At Best The US Secret Service Is In 'Damage Control' Mode

@cmartenson has anyone looked at AGR building 9 as a potential shooter location for shots 4-8? Elevation is hard to determine, but it appears there may be a coincident line of sight to Crook’s location. Might also help explain the troublesome audio analysis.

That’s it!

That’s the one. One they missed?

Yes, agree - local LEOs could be responding to being thrown under the bus . . .

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Why was Greg Nichols, one of the two Butler County Sniper Team members, supposedly stationed on the second floor of the building overlooking the roof where the shooter (Crooks?) was shooting from, casually strolling out of the front door of Building 6 (Door 9) at 18:13:29, two minutes after the first shots were fired.
Why did he not remain or return to his post, overlooking the roof, when all LEO’s were still trying to get onto the roof.

The shooter was killed around 18:12:00.
If he would be at his post, he could have seen that and either inform the rest of the LEO’s, or better yet, climb out the window and get on the roof of the adjacent building to confirm and provide intelligence or cover.

Here is the link to the video Dropbox

Just go to 18:13:29 of the time stamp.

The video is somewhat boring, because it is from a dashcam inside the cop car, however it contains tons of audio communications and you can clearly hear the shots.
Maybe some further audio analysis can be done from this, because the car is stationary and the exact location is known.


You would think that the SS would know that would happen at a big event and would not rely on mobile phones.

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Agreed on Greg Nichols.

But as far as the boosted LEO, it exposes more lies and even with my eyes only/ears seems to tampered with.

No blood gushing flesh wound. No twisted ankle. No fall from 9 feet.

And how did Crooks get the jump on him? The LEO should have had the element of surprise.

And why did the LEO approach from that spot? Did he see him run across? Why didn’t he call for backup?

Plus maybe he actually had bad timing, because Crooks most likely reassembled his AR there and then, just in time to aim at the LEO?

The LEO at least goes to intercept Crooks, loses surprise and tactical advantage that can be assessed as possible bad luck, but then runs off like a chicken with its head cutoff to the best location for Crooks to shoot him with minimal risk to Crooks. Plus Crooks is assumed to be lower on the roof, otherwise, how does he get a jump on the LEO, yet the LEO runs to a location he couldn’t possibly see Crooks…

And then audio is removed of the shots taken…

Ugh…this is so Bad, it hurts…


My money on the bloody hands will be whichever guy was using the plastic chair that broke when he was trying to use it to get up before the ladders arrived.

Love this…

IF we didn’t know for sure by now, Greg Nichols knows a WHOLE LOT MORE THAN HE IS TELLING.

Wonder if Greg will end up disappearing?


Plus if Greg Nichols is coming out of Building 6 right after Crooks supposedly fired 8 shoots just above him, there is no way that he wouldn’t know.

I see on Building 3 and 6, where one places an access card, but are they the same pass cards? One might think yes due to how these buildings connect, but then again not necessarily so.

And Greg Nichols looks more concerned about the LEO approaching him than the Fact that a shooting with President Trump on stage has just occurred.

Reminds me of how the dude with the shouldered weapon in front of Trump’s SUV looked at the SWAT officer nearest him.

The near long month of silence from those involved is deafening.

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This is supposed to be a 10-year veteran of the police department too … I feel undeserving to judge, but the aimlessness and cowardice for minutes afterward when seconds mattered was hard to watch.


It is obvious, he made it be observed. Rangefinder + Demolition Ranch.
240810 b

What was he doing with his phone? Perhaps he was waiting for a message.


There was a video from behind the podium. Just before the shooting a photographer was told by bodyguard to go away. Perhaps I can find tomorrow.

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240810 a

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I couldn’t help internally screaming coward. Even if I was on a detail protecting Biden (though I would have left the unit/force first), I would have taken corrective action against the KNOWN threat.

At the very least went and tried to gain an advantage/roof access behind him. But he choose to run out in front of him with a Death wish.

Now this is purely speculation, but what I thought of immediately that the only reason this guy was even able to respond is that those overseeing the operation knew he wasn’t a threat to their plan.

Like when you are on a team and you know, who are the weaker players. They simply didn’t account for him. And his actions showed why.

Complete conjecture, but again what are the Odds that no other LEO ever engages the threat, but this guy.

He somehow is outside and catches Crooks crossing over to Building 6 and without contacting the obviously dozens of LEO in the area to join him, he throws himself at the problem and once confronted immediately runs away.

I find it heard to believe that his upper chain of command didn’t know this even if as I was guessing a rookie…but a 10 year Veteran. By now he most certainly had a track record.

Though I am obviously speculating, little else fits. Because if he was in on it, he deserves an Oscar.


You might find the source data you’re looking for here:

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Yeah, I tried to check the timing of the report in this post. So It's Back To First Principles - #361 by brian60221

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240810 c
240810 d

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Not sure what to make of this article if true.

Sniper Beaver County Greg Nichols leaving his sniper post to track Crooks is weird. Especially when there are foot patrol officers and plain clothes ones on the grounds around AGR building 6.

He seemed to be making “clumsy” mistakes in the past.

Excerpts from the article:

  • The BeaverCountian previously revealed that Nicol shot himself last December

  • ABC News also revealed that the Beaver County SWAT medic who found Crooks’s lifeless body on the rooftop was the counter sniper Nicol’s wife, Michel Vasiladiotis-Nicol.

  • Nicol was sued in December 2005 for causing the wrong suspect to be arrested in a robbery investigation. In that case, Nicol admitted to confusing the identity of a woman, saying he made an honest mistake.

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Crooks was obviously told to walk around and be noticed. That was his instructions until messaged to take his position. They obviously couldn’t have him networking with an ear piece. FBI immediately snatches phone. How convenient.

FBI first on scene and snatches the Journal and Manifesto of the Tennessee shooter. How convenient like they knew before the shooting happened.

And Crooks even stops for pictures below the CS team in Building 3 that he knew was there. Who would do that even let’s say you were smart enough to know they are there on your own.

Just insults our intelligence that someone bent on killing President Trump would basically put a neon sign on himself like Try and Stop me.

No one in a real Lone Wolf operation would even want to be seen.

It was well planned out on how he was going to get there, when he would make his move by phone and from where.