So It's Back To First Principles

DIY 2 shooters debunk

Here at Peak Prosperity, we have an ongoing bullet “back tracing” team with a mathematical 3D model that many of you have participated in. All the points have been determined in this forum together. Many people gave their input and we were able to enter these points in a 3D CAD system. The result is the first drawing below. Haven determined the two impacting points in space (Trumps ear and corner of the bleachers) gives us two exact points defined in space. This is enough to back trace the bullet line from where the shooter is shooting from. Up to now the back-traced bullet line does not lead up to Crooks position, it is offset by 4 feet in the vertical view and 9 feet in the horizontal.

Looking at the first drawing below, it is of course difficult for everybody to verify if this drawing is correct, not having a 3D CAD system and not having the expertise with 3D drawing on the computer. Simply analyzing the 4-foot offset from Crooks position we made a very simplified drawing that everybody can verify even using grid paper and a pencil. A DIY (do it yourself) 2 shooters debunk puzzle. See second drawing.

Since both points in space are at the same hight (y-axis) and looking at the retraced bullet line it seems to be perfectly horizontal at 11.333 feet (not yet taken into consideration of the gravity of the bullet, we are working on that) Crooks position is much higher at 15.5 feet. At that height Crooks is not able to take the shot, it is not in line with the back traced bullet line. Now the line points to the wall of building 6 at 11.33 feet height.

Our “back-tracing” team from Peak Prosperity challenges anybody to debunk this drawing. We are not here to draw any conclusions, but we are simply trying to retrace the bullet line back to Crooks, but up to now we have not found a solution. It is very possible we are missing something……


Suppose I’m at Trump’s ear, and we trace the round back. Where does it hit? 4’ below Crooks and 9’ off to the side? Which side?

Hi brian,

4’ feet below, yes that is correct and you can see this in the 2nd drawing. The 9feet you can see in the first drawing, Crooks would have to be 9 feet further to the right to be in line with the back traced shot, namely at 31 feet from the edge of the roof.

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One of the snipers with overwatch of the critical roof went downstairs right before the shooting took place, and then it seems like muffled shots came from a position slightly below Crooks. :thinking: I’m warming up to the idea of a sniper inside the building on a raised platform or in the ceiling shooting through a small hole.

Let’s keep cool, just like Chris mentioned, we need to get the facts first and then draw the conclusions…

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this is the ONLY useful question you produced so far, and I will come back to this later today (I live in CET time zone).

why I did not come back to your query is very simple: as a new member of this forum, I got locked out of the ability of replying to any messages for some time…

about your hostile attitude: I do not know you and you do not know me.

I hate to have to appeal to authority, but sometimes it makes sense to know something about somebody’s background and where they are coming from before you make hallucinating allegations like yours that I would not be willing to test my own ideas, that I would stay shy from calculations, that I would not have any findings, etc, etc.

I have been a forensic expert witness for several courts since 2000, I have a PhD in electrical engineering, I have shot many thousands of rounds since 2010 and I have university and university college level degrees in computer science and applied biochemistry.

as you may have noticed (under the assumption you read the messages I posted in this forum), I stick to what I know and have hands-on expertise on and I refrain from colouring out of my lane: I stick to the facts, provide you with the raw details, coordinates and straightforward maths, and provide you with an easy to understand executive summary.

most people only want to get the executive summary and are not interested in the details, but you get these anyway if you want to read and listen.

as I am not a sound analyst, I do not go into these things beyond calculating distances and delays of bullet trajectories and the sound of firing these bullets.

you are right about the reason of existence of this forum: communicating about theories, and that is exactly what I am doing.

from all the evidence I have seen, heard and read so far, I have come to the conclusion that the real shooter was located on the roof of AGR building X (which is the 2nd highest building of the AGR site) because it has an unobstructed direct line of sight to, and it matches, all the known victims and casualties and bullet impacts:
bullet 1: Trump’s ear, David Dutch, JCB hydraulic lift
bullets 2-8: James Copenhaver, Corey Comperatore, 2 bullet holes in the John Deere tractor.

If you have evidence of additional impacts, I am happy to include these into my analysis.

AGR building X (which is the 2nd highest building of the AGR site) = the building between AGR building 6 of the BCESU report and the AGR parking, and this building has (conveniently) not been given a number in the BCESU report.

AGR building X is NOT INCLUDED in your CAD model, or you are using an incorrect height for this building, but still/yet you dismiss “my findings”.

in almost every message I posted relating to buildings, I have mentioned very clearly that I refer to the numbering scheme of the BCESU/SWAT team’s report and that Chris is using a different scheme. For this and subsequent posts, I will be using AGR building X to avoid ambiguity, where X marks the spot.

I have submitted you with the exact coordinates of this building X…

there is a difference between comparing and discussing facts on the one hand and dismissing somebody’s views based on opinion and cognitive dissonance on the other.
I prefer to stick to the facts.

note that it is highly appreciated to communicate in a civilized, non-hostile and non-offensive manner.

consider the factual and polite nature of my replies to your hostile challenges as an example.

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hello Roger,

this is the building numbering scheme of the BCESU/SWAT team report that came out a couple of weeks ago.

when you draw a line from the position of the star on this building to the location of the JCB hydraulic lift, you will find an unobstructed line of sight that is very aligned with the line of sight that the man who died on the roof had…

the reason why I say that the assassination attempt has been very carefully orchestrated is because the AGR site is very unique for this setup…

it would be very hard to find another rally venue which would enable them to get away with it in a similar manner…

I am generating a kml file that represents all “my/these findings”. you will get this later on the day (it is now noonish CET)

ps: near the AGR fence, there is a donut placemark that erroneously refers to realDjStew due to a copy/paste of placemarks. this label will be fixed in the stuff I am working on now

I’m completely done with you. There’s something wrong with you that prevents you from communicating with and/or working with other people.

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the reason you don’t find a solution to this problem is because you base your hypothesis on an assumption that is not correct

you assume that the man who died on the roof (I rarely call this man crooks, because I am not convinced (i.e. have not seen any evidence) that it is crooks) is the shooter of these shots, and you try to match the bullet trajectories to the location of this man.

if the bullets came from a different location (e.g. from the roof of AGR building X (which is the 2nd highest building of the AGR site)), then you will see that everything starts to make sense…

I was just point this out because there was still some folks spreading conspiracy theories about the shoes.

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Hey, were did you get that drone photo of the stage?

I have overlayed these two pictures in google earth pro.

I stole the first image with the full layout (excluding the JCB hydraulic lift from a video released by Gray Hughes Investigates. I do not have the exact video handy, but his channel is where it came from…

when importing a groundoverlay, it is key to first align on certain straight lines (in this case the path parallel to the front of the barns that is in between the red podium and the blue tarp) by rotating the image in the LatLonBox-mode of the groundoverlays. by making the image transparent you can easily see how much you need to rotate the image.

as soon as the rotation if ok, you can start dragging the sides to the right location such that they match things at ground level.

due to perspective and the use of wide angle camera lenses, it is very hard to guestimate the correct position of things at a certain number of centimeters/feet above the ground, but if you align things you see on the ground (e.g., the paths, the hydraulic oil stain, etc), it will be quite easy to get a representative view of the locations of the different items that are relevant

So, does this put the wall vents back in play as a possible 2nd shooter location or are they too low? When I visited the AGR building the wall vents stood out to me. They are above the fence and the crowd.

then how do you explain videos like this?

all 8 shots heard directly in front of the camera, and the camera is facing Building 6

wall vents and window shooters are out of the picture because these would not match any of the sound analyses.

if someone shoots from within a building through a window or a vent, the sound would propagate along the bullet trajectory.

realDjStew and the witnesses around the trees at the other side of the building registered the same sound patterns, which rules out any location that would come from a vent or window…

have a look at the location where I place the real shooter (i.e., not the “second shooter” because this would imply there was a 1st shooter) on top of AGR building X (latitude 40.858989°, longitude -79.970156°, height around 9m from the ground) and draw a line to the location of the JCB hydraulic lift (latitude 40.856698°, longitude -79.971131°, height around 3 meters)…

you will see what I see :slight_smile:

I see an unobstructed direct line of sight from the real shooter to the JCB hydraulic lift.

this lift is important because that is where the 1st bullet ended up in and this caused the massive hydraulic oil stain.

and guess what… that trajectory grazes Trump’s ear at the corresponding height…

Dear howdoiknowthisinfo,

We have already discussed your hypothesis in Post 361 where I said:

I completely agree with your horizontal position, but your vertical position I can’t agree. See the screenshot below, according to our data the back traced shot would put the shooter much lower than you indicate, making it impossible to shoot. All of the building are in the way. Your calculation indicats that the shooter is even higher than crooks? That does not match up with the math…

All our data is backed-up with a document with a reference number. If you are doubting one point on our calculation, I would be glad to provide the referenced document to you. Look for the ref remarks on our drawings and let me know which ones you would like to verify.

From your side and referring to our drawing ref 427 we would simply need to know two data points from you:

  1. what is your assumed height of Trumps ear
  2. what is your assumed height of the bleachers corner “bullet impact”

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there is 152 yards between the real shooter and real dj stew (the man from the video you shared and referred to)

and there is 128 yards between the real shooter and the witnesses under the trees…

and the distance between this real shooter and the JCB hydraulic lift is 292 yards

so why did the cop in the frame (and who’s bodycam POV we have now) start running after the shots started? why did all of those cops surround Building 6 and want to go up on that roof so badly? how did no one notice anything from Building 7?

because of the misdirection technique that the magicians use: they focus your attention to one hand and do the trick with the other, but you do not see the trick as you are looking at the wrong place…

from my point of view, the real shooter was a professional highly trained sniper who had been on the roof of AGR building X (which is the 2nd highest building of the AGR site) for many hours before the rally started.

the man who died on the roof of AGR building 6 had to be on the roof of that building at the exact time that the shooting started. this explains why he was seen running over the roofs to his location a couple of minutes before the shooting started.

that man was the distraction. Pennsylvania is a state where it is allowed to publicly carry a gun of any sort, and the man on the roof was legally perfectly fine while carrying and even aiming a rifle at Trump from the AGR site.

the rally site was a gun free zone (apart from law enforcement), but everybody outside that perimeter was legally fine while carrying a gun visibly.

so, as everybody was pointing at this man on the roof of AGR building 6, nobody looked at any other location…

it is as simple as that: everybody got misdirected to look and focus on the man on the roof, and nobody saw what really happened on top of the higher building behind that man in the same line of fire.

there were no drones, no guards on top of any roofs or the water tower because the assassination was carefully planned way in advance…

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what is the height of the AGR building X (which is the 2nd highest building of the AGR site and the highest building at the main AGR parking) in your model?

I have 416.57 cm above sea level as the highest point of that roof…

I guess the building height in your model is wrong…