So It's Back To First Principles


I’ll try, but it’s quite a tall order. Even if we had a sat image of both models, unless the top-view is significantly different, with this driveway resolution is going to be difficult. BTW, does anyone here happen to know a place where I can find sattelite images of a Sonata and an Elantra? :grimacing:

I looked up a San Jose, CA Hyundai dearlership, but it’s a maze… (Sillicon Valley, figured the resolution there would be the highest possible).


For sure the same person. Notice from J13 she’s left-handed (considering her left-hand thumb is over across the backstrap of the pistol going over to the other side), and on the advance team she wears her wristwatch on her right wrist (how most lefties wear watches).




Meredith Bank


Another potential match from site survey to J13 events.

And these are supposedly SS agents? Or are they confirmed DHS? Either way, they had access to the site beforehand and either failed to properly assess the site ahead of time, failed to relay necessary information to the proper channels, or possibly even actively sabotaged the protection effort.

Meredith Bank, do we know anything of her?



This is what I had last night, trying to confirm that she was in fact Meredith Bank. My take on it right now is that she is the Lead Agent and not the Site Agent, based on her being at the rally and the actions she took there. I could not see the proposed Site Lead at the rally, but not seeing her face made it difficult. There was a female agent that helped Trump off the stage, but I couldn’t tell if she was the one at the advance visit.


If memory serves me right, I believe there was also a male SS sniper on the advance team. I read that somewhere this last week, I believe (either here or some yt video).

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AK47-style rifle that was used for todays assassination attempt on DJT.
1 suspect in custody.

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the quick brown fox stepped over that lazy dog

I started working on identifying which counter-sniper it was but moved on to something else. Three of the 4 have beards, and he likely trimmed up his beard before the rally.

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suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh

how remarkable that man is still alive…


Name’s DunKnow. James DunKnow.

Looks an awful lot like the bottom Hercules 2 to me.

Going through some bwc footage now, found this:

Rifle bag with name tag: King, D.

Edit: Clearly not same guy

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This are all things coming from the cops, medic staff or so. Best check BWC2-122110 to see what’s on the roof when the first group of 4 arrive ontop AGR6 and what happens up there in the first moments.

I didn’t look close enough to catch the name on the bag. Didn’t even think to do it. Good find!

Oh, and I agree the bottom photo looked like a march.

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It sounds like “My name is Bond. James Bond.”

By the way. Do you know what counter-surveillance means?
(Before 1990 we have eastern cars: Trabant, Wartburg, Skoda, Polski Fiat, Lada.)
After the iron curtain ceased to exist, we went to Switzerland to buy second hand cars. As we were looking for cars for sale, an unmarked police car stopped us and we were detained for a short interrogation. And I guess all the day we were escorted by unmarked police cars.

from the DJT Detail Assignment List

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Yes, that’s what I have her down as, but could not find any corroborating evidence to prove she’s the one I believe is her from the site advance and rally.
