At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

It is obvious, he made it be observed. Rangefinder + Demolition Ranch.
240810 b

What was he doing with his phone? Perhaps he was waiting for a message.


There was a video from behind the podium. Just before the shooting a photographer was told by bodyguard to go away. Perhaps I can find tomorrow.

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240810 a

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I couldn’t help internally screaming coward. Even if I was on a detail protecting Biden (though I would have left the unit/force first), I would have taken corrective action against the KNOWN threat.

At the very least went and tried to gain an advantage/roof access behind him. But he choose to run out in front of him with a Death wish.

Now this is purely speculation, but what I thought of immediately that the only reason this guy was even able to respond is that those overseeing the operation knew he wasn’t a threat to their plan.

Like when you are on a team and you know, who are the weaker players. They simply didn’t account for him. And his actions showed why.

Complete conjecture, but again what are the Odds that no other LEO ever engages the threat, but this guy.

He somehow is outside and catches Crooks crossing over to Building 6 and without contacting the obviously dozens of LEO in the area to join him, he throws himself at the problem and once confronted immediately runs away.

I find it heard to believe that his upper chain of command didn’t know this even if as I was guessing a rookie…but a 10 year Veteran. By now he most certainly had a track record.

Though I am obviously speculating, little else fits. Because if he was in on it, he deserves an Oscar.


You might find the source data you’re looking for here:

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Yeah, I tried to check the timing of the report in this post. So It's Back To First Principles - #361 by brian60221

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Not sure what to make of this article if true.

Sniper Beaver County Greg Nichols leaving his sniper post to track Crooks is weird. Especially when there are foot patrol officers and plain clothes ones on the grounds around AGR building 6.

He seemed to be making “clumsy” mistakes in the past.

Excerpts from the article:

  • The BeaverCountian previously revealed that Nicol shot himself last December

  • ABC News also revealed that the Beaver County SWAT medic who found Crooks’s lifeless body on the rooftop was the counter sniper Nicol’s wife, Michel Vasiladiotis-Nicol.

  • Nicol was sued in December 2005 for causing the wrong suspect to be arrested in a robbery investigation. In that case, Nicol admitted to confusing the identity of a woman, saying he made an honest mistake.

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Crooks was obviously told to walk around and be noticed. That was his instructions until messaged to take his position. They obviously couldn’t have him networking with an ear piece. FBI immediately snatches phone. How convenient.

FBI first on scene and snatches the Journal and Manifesto of the Tennessee shooter. How convenient like they knew before the shooting happened.

And Crooks even stops for pictures below the CS team in Building 3 that he knew was there. Who would do that even let’s say you were smart enough to know they are there on your own.

Just insults our intelligence that someone bent on killing President Trump would basically put a neon sign on himself like Try and Stop me.

No one in a real Lone Wolf operation would even want to be seen.

It was well planned out on how he was going to get there, when he would make his move by phone and from where.


There IS an archive for videos on PP. I’ve seen it linked to many times so it’s here (but I don’t know exactly where).

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I just want a clear rendition of the audio file (of Source 2) as a sound track-plot with the appropriate ledger time-bar-ruler - for my analysis - I not ready to get in to acquiring audio software and extraction audio files - and it is not necessary to outline a clear path to the comparative audio analysis that would blow the lid on the PTAT - I think - thanks pbd

Yes, for several days I have been posting and reposting my theory. A professional would have had perfect overwatch to observe Crooks to see he’s in position, law enforcement, the status of the rally and Trump being on stage, the crowd, etc. Straight line same trajectory shots, but I’m not sure about the audio and vertical impact trajectories of the bullets. Preliminarily the audio and vertical angles might not line up.

However, if you watch the video it does appear that a head pops up and down between the vertical air vents on the 2 story North building roof. The police video cam also shows some small protrusion that could be a human head, but hard to decipher.

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Frantic cowardice and ineptitude would be generous. EVERY SINGLE COP on the ground positions himself where he absolutely cannot see Crooks, some hiding in buildings until after the shooting! The only cop that tried getting “boosted” up had zero plan to stop him. Did he think 50 people were lying about a man with a gun? Why wouldn’t you, ya know, get up there and draw your gun and stop him? Sometimes cops have to do dangerous things! Or throw something up to distract him, or move over to the parking lot at an angle to just shoot him? What good does it really do to just see him. I didn’t hear a single officer yelling, “Halt, Stop, Show your hands, Put your gun down, Drop it…”

We’ve all probably consumed a lot of police videos interacting with average every-day suspects and the cops have universally been more competent and professional than this lot of idiots. Was this day 1 police academy recruits of 2nd string local law enforcement and secret service?

It’s so evident that this was planned to occur and orchestrated to happen. Maybe not all of them were in on the plan but I cannot fathom the level of gross criminal incompetence we observe.

I wonder if this was all the “B” team police squads and SS that day for key people?


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I think we just busted Greg Nicol, fellow citizens! Before I post the many images, here’s the gist of the bust.

Greg Nicol stood passively inside AGR 6 building, visible by his left elbow through the window of door 9, for at least 260 seconds (4 minutes 20 seconds), from no later than 6:09:02 to 6:13:22, before he opens door 9 slowly with this very elbow.

In the meantime, the first shots are fired ~110 seconds before, and multiple LEOs are seen urgently running across this side of AGR 6 and across this door.

At 6:13:24, Greg Nicol calmly finishes a conversation with someone else just behind the door and slowly turns his head out to the parking lot, and then poses a wide arms stance highlighting his gun on one side and acts a fake head scan northward (diametrically opposite to Crooks above) as if looking for danger or the shooter.

He clearly was by that door all along after having abandoned his sniper post; in that time he was just having a conversation (and his elbow in the video can be seen moving, it’s not a static illusive object) through all the shots; he did not in those 260 seconds let anyone in the building who was locked out as claimed in a timeline; his elbow did not seem to react to the shots; and then Greg Nicol played for the dashcam once he opened the door as if he were a LEO rather than an accomplice or a criminally negligent overwatch sniper.

The following screenshots are from the dashcam video provided by @reneroos, who was the one to spot Greg Nicol opening door 9.

I post multiple screenshots in this order: Just before he opens door, then when he is opening it, then when he poses as a concerned LEO; going backward, multiple images going back in time, showing the elbow through the door 9 window. The point of posting so many is to evidence the thesis.

But the evidence is much more compelling if you watch these minutes and check yourself that the shape of the elbow is moving slightly throughout (and everything else is static), so that this shape is not a static illusion; and if you check also that Greg Nicol opens the door with this very elbow.

  1. Just before Greg Nicol opens door 9, a left elbow is visible and a shaved head:

  2. Greg Nicol opening door 9 with his left elbow:

  3. Greg Nicol posing a fake LEO role of concern and danger - you’ve got to watch this bit of video to see how before the pose he’s still chatting and looking into AGR building:

  4. Now to see how long he had been having this conversation by door 9, let’s go back every 10 seconds before he started to open the door. Here T-10:

  5. Left elbow visible at T-20:

  6. Left elbow visible at T-30:

  7. Left elbow visible at T-30:

  8. Left elbow visible at T-40:

  9. Left elbow visible at T-50:

  10. Left elbow visible at T-60:

  11. Left elbow visible just after first three shots - no surprised reaction, no jerky elbow:

  12. Left elbow visible at T-120 - skipping farther back because the pattern is clear:

  13. Left elbow visible at T-180; ones sees a concerned LEO rushing across 70 seconds before first shot:

  14. Left elbow visible at T-240:

  15. Left elbow visible at T-260 - there is no earlier footage, as this is the moment the Butler Township Police cruiser has pulled in and just parked:

So for at least 260 seconds Greg Nicol stood just inside door 9 of AGR 6, apparently having a conversation, through the mad dash of local LEOs, through the crawling of Crooks just above him, through the local police officer who got boosted to corridor’s roof, through the 10 shots, through the aftermath for another ~110 seconds, to only then act for the camera in the role of LEO!!!

@reneroos - Credit goes to him for providing Dropbox dashcam video and recognizing Greg Nicol at door 9 of AGR just after he opened the door.


Why didn’t they use the window?
240810 e
Actually it looks like a door.


Nicols does seem to be “in” on it, because nothing he did can be rationally explained or even considered basic incompetence. This was a ruse where he/they intended to show some level of competence but tried to conceal their involvement but it’s just too far-fetched.

  1. Failing to timely and effectively communicate seeing Crooks. Now, to cover their tracks to make it look like they WERE doing their jobs, they did “spot” him, and did “communicate” about him but, whoops, he was too sneaky.

  2. Leaving their posts, “whoops” forgot my keys, got locked out, needed to be let in, but that took much longer than they expected for Crooks to get set up and shoot. They were probably sweating it out hiding in the 1st floor waiting for Crooks to shoot. The officer that interrupted him caused a longer delay as well. They probably thought Crooks could get in position and shoot faster than he did.

  3. Nicols to be hanging around on the 1st floor, again not at his post, is major suspicious.

Yeah, he and his partner seem like they cannot reasonably explain their actions.
I also find that the dozen officers simply refusing to stop Crooks, and positioning themselves INSIDE the North 2 story AGR building, or elsewhere and arrive minutes AFTER the shooting, or at angles where they cannot see Crooks (when seemingly every spectator could!) is highly suspect.


A fly on the wall might have heard the two working to get their story straight one last time regarding the access card being left behind. Just speculating.

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Hello Commenter,

Thank you for the follow up and the shoutout.

The video was obtained from the Dropbox of
and made accessible by Matthew Pearson.
There are about another dozen videos regarding the Trump shooting in his Dropbox.


Nicely done. Lone Wolf narrative busted.

Hope with further scrutiny, your observations are conclusively verified.

Let it happen or make it happen. I choose the Later…

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