So It's Back To First Principles

True, good catch.

Then we need to take a better look at those color options for every year/model, because from that aerial sat photo of Crook’s car (and assuming that is Crooks car on the driveway…and probably is) it has a slight blueish tint in full daylight, enough to be clearly different from his Neighbor’s gray Civic. Granted, the Hyundai Gray doesn’t seem to be as dark as that Honda gray, but the Hyundai’s gray still lacks the blueish tint we see on the fbi photo and on the aerial image.


Not a 2022 in electric shadow: From that 2022 table I came across the model would have to be a hybrid for it to be painted in Electric Shadow, and it appears that’s not the case, since the parked car doesn’t have the “Hybrid” logo.

Not a 2023 in electric shadow. I’ve found here that for 2023 the Electric Shadow color is only available for the N models. Which is not the case of the parked car, as you mentioned.

Not a 2024 in electric shadow: since the car was already parked there in August/2023.

What about 2021 electric shadow ?? While I didn’t find such a model/color table for other years, that youtube video link shows " The NEW 2021 Hyundai Elantra Limited. Color: Electric Shadow". However, the parked car on scene, doesn’t have the “Limited” logo seen on the youtube video. Let alone the “Hybrid”. However, from this page here, while I’m not 100% convinced by this page, since it was pre-release info, it would appear that the 2021 model has the Electric Shadow available for all models, which would match this Limited from the video having the color.

My current belief is that Crooks car was an Elantra 2021 in Electric Shadow, which he would have bought used in 2023, since in 2022 he was probably still riding the bus to high-school, as told by his neighbor Liam here. And that the car VegasPatriot found is indeed Crooks car, since it was still there at dusk

Also, notice how the owner of that 2021 Elantra from the video made a point to show in text that the “Electric Shadow Changes color at night” (missed this when I saw the video yesterday)

Here, videos of a 2021 Elantra in Electric Shadow without the hybrid or limited logos.


As a reminder.

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Is that screenshot from posts or mentions in Brian Pardini’s account? Because I don’t see that in his account.

That shot is of the only 3 comments on his last photo:

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The height of the fence closest to the AGR is not what I asked about. I asked about the bleachers packed with standing people clearly at least a few feet higher than the top of these windows.

Regardless The photos unquestionably prove that the AGR6 sits in a lower depression.

There are 5 sincere obstacles.

  1. Windows. Never opened or removed.
    End of analysis.
  2. Fence #1. Possibly too tall. Notches theory is intriguing but I’m not convinced. May not be since the trajectory would be perhaps 25 degrees upwards.
  3. Fence #2 sits on higher ground so it might be in the way. May not be since the trajectory would be perhaps 25 degrees upwards.
  4. Bleachers are definitely in the way
  5. Thick packed standing audience, moving, holding up signage, etc, is definitely in the line of fire.

The window, bleachers, and audience make this theory DOA. Even if these windows were open there’s still no firing solution.

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I just edited that most recent post of mine about the car, have a look, tell me what you think. When I said not a 2022, not a 2023, I meant not in electric shadow. The 2021 model had the electric shadow color available for all models. And I added some more info and references of the 2021 model without the logos.


I did a Tineye reverse image search for the Photo we have of Burke and it only finds the photo we have from The Daily Mail, so I’m sure if that’s recent or older.

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I would say you’re pretty damn close here…


Sorry I was thinking you were talking about the fence, because that is the most critical in this trajectory.

I have to disagree with all of your points. The left bleachers are clearly out of the way for a potential collision with people standing on the bleachers. There is a 7.12 foot clearance.

I will draw the bleachers in 3D to have a better understanding, but in the meantime, this drawing should be enough to debunk your claim.

By the way, having those notches directly in the trajectory between window 2 and Trumps ear is already damning evidence, because the only reason to have those in that position would be coming from the shooter from window 2. He had to cut free his trajectory!

Yet we have another problem, if either of these gentlemen were to actually be Tim Burke:

A source briefed on the events of the July 13 shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, told that Burke was not on the ground that day, but that his role included approving the advance security plan for Trump’s campaign rally.

:thinking: A bad source? Deliberate misinformation? Why on earth would the SAIC NOT be on the ground that day?

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Superb :+1:
what exact model is it on your picture?
have you got a link to where you found it?

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But we have photo evidence disproving your drawing. The victim in the stands video proves 100% that windows 3 and 2 are totally obscured and no shooting angles are possible.

Besides, none of those windows were opened or broken or taken off.

So you’re just wasting everyone’s time.

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wouldn’t give too much on Wikipedia anymore either, but just sayin…

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Can you share the link to the specific article stating that? Thanks.

If I had to guess, that being Burke with Pardini or not, it seems that during those same few minutes Pearson may have captured most of the non-field SS personnel. I see 2 of the 3 starting to draw their weapons (Edwards & Clowser?), so they seem to have had field experience where the long haired geeky looking guy looks scared. I would have to look back to see what you or someone else found on him. Does the black man look like he could be the son of the retired Edwards? Just a thought.

Edit: Geeky guy does have a weapon drawn.

emphasized text

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I see you have not read my previous post: Here is how they did it with the windows:

Left and bottom photos are from bwc2-122104, the "Pearson cam’, right photo is from @daniloraf video Hyundai Elantra 2021 Electric Shadow a couple of posts above.

Certainly, it’s the same article we find our photo of Mr. Burke.
Pittsburgh Secret Service chief Timothy Burke is among five agents put on ‘administrative duties’ as part of a probe into Trump assassination attempt failures | Daily Mail Online

I do believe you are right, Pearson definitely captured a lot of the non-field personnel in this footage, I’ll work on combing through it some more and see what I can find.


In that top right image, it looks more like “Fluid Metal” than “Electric Shadow” to me, whereas the potential Crooks car looks like “Electric Shadow.” I’m trying to do 3 things at once so might be missing some of the discussion. Sorry.

Edit: BTW, that article was a pre-delivery to that dealership, not a pre-release of the vehicle, so the colors referenced would not have changed.

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In 5 seconds? They removed windows, shot 3 times, and replaced windows?
With none of the 20 people standing there seeing?

And perfectly coordinated to be on neither of the TWO video recorders looking directly at them but conveniently turned away at the precise 5 seconds.

Sorry but that’s impossible.

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Perhaps, though those colors look nearly identical to me, and the video is titled with electric shadow. But it could go either way really. And nothing to be sorry for, there is so much discussion going on in different directions it’s hard to keep track of it all.

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I’m in LinkedIn looking for John Edwards’ account but it doesn’t call up in my search. Do you still have a link to it. It was a LinkedIn account, right?

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