The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation 'Errors' Committed By The FBI

From a certain point of view:
An architect engineer told me, when he receives a plan to build a new house, the first thing he must check that plan.

Therefore. If you are a super special agent in charge at the site and you got the plan to execute, I guess you have to check it too.

(I watched an interview with a chief sniper from Israel. He said something similar. If you cannot take the risk with the given conditions, you should not accept the task.)

(In the army, we had to disassemble our weapons as possible to clean it. However, Crooks had no military training officially. But I guess he had to clean the rifle from time to time. (By the way, I had to shoot in the army only once, and actually that was 3 times blanks in the air at a funeral.))

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That’s the problem, she wasn’t a super special agent. She couldn’t even properly holster under pressure.

Pat Rogers of EGA, proved a properly built AR type rifle will run for tens of thousands rounds with just adding more lube as needed. Filthy 14, a loner rifle for his training company was never cleaned and went for over 40k rounds.

This is the guy.
super secret agent in charge


Not sure about the guy on first pic. But at some point there was a post about him. Maybe something with the USSS Pittsburgh office.

2nd pic guy was just a witness. I think you can see him in Dave Stewarts video sitting on a bench.

She (the can’t holster lady) was assumingly the Site agent in charge.

She was also on site prior to the event when they did their advanced site survey.


The bald headed dude is the lead agent at the Pittsburgh office and he is creepy.

He doesn’t seem surprised or concerned at the shooting on that body cam and I mean: not at all, not a bit. No alarm, no concern.



Hello, I’m new to the page! My only question was after 3 shots, why did the loser not keep the 5 shots towards the target ! Right at trump! I am glad they didn’t , but 3 shots, fbi jump on trump, why didn’t he try and finish the shot toward him and not randomly all over! If he did training at the range, those final shots would have possibly changed history! I have shot many at-15s with single push of the trigger to rapid shots, he’ll I even watched a friend use a bump stock, and he kept within the target (I realize that isn’t common for using such)

Also the vehicle parking (according to the 4 pm-ish text description could be the grounds keeper or that motorcycle !
In ending, everyone here is doing an awesome job! kudos to you all!

He looks like straight out of a creepy horror movie. The puppet master in the background, evil, really really evil. Somehow he doesn’t even look human. Shit, now I feel scared only thinking about him…

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Hi Jay and welcome to the Forum.
The FBI probably just scratched balls. It’s the Secret Service who (should) protect the protectee, they were the ones jumping on Trump and building a human shield.
Concerning the shots: I think you can’t compare range shooting for training with a situation like this. Think about the stress level he probably had. It’s like in sports, a lot will easily score that goal in training. But when it really counts and there’s high stakes, only the best will consistently make it.

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I thought this was a very interesting analysis of the shooters rifle. One thing that is always bothered me is the fact that three casings were found on the south side of the roof. Based on this video at seven minutes 30 seconds or so it just seems like an order for those casings to have been found on the south side of the roof, the shooter had to be hanging over the roof line towards the southside, which would’ve made him incredibly exposed to Hercules one view. Also at about 19 minutes it’s interesting that he discusses his view as to how the stock got damaged. He believes it was the 10th shot not the ninth shot and also after that he discusses the fact that the rifle itself could not have been totally concealed in the backpack, even if it was broken down


According to this video his rifle might have been a bit overgassed for the first 3 shot and the casings ejected a bit to the front. No expert here so I can’t say if thats realistic, but to me the difference in the ejection pattern as seen in this video was quite remarkable.

I have heard that possibility

Firing 3 shots will not change how much gas comes through the gas block on that rifle. What ever the reason 3 casings ended up in a different location than the other 5 casing it was not because of over gassing.


So the only explanation would be that the next five shots he took he was Much further back from the roof line

Yes, I also follow him and saw his assessment yesterday. Good info.

At minimum the FIB “investigation” thus far is beyond sloppy and careless. One would have thought that crime-scene could have been totally secured and photographed carefully with everything in place before being dismantled and sanitized. This behavior screams cover-up.

Crooks is an oddity in that he seemed “genius” or “very skilled” at some things (bomb making, tactical planning, eluding security forces and getting off shots, etc.) but really novice at other things (a 1x optic, an exposed rooftop, openly wandering around and being seen/photographed, etc.). He’s an enigma that I think is only explained thru FIB help and training and allowing him there to LIHOP with some MIHOP elements.


Do we even know definitively where all the casings were found? Or if none were accidentally kicked by the careless troopers storming around on the rooftop for 30 minutes or more? Could have been picked up in boot treads and moved, kicked, who knows?

But I do know AR15 shell casings eject powerfully and can go at weird angles rearward, forward, or to the side or anywhere in between. They also can deflect off the brass deflector and that can send them in different directions. They can also bounce with some authority, could bounce off the ridgecap and shoot over the other side, etc. I don’t think much can be concluded based on the location of AR15 shell casings other than the ejection is X number of feet to the right in a general direction (forward, rearward, laterally).

Edited to add:
One theory is that Crooks took shots 1-3 from position A, there was a pause, and he moved to position B during that pause and fired 5 more shots. This might explain the sound patterns being different and the different location for 3 shells. And there is “some” support for this with the TMZ video that does appear to show he fired the 1st shot as evidence by barely perceptible brass casing and recoil on his body - although I’m not fully convinced yet. I do believe there were 2 shooters but I’m not entirely sure and my convictions on that are waning…

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Here are the 5 casings on the northern part of the roof

On the southern part I could only make out 1.

Could the piece circled in violette be the missing part of his stock?

Also odd, what happened to the hair(?) circled in yellow? It has just disappeared later on.

Here is another piece that looks like it could be a part of his stock.

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Strange. The “missing” part does not look missing on image 5.
On image 3 looks like more missing than on image 4.

Speculation but it appears the rifle was moved numerous times, perhaps closer to or farther from the body for various reasons. If you study the patterns on the roof, it looks like the rifle was in different locations. Certainly tampering with a crime scene but seems par for the course …

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