So It's Back To First Principles

Someone has collected several footages:

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Where was this photo from?


And why was it penned in that he was responsible for drone surveillance? Especially when we’ve been given direct information that drone support was not granted.



hard to find pictures of this SS people
…what’s kind of how it should be


I updated my slide, thanks


If one of the Hercules 1 sniper really did the killshot #10 than it was most likely D. King. He was further west and therefore could oversee more of the roof than all the other SS CS. If I remember correct, he was the first to turn around and get his rifle repositioned.







Technically, I think we have 6 of their faces from the advance team photo, and some news reports and other evidence that states what roles they played, but to your point we will be hard-pressed to find a photo elsewhere with the name to confirm them, other then the SAIC.

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Also, along the drone angle, Crowdsource The Truth is on a thing about these being drones also:
Crowdsource The Truth on X: “If you aren’t watching Crowdsource the Truth, you really don’t know what happened in Butler PA at the @realDonaldTrump assassination attempt. Not only did Thomas Crooks NOT fly a drone, our buddy SA Castro seems to have been controlling more than one! @I_Am_JohnCullen” / X


I thought of labeling them as Spotter and Counter-Sniper for each team, and believe both of the counter-snipers are the ones closest to the stage end of the barns.


Plus I think he had the look as he was walking away of just having to take someone’s life.

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True, the challenge is to match the faces with the correct names.

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I saw that while scrolling through his x account and found some high res photos and Eduardo’s blurred photo. I think he’s out in left field as far as Crooks not flying a drone, though. I think his arrogance is getting the best of him there, and he’s ignoring the FBI statement about when and how far away Crooks was flying his drone.

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would at least make most sense to me if it was this way.

That’s for sure not a nice sight when you pull the trigger and see that head go boom. The other guy was on the phone the whole time anyway, on the roof and when he was down afterwards. Somehow I don’t think he would be so talkative if he just had killed someone.


This is what I’m thinking so far for the advance team. I do have a media report or something stating that a counter-sniper is typically part of the advance team, I just have to find it.


It seems like everyone originally thinks that the bald guy is Burke. But when we look at other frames from that video, it doesn’t seem to be him. He has a very flat face different from Burke.

Don’t know why but my feeling tells me “Le Liaison” is Myosoty

I wrote that somewhere else, I’m not convinced that the guy is Tim Burke.

If that really is a CS guy, then it’s probably my Hercules 1.1 (bc of the bracelett)

Doesn’t the black guy look like the SS agent who was on the roof?


Aha, the bracelet does help.

Yes, definitely agree with you there.

Yes, that was my reference making fun of the actual guy that had many “we don’t know so far” and him wearing the same brand as 007. I just couldn’t resist the reference. hehe

That must be awful. Especially when you’re in your late teens, early 20’s. Somehow it seems there will always be those willing to sacrifice their morals while helping tyrants to limit other people’s freedom. I was 6 when the Berlin wall fell and didn’t know any better (it’s the temporal mark we use here in BR, even if the surrounding countries were not all, say, unsmothered at the same time, if I remeber correctly). It was only later in high-school and college and from books and films that I would learn more about the curtain. It’s a fascinating topic, really. To me the curtain seems like a distant story, while to you it’s real history. I wonder about how will schools around the world in today’s zeitgeist narrate not only the iron curatin but also our current events in the future. Unfortunately it seems the media won’t even care about anything anymore. History scholars… well… DunKnow…

As a curiosity: where I’m from the usual car brand used to reference the iron curtain cars is Lada. Skoda is also known but not not as used as Lada as an example of the Iron Curtain period. Fiat is obviously known. The other brands I had never heard of before your post. Always nice to learn. Thanks.


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