So It's Back To First Principles

Jason Woods*, not Wood. He’s with Economy Borough PD.

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The story changes again I recall that Butler EMS said “the USSS told Butler EMS to put the snipers nest in second-floor windows of the AGR warehouse and remain hidden in a covert stance.”

From the linked New York Times article
On Tuesday, the agency’s lead advance agent, Meredith Bank, asked a local SWAT commander whether his team could supply two snipers.

Ed Lenz, the commander of that team — the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, or E.S.U. — said in an interview that Ms. Bank did not explain what the agency wanted these snipers to do or where they should be posted.
“There was really no direction,” Mr. Lenz said.
Ms. Bank then called back to say the Secret Service would be providing counter-snipers after all, Mr. Lenz said. She offered no explanation for the change, though The Times later confirmed that the additional security measures were in response to heightened concerns about Mr. Trump’s safety. It would be the first time Secret Service counter-snipers were assigned to a former president, Mr. Rowe, said in a news conference in August.
After the calls, Mr. Lenz wrote an email to the Butler County district attorney describing the assignment, as he interpreted it. The team’s snipers, Mr. Lenz wrote, would “provide overwatch for the rally and would work in conjunction with the Secret Service counter-sniper unit.”

The local snipers decided for themselves the optimal places from which to watch the crowd inside the fenced-in security zone, Mr. Lenz said. One was from the second-floor windows of one of the AGR warehouses. The snipers’ position did not afford a view of the warehouse roof from which Mr. Crooks would eventually fire his shots.

By July 11, two days before the rally, some state and local agencies recognized that the warehouses could be a problem, as the closest one was outside the security perimeter but less than 500 feet from the stage. During small group walk-throughs of the site, different local partners raised their concerns, but they said the Secret Service gave contradictory answers.


Well, this is an interesting twist. I don’t believe that at all.

Edit: after about a minute, my brain told me why it doesn’t believe it: because of the diagrams that were labeled “from Butler command” that had the guns positioned on the west side of the building.


Just like the book 1984 re-writing the narrative / history but now its 2024

Butler or the snipers said along the lines “we don’t care if its hot in the sun or the roofs steep, we did exactly what the USSS instructed us to do”


To me it’s starting to look more like USSS and Butler probably collaborated on where the local ESU snipers should be. Maybe they thought it’d be too suspicious if they didn’t have anyone in that building, so they put some people there but arranged for them to be looking the wrong way.


… arranged for them to be looking the wrong way. or not be there at all
Correct assumption
The local snipers decided for themselves the optimal places from which to watch the crowd Well any intelligent un-compromised leading officer would have had;
A) a sniper team on the 2nd story roof
B) a sniper team up on the water tank
C) a drone in the air


Hi KHunter,

Long time no contact…

I would like to refer to your comment you gave @schroederized as follows:

When browsing through Twitter just for fun, I came across this interesting post:

Go have a look at the video on X:

Link to this post on X

It shows exactly the impact point as described by schroederized, namely on top of the 3" horizontal rail across the back of the bleacher

So, I will be taking this impact point which now has been confirmed by two different sources, namely the 45-year CAD experienced schroederized:

and the second reference being the X Post from @In2ThinAir

May I have your comments accordingly?

House task force on Trump assassination attempt speaks in Butler, Pennsylvania

You may count 'em.

  • Rep. Mike Kelly
  • Rep. Mark Green
  • Rep. David Joyce
  • Rep. Laurel Lee
  • Rep. Michael Waltz
  • Rep. Clay Higgins
  • Rep. Pat Fallon
  • Rep. Lou Correa
  • Rep. Madeline Dean and
  • Rep. Chrissy Houlahan
  • Rep. Glenn Ivey
  • Rep. Jared Moskowitz
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Got here something for you


not sure though but I let you know anyway.
Full Name is Patrick T. Short, part-time officer City of Monogahela
april_12_2023_council_meeting_minutes.pdf (

maybe it’s the same Patrick Short who is a part-time officer in Carroll Township (or maybe he has 2 positions or he moved there after Monogahela)
Carroll Township hiring 3 new police officers - Mon Valley Independent

Before he was in California PA. If that’s correct then the guy on the left would be Patrick Short.
‘Coffee with a Cop’ in California - Mon Valley Independent

the guy on the right would be Dough Brighton

There is also an Officer Patrick Short at the Brownsville Police Department
Police, Emergency Services – Borough of Brownsville (


Nice work, again. The guy on the left it is. It’s been many years since I lived in a rural area like Western PA, but I have lived in some with part time cops, so it doesn’t surprise me seeing so many part time cops in our searches.

Thank you for finding him. I searched high and low for him, but my online searches seem to be getting worse as time goes on, as in someone seems to be applying special alogrithms to my searches. For example, I can type in the exact title of a YT video, with or without the channel name, and still not have it show up in my search. Talk about frustrating.


Today it’s 60 days since former USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle had testified before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.

What is everybody thinking, will the promissed finalized, internal U.S. Secret Service investigation Report be released today or not?

  • Report released
  • Report not released
0 voters
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I don’t think Acting Dir. Rowe has committed to a timeline, has he? He would most likely not hold himself to what Cheatle committed to, so I voted No.

my recommendation for you:


it remains exciting…

“While reacting to Sunday, he [Sen Blumenthal] said a report is coming “very soon” summarizing the findings of an investigation by Congress and the U.S. Senate into the first attempt.”

Blumenthal: People will be ‘shocked’, ‘appalled’ by report on first Trump assassination attempt – NBC Connecticut


Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll look into that.

More confirmation.


So I was rewatching the first video of boost up and down and then the first swat group going up in the same place. Knowing you guys, you already found this but this was a shock to me. He was coming out of the alcove where the first swat group was being hoisted on the roof. Even the shirt has design.
Screen Shot 2024-09-19 at 12.13.26 PM


What a coincidence, huh? Cat and mouse wearing the same skin on the same day on the same place. That’s cammo-shorts friend, I believe. Their names and units are not yet known, if I remember correctly. CERT or SERT, something like that is mentioned on one of the bodycams.


(post deleted by author)

Nice, that’s a match.

I got another one for you that I’m pretty sure of.




at 18:15:48 standing beside Matthew Shaffer (screaming “let me see your hands”), he has that night vision thing on his helmet

at 18:16:35 he’s the first to set foot ontop AGR6 roof

This is him on the roof, he acted as he’s the team leader, giving orders to the others. Tyler Collins a few times calls him Mike (ie BWC2-122110 at 18:14:14 / 18:18:06)

