So It's Back To First Principles

I’ve just watched it. It seems there are actually 2 UFOs there. The one you circled and another one just below it, ms later, both flying in the same direction. North → South (right to left on video). That was really fast. Can birds actually fly that fast? It seemed very fast, but I have zero bird knowledge, so…Can drones fly that fast?


I’ve been just downloading for frame-by-frame step.


The easiest method (and the only one for macOS) to go frame by frame on the VLC player is to use the E button on your keyboard. This will jump your media file ahead by one frame. On Windows, you also have the option of Advanced Controls, which places a button on the VLC player interface. Some people may prefer that instead of a keyboard shortcut.


298.47 mph

not sure though what Military or similar entities can come up with


So then he would be this guy?:
Screenshot 2024-09-15 192448

The guy on the phone the whole time? Who seems to be explaining to someone exactly what just happened? Hand motions for emphasis, etc. I really wonder who he’s talking to. And if I’m not mistaken this is Pearson’s camera? We clearly see him asking questions of the sniper, King, and gesturing towards the AGR a couple times.

Funny how this camera has no audio to it whatsoever. :expressionless:


You should watch this film: Good Bye Lenin! 2003



haha, post must have at least 5 characters, okay



exact same pair of bracelets. Beard looks identical too.


Ha! I have, years ago, while I was in college. Great cast, great writing. (I’m a big cinephile). I will never, ever forget that scene when his mother sees that Coca-Cola ad).

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First hit is some weird DHS/USSS hybrid, and from what I can tell has no reference directly to M. Perez.

Link lands here:

/1. Official website of the US government.
/2.Kids’ Corner??!?
/3. DHS/USSS collab?

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This may be trivial but ffs thank you! I was trying to figure out the vlc keyboard shortcut for frame advance! Thank you!!!

Some still images:


Chase Clowser - Speaker | ACAMS


Accuracy to which John Edwards this is is uncertain. Though he certainly has the experience, he “retired” from service in 2023.


Well, this is troubling, fellows… what we have here is an honest smart guy pointing out what appears to be non-linear animal flight/hover or a drone flight. Either Kincses is seeing things or we’re onto something. I for one can’t shake the thought drones were flying that day,

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For the potentiality of drones.


And for what it’s worth, what the fuck? If this is his second attempted (that we know of) assassination, why and how would that be an issue of state vs issue of federal involvement? Two failed assassinations don’t get you federal notice, let alone protection?

The people deserve the truth, you are damn right. About this, about Butler, about all this nonsense that keeps going on.


IMO, DeSantis is saying he won’t let the Feds cover this up and bury the information.


I don’t understand the exact mechanisms, but the FBI seems to have the power to take over investigations and wave everybody else off, at least normally. This is really bad, because the FBI basically pretends to investigate while not actually doing it, but prevents genuine investigators from finding out anything. Maybe that’s why DeSantis is breaking with standard procedure.


EVERYONE has skills.
Some are significant in one area of this Investigation and others lay elsewhere. In the end, however, that’s the sign of a great Squad isn’t it ? We all need water and therefore even the waterboy is significant.

Lets play like a Team. Not a group of individuals x


Butler Farm Show:

Clearly trying to distance themselves from the J13 events.

Found her whilst looking for a Dana Dubrey as source material states. NYC is not so far from PA. And assuming from her job resume she’s transferred to NYC from CA in 2023.

Skills in:

(along with a whole host of other ‘skills’)

Could be. Or he’s just trying to milk the ignorance of the Trump base. Speaking as a Floridian who has had to put up with this scum for what feels like eons.

Look I just think we ALL need to respect the input from Everyone. Irrespective of whether we agree with it or not.