Audio Analysis Is Most Consistent Two Shooters At Trump Rally

Is this location of Copenhaver correct?

If you believe in 2 feet error that makes a 12 feet margin error on Crooks position. It only makes it worst for most 3D models. The only way to verify that would be a topographer using a total GPS station.


Here is the triangulation i made for his position from the images above:

3 meters from the left rail.

This plot shows the data produced using the TDOA triangle created by the Ross+DJStew+Podium report time data. I chose this set because DJStew was moving during the data collection, which would highlight any errors. As expected, the model produces a reasonable cluster near the vent location. Although one could make a conclusion from this plot that the vent data looks “better” than the crooks position, I’m not so confident in how I estimated Dayve Stewert’s path of travel that I would say that. So, please don’t draw that conclusion.

The bottom line is that the TDOA analysis does not locate the origin of the shots, but it does prove that the first 8 shots all came from the same location.


Do we know where in the body he was hit?

Hi PhaseFive,

Thank you for your feedback and your strong efforts

I would like to challenge you.

In Crooks position he is not able to make that shot. See screen shot of Trumps head, Crooks shot (red line) would be touching Trumps cheek first and then the ear and then the shot does not hit the bleachers corner. The only matching shot is coming from the vent as you mentioned correctly. Please see screen shots below (red line is Crooks, blue line is the back traced bullet to the vent)

The famous photo you are using as a reference has been evaluated in this forum to be the second shot and not the first. Please see the conversations here:

Let’s work together and compare the sources. I would be glad to give out any information you need from me to evaluate my CAD model.

Together we are strong!

Screenshot 2024-08-15 213530

Not in my drawing:

There is more than one vent to chose from. Below, the little squares on the inside of the building represent possible vents (please share if you have photos of these “vents”). The heavy lines are windows, the one longer one is a door. The little squares outside of the building represent down spouts.

Please have a look at the below drawing of which all members in this Forum have participated. We have a reference for each point. Therefore, if you are doubting anything on this drawing, just ask us for the reference No and we will supply it to you…

The fact that you might not have seen this drawing yet, is because we are discussing it in the “So It’s Back To First Principles” forum.

I took pictures of all the vents and shared them somewhere. Here they are again along with a close-up video of them.


We are the same on some dims and quite different on others.

DrawingStandards-Compared.pdf (569.2 KB)

I have no faith in google elevations. I believe is measures to the tops of vegetation for example, so if you have a field of wheat it will tell you the ground elevation is 3 ft higher than it really is. I would like someone to simply measure multiple points around the ridge and eave of AGR 6 and see if you get any crazy numbers.


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It is going to be the high middle vent in your last image. That’s the one.

hello PhaseFive,

what would you think about a shooter located on top of the tallest building behind crooks?

I created a kml file which you can download from

there is a direct line of sight from both of these roofs and the angle of these lines of sight differ slightly…



thanks for your feedback!

he was shot in the head. there are some quite graphic images. if you want I can copy paste these.

from my view, he was injured with the 9th shot and killed by the 10th because of the large trail of blood.
if he had been killed with the 9th shot, his heart would not have pumped out so much blood.
the blood trail was thus the consequence of the 10 seconds delay between shots 9 and 10

I was asking about Copenhaver. You must be talking about Corey Comperatore.

no, I was talking about the man who died on the roof, commonly referred to as crooks

Oh. Right. You asked me to trace lines of fire, so I trying to see where the victims were hit so I could be more specific about where the bullet ended. I was being lazy. I could try to find it on a search engine. Sorry to misdirect you.

no worries. I have a couple of slides on where James Copenhaver and David Dutch were hit.

the exact injuries of James Copenhaver have not been released. only “life changing injuries”…

about David Dutch:

there was also a nephew of congressman Ronny Jackson who was injured:

that nephew was grazed in the neck.

and Corey Comperatore died by a head shot.
according to the emergency doctor who tried to revive him, the bullet entered on the left side while he was looking towards the AGR site


in the kml file I referred to above you can find a folder “horizontal planes” at different altitudes on centimeter level. these look quite accurate to me…

this kml file also includes the different victims, both hardware and human…

the rally area was never used for corn or wheat…
the ground level varies a lot over the whole area…

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If you are referring the the rally field, that is not what I see in the photos. However there is a substaintial rise in grade from AGR6 to the rally field.

hello Greg,

could you use in your model the initial location I suggested above?
