So It's Back To First Principles

I posted in the other thread 4 different rounds fired from my 16" barrel. 556 had an average 3035fps. 223 had an average of 2914. Commercial reload had an average 2905. barrel longer than 16" will have higher velocity. The barrel of the rifle on the roof does look longer than 16".

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OK, so 6 Inches for 167 yards. Does everybody agree?

How about the strong wind on that day, shall we say 2 Inches in the horizontal direction for the same shot?

Why don’t you stop following me around. Take me off your following list.

Sorry intolerance for disagreeing with you but looking at the body cam video from a totally different angle, these are not reflections from the sun, it is evident that the lights are coming from inside. Both, Stewards video and the body cam confirm it. Here are some screen shots from the body cam video each taken from different windows. I measured the hight and it would correspond with the position of a night vision device in top position.

Screenshot 2024-08-14 165614

Screenshot 2024-08-14 165731

Screenshot 2024-08-14 165739

Screenshot 2024-08-14 165823

Screenshot 2024-08-14 165921

Screenshot 2024-08-14 181659

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yes, 6 inches would be ok for the vertical drop.

have a look at the flag above Trump for the horizontal drift:


Hi Ken,

I did address this topic in my post here:

If Trump is looking to the screen his head is not completely turned in a perfect 90° angle towards the screen. I watched his eyes. His eyes are all the way to the right when he is talking, saving him the effort to look all the way back over his shoulder. So if you want to position Trumps head angle it is rather to the left corner of the screen and not the center. According to our simulation however, even with this position, Crooks could not have shot from his position without touching the cheek first and then the ear. The only perfect angle, when considering hypothesis 2, would be coming from the 2nd shooter in building 6. Below some screen shots:

Watch the video when he is shot. he is swiveling his head around, back & forth. Trump is lucky or blessed the bullet passed his head at that exact moment.

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yes, there are differences in the different layouts.
I tried to match the different versions as close as possible to certain reference points both in the different pictures and the buildings and paths/roads, antennas and similar…

also time of day when the picture was taken makes a big difference due to the shadows cast by and on the different objects

it really does not make much difference which ones you use because the proportions and relative angles do not vary much.

the differences in the photos are due to perspective and the way wide angle camera lenses take pictures

on several pictures you see the hydraulic fluid stain and this is important to place the JCB hydraulic lift

if you worry, provide me with a better overall picture and I will use that one.

this also illustrates exactly what I have been saying the past days: there are so many factors in play and it is ridiculous to assume that all the calculations must exactly match and align, otherwise the suggestion is worthless.

I am ok with slight variations and if you are concerned, show me a better one that would satisfy you…

I tested the following ones and the ones I included in the snapshot are the most representative that enable reasonable alignment:


as you can see, the problem is the wide angle lenses and the fact that these drones did not look straight down, which distorts the width of certain paths and different objects that are more left/right/higher/lower in the picture compared to the center of the picture.

I only show here the ones that are more or less vertical, because it is totally impossible to realign an image that was taken at an angle to the ground map…

so, my reference points were the roads/paths and the points that clearly touch the ground, i.e., the corners of the buildings, the base of the bleachers, etc.
for the bleachers, I use the front corner at ground level that is located in the direction of the JCB hydraulic lift that was hit by the 1st bullet.
the angle/bearing of the bleachers is based on the position of the other corner on the ground, and I simply use the dimensions in meters to plot the bleachers, i.e., if you are sitting/standing in the bleachers, the left ground corner is the one for which I use the coordinate and the other ones are calculated based on the bearing.

the exact size of the bleachers does not really matter, even though roger still swears by it…

does this answer your query?

Yes, I have taken that into consideration. It is a slight head movement that saved his life.

I think what Ken is trying to say, is that if Trumps head is completely turned back in a right angle towards the screen, then the shot has to come from out of the woods, otherwise his cheek would have also been damaged as well as his ear. I have however notice that Trumps eyes are all the way to the right which helps him in such a way that he does not have to turn his head and body all the way back towards the screen. As you can see on my simulation it is about -10° if you take the stage as a reference. This makes a perfect line for the second shooter, but not for Crooks, another confirmation that our hypothesis 2 (having two shooters) is the most favourable up to now.

I had to recharge my defibrillator twice when I saw this :wink:

What I forgot to mention earlier is this: if you have a robust theory or hypothesis and good arguments why that theory makes sense or that hypothesis holds, then it doesn’t matter that much if certain parameters deviate slightly, because a robust theory/hypothesis still holds and makes sense.

On the other hand, if the theory/hypothesis is weak, or even very weak, and depends on an exact set of parameters and assumptions that really shouldn’t deviate from anything, then the theory/hypothesis is very fragile and I wouldn’t put too much effort into it…

However, the model I propose is extremely robust and therefore doubly worth defending. And besides, it doesn’t really matter where exactly those bleachers were hit: they were just a transit point between the relevant points of the bullet trajectory: muzzle and impact, and even if the way the bleachers were hit was important, it wouldn’t matter, because they are on the trajectory of the bullet…

Until the day before yesterday, the whole model I defend was ridiculed and gas lit, but since the day before yesterday there seems to have been a small change and it is at least a bit more discussable.

And the only criticism that sometimes still pops up is the sound analysis, but it now turns out that the parameters used for that sound analysis are just standard values ​​picked out of thin air and that may not be relevant to the atmospheric conditions and the weapons and ammunition used…

So I’m still working on that…

OK, our masterpiece is fore filled! Here is our “Peak Prosperity joint citizen investigation” document which represents all your great input and feedback. If the first bullet hits Trumps Ear and the right corner of the bleachers as seen in multiple videos, we have two points locked in space. Using the positions of these two points we can back trace the origin of the shooter, which in this case does not lead to Crooks on the roof (offset vertical is 6 feet and horizontal offset is 9 feet), but rather to the wall of building 6 (46.6 feet from the building wall and 9.85 feet from the floor). Therefore according to this document, there are two shooters.

I have added our Excel sheet in this drawing as well, so that we don’t have 2 documents anymore. Just one big JPG file that defines everything in space based on mathematical defined calculations.
Everybody please make sure to download this document and keep it in a good place. This document represents 100 hours of our hard work.
Just one small remark to howdoiknowthisinfo before you answer this Post: I will spend my time answering one question per day from you. Therefore, please think very carefully about what you want to try debunking. :blush:

Together we are strong!

Screenshot 2024-08-14 201234


I’ve stated somewhere on PP it’s either that vent or the shot came from above Crooks. When you’re standing in front of building 6 it jumps out at you. It’s the only spot that checks all the boxes that’s below Crooks.


I read your prior post. Very good. But here is why I am drawing my line through the center of the screen (see photo). As you can see, the visual is ‘letterbox’ i.e. a bit smaller than the full screen. Also from, watching the RSBN original video, Trump appears to be be straining to see the detail, from center, and even to the right. Focused vision on fixed objects takes place at the center of the retina, requiring both eyes at a right angle to the object for parallax vision to work clearly. Peripheral vision only works well for moving objects. This would position Trumps head at a 90 degree angle to the screen at the moment of impact.

Further, re: head orientation. From the photo of Trump at moment of impact, note the shoulder blades are about 40 degrees of rotation from the podium. And then, see that DJT is also turning his head toward the right shoulder, adding to the angle. It would take a good chiropractor to sort this out. I tried to copy his pose, with the fold and extension of arms, and the angle. It seems to confirm the ‘center to right side’ approach.

In the start of the Musk interview Trump discusses his experience with screen and head tilt in great detail. He even mentions “right angle” to the screen as being the reason the bullet missed. I get the impression from listening that more is known from his observation than is being shared through official channels. Bottom line, if accurate, the Crooks single shooter hypothesis is officially DOA, with admissible evidence. Beyond this, we don’t know what we don’t know. But maybe we know where to look.
Display Screen

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Someone has been doing some reading! Even the profiles of g1 and g7, congrats.

This BC of .434 seems way too high for common 5.56… did you type this number or was it a template? If it exists, it’s not common at all… for 55 grains, it would be around 0.250-0.270, probably… for 77 grains maybe 0.375

best to keep it on gravity…

Thank you for making it available, I can tell it took effort. I haven’t been able yet to plot on the model, just compared your heights to a ballistic table I made for 5.56 yesterday, but it was too late, didn’t even finished it. I will try to go over it today with the info you wrote here.

And on that day it must have made quite a curve. That heavy flag was almost horizontal. I’ve been using 9mph for wind at 90degrees.

even though several in this forum are convinced of the opposite, I am not the biggest moron around, he…

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I took that value from the url mentioned below in the graphs.
I will use the values you mention.

very much so!
and it makes it even more impressive that Trump is still alive, he!

thanks for your feedback!

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Hi Ken,

Yes, I was the same opinion as you until I saw this picture.

Assuming his arm is pointing to the screen, which would be 90° in respect to the screen. His head is not inline with that angle. Like I mentioned, this angle is compensated by his eyes, that are totally to the right.

Another point to mention is that we have determined in this forum, that the first bullet hits Trumps ear and then the corner of the bleachers. As you know, we are in a position now to back-trace this bullet to the original location from where it was shot, which leads up to the building 6 wall. Therefore, not only do we locate where potentially the 2nd shooter is positioned, but it automatically sets the head angle of Trump.

That photo you posted was a few seconds before he was injured.

Trump had both hands down when the first shot rang out. Here is the live feed from RSBN:
Photo shows the frame closest to impact. Unfortunately the photo you posted is before he was shot. A raised right arm would affect head angle, shifting it to the left.

That might be a bad conclusion. .223/5.56 is well known to deflect and/or tumble upon impact. Even his ear strike could push that round off course a few degrees.