So It's Back To First Principles


They’re coming in.

He’s in the QRF team with Mike Sulerud so I’m pretty confident it’s him. On the roof Mike adresses him a few times with Kop or Kope (ie BWC2-122110 18:18:54 / 18:21:25).




compare the wedding ring and the watch with the picture above.

Event raises funds for Quality EMS – Butler Eagle

Photo Gallery: Sunday, Jan. 7, 2024 – Butler Eagle



We can also catch him from Dave Stewart, and I’m currently looking through Pearson’s cam to see if this is the same guy that raised his hand to signify shooter hit.

Good finds! Thank you. There are only 2 other Michaels/Mikes on the ESU teams, Priolo and Murcko, and his chin is a definite match, so I’ll switch to this image of him. As for Kopas, I’ll switch to one of the onsite images of him as well.

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I was tracking the guy I thought took shot 9 as soon as we heard he was local. Here are 3 of my slides from that, the third being confirmation, if they help you.


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very cool!

in these high resolution pictures it is undisputably clear that the reflections are the red barns with their white roofs!



Thank you, this does indeed help because in the Stewart film it looks as if the two on the left move off to the side, leaving the third guy on the right in that area that shows up on Pearson’s cam.


Edit: Another thought, did that person who he says his brother knows, the guy in the middle, ever get identified?


I imagine this list will help us narrow things down also, it appears to me that this was where this QRF team was stationed.

If memory serves, it was a local nurse, and someone in the forum contacted her about contacting the person to see if she could release his name, but she said they just wanted move on with their life and not get caught up in the post rally activities. Something along those lines, anyways.

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What made the guy stand out to me is the fact that he was standing in that general area looking towards AGR for some time, while the rest of the team hung out near the north barn.

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I’m in touch with someone who would definitely know whether the suggestion in that quote is true, and he says it isn’t. I have an email out to the NYT now trying to verify whether the snippet is an accurate depiction of what Lenz said. If it is, Lenz just got a whole lot more suspicious to me.

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Yeah, all three of them are in that spot peering directly at AGR. Guy in the middle has a pair of binos in his hand, says something to our likely Sulerud, and then the two of them cut out of frame, leaving our “fat”(lol) guy. Personally I wouldn’t call him fat either, but he is definitely a big guy! Which then makes me speculative of the fact that I also noticed our Setnar to be a very BIG dude!

And I believe I have placed each of these photo’d here as, from the left, Thomas Goldie, Steven Gilbert, uncertain on the center and honestly haven’t even attempted to ID, then our Matthew Setnar, and finally Kevin Mikulan. Go Team Butler!


Gaetz saysHomeland Sec whistleblower says 5 assassination teams after Trump.


Yes, you see it too! It is in clear sight if you correct the wide angle error (fisheye), zoom in and add a little light on the subject:

Are you attacking the messenger because it does not fit your narrative?

This is a citizen investigation forum and not CNN!

It would be better to assess the facts, separate them from any biases or opinions, instead of focusing on the “messenger” alone. This ensures a more critical and fair evaluation in this forum.

Interesting, to say the least. I have not yet read the full article, making my way through the video first, but something comes to mind that I want to put out there for analysis and fact checking, hopefully before it is wiped from the internet. The first 3 of these come from a “clubindia” style website, which also makes wonder what that affiliation is and their credibility. Personally, I’m not committed to the camp that Yearick was the shooter, or a shooter, but there seems to be at least a possible interesting Yearick, Hooper, Routh connection.

Ryan Routh and CIA (Rothschild Connection) (

Kennon Hooper Last Seen at Trump Rally (CIA Handler in Syria) – Assets Magazine (

Who is Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in the Trump golf course incident? : NPR

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If someone here has a problem with other contributors, they can simply ignore them. Unless they are an obvious troll. The narcissism of a few is clearly on display and it is getting old.

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I’m narrowing in on the 3rd guy on AGR6 roof

Since we already got Sulerud, Kopas, Slack and Jurysta, only Sneddon or Setnar from the QRF team are left.

This is Matthew Setnar, a tall and heavy guy. To me they don’t look alike.

So would only be Jeff (Jeffrey) Sneddon left. So far I didn’t find any other picture of him to compare, so I can’t be 100% sure. But logically it should be him. Maybe you have some thoughts here?


I keep hunting for Jeff Sneddon to almost no avail.

Here’s an actual hit from PA with a photo, though it’s no association to law enforcement or anything of the like, and dates back to 2012.

Steel World Order

Not to say that a sports journalist couldn’t conceivably pivot into another occupation in 12 years, I do not believe it to be the same guy(yet).

Now if this is in fact Jeff Sneddon Jr., we may have a potential lead. (And interestingly history of living in AZ)


It’s tough, isn’t it? You’re doing a good job of it though.

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