data? Have you even calculated that? I doubt it. You don’t seem to actually test your own ideas.


Have you looked at that video frame by frame? What appears to be a case getting ejected does not move for 2 frames, disappears for a frame and then reappears the next frame. Looks more like some video artifact than an ejected shell.

I don’t know what happened beyond reasonable doubt at this time. With the political nature of this event, my trust in the FBI being candid about events is in question. I don’t know what they will say when they finally do say something. I do aim to be informed enough to tell if the FBI is acting with integrity on this case or getting another whitewash.