So It's Back To First Principles

Works for me but there are folks with serious political agendas and/or mental-emotional issues. Th latter cloud their judgment and there is nothing in Green God’s Hell that anyone can do a damn thing to help them. So the forum gets inundated with irrelevant junk in the form of personal insults (lol) which prop up tender male egos.

[quote=“brian60221, post:2289, topic:41297, username:brian60221”]
I don’t understand the exact mechanisms…[/quote]

You act like you do. Why is that? This forum is for exploration. “Exact mechanisms”, when have you seen those exist?


the more he was on the phone, the more evidence there is for good cell phone coverage…


playing like a team is much more than repeating over and over again that, e.g., the previous/current/next version of a fantastic representation is the result of contributions from all forum members and claiming “together we are strong” where easily verifiable input from several forum members are blatantly ignored and ridiculed…

exactly, and that is exactly what is NOT done by several…

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Just back to counter-surveillance. Swiss police found strange that we were looking for cars for sale. And they quickly checked what was going on. (Several people didn’t bring the car to a handler, just put a piece of paper on the car in front of the house what the price was.) And I’m sure they have overwatch on us all the day. When by PKW we turned to a road “no truck traffic” we immediatelly got a $60 ticket, “nur für Anlieger” they said (only who lives here).

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Possible hit on our missing Ray McDonald:

Hometown Heroes: Evans City Rotary – Butler Eagle

A facebook hit for a Ramond McDonald:


B&W photo he appears to me to be the one in the center.

Ray McDonald – Butler Eagle

He had a job working in the automotive field when he joined the Cranberry Township Volunteer Fire Company as a firefighter in 2006 when he lived in the township.

“Seeing people getting hurt in accidents was hard because I couldn’t help them, so I went to EMT class and advanced from there,” McDonald said.

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Referring to my post from yesterday, I just want to get down to the nitty gritty:

Take the audio from @realDJStew724 video and load it into Audacity and you will find the time sequence from the first 8 shots as follows:

Screenshot 2024-09-16 151140

Then EVERYBODY go and download one specific body cam video from the 12 set videos officially released from Butler Township PD, namely file:


It is the original body cam video in super HD, file size is 1.8GB

Click on this dropbox link:

official Drop box Township PD

Open it in VLC media player, fast forward to 11Min 20 sec and hit the E key to watch screen by screen. You will find all visual shots superpose with the exact time frame within milliseconds!


We could exactly map 5 shots showing within milliseconds the following

shot 1 from window 2
shot 2 from window 1
shot 6 from window 2
shot 7 from window 3
shot 8 from window 2

Assuming the first 3 shots are from a sniper weapon which was bolt-action, meaning the sniper must manually chamber the next round, which slows down follow-up shots, therefore they changed rifles and shots 4 – 8 were shot in tandem between window 2 and 3, explaining the quick interval between the shots.

It also would lead to the conclusion that Crooks was a patsy, waiting on the roof, simply to get shot, not taking a shot at all.

For detailed explanation go to yesterday’s post:

I’ve been working on something else and haven’t had time to dig deeper on your discoveries pertaining to Eduardo, Clowser, Edward’s, Duprey, Site Lead?, and now McDonald. I have a few thoughts, though.

Eduardo: I found him in Jason Goodman’s x account, but I have to question why he would contact Jason on condition of anonymity yet provide a partial photo. I didn’t listen to his whole post about his conversation, though.

Clowser: He is very likely the guy, but finding a photo will be tough. I searched the ACAM annual reports and while they include a lot of group photos from these events, they don’t name those in the photos.

Edward’s: It is not inconceivable that he would come out of retirement to help with the rally on a contract basis, but he appears to live in the Detroit area now, so it’s it seems more likely the feds would use a current employee more local.

Dupery: I’m doubtful of this one because there is no SS connection.

Site Lead?: That was the female I thought might be the one at the rally who was part of the advance team, but the hair color being less blonde and fuller face make me think not. That and the fact that the site lead sounds like an office person, based on the news’s description, not someone who would be part of the protection detail.

McDonald: I’m doubtful of this one as well because of no SS connection, and a leap from firefighter to Tech. Security.

When I get further along with my current project I’ll spend some time digging more on some of these. I’m less concerned, personally, getting photos of the SS team for now because I don’t need them for my remaining time analysis. I do want to ID them, though, for future analysis of the SS efforts prior to the rally.

All good work, though. I don’t know how you manage to find all of this. My searches seem so controlled and limited anymore, as if someone in a 3-letter agency is monitoring my search history. I wouldn’t be surprised.


How do you explain the 10 feet tall bleachers in the direct path blocking these windows?

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Personally, I can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on! All of your findings and slides correlating and analyzing data are impressive to say the least and help immensely to more fully understand the events.

Thank you, and I will be looking more into this. That is an odd situation, speaking on anonymity and yet giving a photo, albeit blurred/censored, but still, unusual.

Yeah, those points ring true, but also what is the job description of a Technical Security Investigator/Technical Security Lead? Were you to have one on site, you would probably want the creme de la creme, as it were, and his experience would seem almost invaluable despite the slight distance hurdle. Or there could be a nepotism angle, perhaps this retired Edwards has a son or relative named after him, following in his footsteps so to speak?

Indeed, I expect a photo of him to be very hard to come by. Time will tell…

Certainly true, and the woman appearing in the site advance does appear younger to me than the one on the protection detail. I agree hair color appears a little different, though I am not sure if that can be attributed to differing camera, saturation levels, brightness, contrast, exposure, etc. The bun style is pretty damn similar though, and we also have Mrs. Bank also present on site advance and performing rally day protective detail, so I am uncertain whether she would just be an office person. And the hit I found about Duprey vs Dubrey, I really don’t know what to make of, though it leads me to question their spelling yet again. Seriously, with the “officiality” of all of their reports, you’d think some level of spelling accuracy would be required…

McDonald only appears as far as I’ve seen listed as Butler ESU, nothing to do with SS or tech security. He may have been on site with Butler as EMS?

Thank you, and I’m not really sure how I’ve been able to find all this either. I’ve noticed searches seemingly limited or otherwise bringing results completely unrelated. I tend to bounce between different search engines, trying different phrasings and spellings of things, and trying to cross reference different relatives and related names that pop up. Otherwise, it’s just dumb luck.

Edit: Oh yeah, I almost forgot. What do we have here?

SAIC Tim Burke? Perhaps walking alongside, I dunno, maybe ATSAIC Brian Pardini?

I was just perusing through @rawroku’s timeline again. He references a Gary Melton of Paramount Tactical assessment that, who I currently believe to be Banks, as Lead Agent, was the Site Lead. I have to watch that video to see how certain Melton was of that ID, and what his source was.

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Simple answer: the shooter had a pair of pliers! :smile:

These notches are in perfect trajectory between window 2 and Trumps ear

Please read my previous post very carefully!

Julia, wife of Brian Pardini’s facebook. (Photo added June 15th)

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Below is a solid ID of Burke, though I don’t recall the date of the photo. There is debate over whether or not Burke was the one on the advance team, though I find it hard to believe he wasn’t. There is also a similar looking man who jumped in to help guard Trump as they got to the SUV. He has a different tie than the guy you captured by the barn. I believe the guy at the SUV is more likely to be Burke. He was not part of the immediate protective team walking Trump over to the SUV, but rather jumps in to join them as if to show himself supporting that team.



ATSAIC Brian Pardini: I would think he wore a more official SS field agent clothing with SS star and badge. I could be wrong, though.


Edit: Based on your post with Pardini and his wife, it looks like I am wrong.

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Perhaps that guy in the shades with red striped tie could be this one?

I see a remarkable resemblance.

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Yes, they do look like the same man, but is it Burke? Being at the advance visit as well as jumping in at the SUV sure seems like SAIC activities to me.

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While they do sound like SAIC activities, I very much believe this to be someone other than Burke. My shot of the guy walking with Pardini has those same cheek creases as the Burke photo, blue tie. Other guy has red tie, no defined cheek creases. Who he is yet I’m not sure.

This is an odd FB account, though I’m not saying it isn’t real. Some observations:

  1. There is one reference to Pittsburgh in a first communion post.
  2. Her posts are mostly changing her profile photo. All done before July 13th. Why the different profile photos. Is the current one Grandpa? He appears to be older that hubby or thhe guy at the rally, but again I could be wrong.
  3. No friends listed. Could have scrubbed that after July 13th to protect her friends, or it could be she really doesn’t use FB much

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To top that all off, I really only found it through a Brian Pardini facebook account, consisting of only three photos of their kids all dated 2014.

Edit: Considering how facebook works, privacy controls and all, this very likely may not be the only posts or content on either of their facebooks, but is all the is allowed viewable publicly. The scarcity of content may be a sign of scrubbing, may be a sign of using privacy controls, may be a sign of lack of use, it’s hard to tell at this point.