So It's Back To First Principles

White van. Explosives. The home like a medical lab…Parents not crying about their sweet innocent baby boy? No briefings? Ladder/no ladder. No recordings/oh yah some recordings. No major fake news basking in the limelight? Do not doubt this was a setup! You (and everyone here) know this was not a pansy dungeons and dragons kid who did this alone. Hold the line!


Since the Stewart video phone was taken by the Police. How do we know the video on the returned phone has not been altered? This is way outside my wheelhouse, but we regularly hear how a recording has been checked by some expert and is or is not altered. Is there technology that can alter it and not leave traces?


I also do not believe the crooks dead body pics. I just watched as a garden eating rabbit’s head exploded from a gunshot. Head parts here and there. Not high cal sniper rifle. I call b.s. Much too nice and neat. How?

Reasonable would have been daily briefings with images. Perhaps a public request for additional video or information.

With the FBI and the Present regime, I think they will never release their findings, if they even bother to make an investigation. The FBI director will stonewall and refuse to answer questions due to national security. Anything they find will be classified.

It’s abhorent how “they” treat this incident. The media and the government don’t seem to care or want to know answers. The incident went horribly wrong for “them”.

However, had they had the correct outcome - this would have been in the media 24/7 for weeks and the FBI would have been very visible and vocal. The SS would have beefed up security for everyone “else” and Cheatle would have resigned immediately.

This didn’t go well and is very embarassing for all involved. I personally believe this was arranged by those very high up in the government, past Cheatle, probably past Mayorkas and maybe to the “Doctor” Jill or even “President” Joe. The truth can never be released.


Another great report Chris and team.
So many twists and turns to this story.
You guys rock.


The longer they delay it, the more people will think that the fix is in. It doesn’t matter if that’s true or not. The FBI’s credibility is so low that, even at this point, most people will think that they’re delaying the release of information because they’re falsifying it. Again it doesn’t matter if that’s true or not. That’s what people will think.

The United States government has so completely destroyed it’s own credibility that that is where things are at now.

Even worse, they don’t get it. They don’t get the fact that by not handing over information as quickly as possible that they’re just making things worse.

And maybe they don’t even care.

But you can’t get away with that forever. Eventually, there will be consequences.

This is what happens when you think that you can treat your citizenry like garbage and never suffer any consequences for it.


I feel strongly that Maxwell Yearick, his entire family, and their DS connections should be under the microscopes. Obviously censorship of information about all of them is happening and I wonder why. The white van with AZ plates, containing explosives, found 10 miles from the rally (others report it was found by LEO’s at the rally) (and still others reported the van belonged to Crooks) is registered to Yearicks father. I wonder why both Yearick and the white van was in Butler the day of Trumps rally. And I just read Yearick is officially reported missing since the day of Trumps rally. I wonder where he could be :thinking:


Absolutely catastrophic climb down. This Peak Prosperity thing is a waste of time…

Can you explain why? Cullen has been so fast and loose with his ‘evidence’; that I haven’t the time to wade through 2.3 hours to find out what grabbed you here.


Then you are a poor fit here Michael. We use evidence to guide us. Wherever it goes, we go.

If you want people who let their ego cling to pet theories, there are countless other places to go.



There are folding 45 degree BUIS and fixed 45 degree BUIS.
Then some operators using a RDS has 1 or both their inline BUIS up at the same time. They are called co-witness BUIS.

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I think you are giving Myorcas & Co. too much credit and offering them too much power. You have science behind you. Everything you have done is based on logical analysis. Your analysis clearly shows two guns (minus LEO).
There is no such thing as a perfect murder OR a perfect assassination attempt. Everything points to preplanning for a failure of security. Given this preplanning, there is no way, simply no way, that the entire enterprise would hinge on the shooting ability of a nervous and inexperienced 20 year old. Your science has proven what we all suspect.
Can we prove this preplanning? Maybe not today. Maybe not even tomorrow. But you have done the right thing to gather and preserve evidence for a ti.e when we will finally know the truth.
Thank you for all of your hard work. You have done an amazing job!


How convenient for the FBI Chris. They confiscate Stewart’s phone (and who knows how many others)… and give it back to him a week later. It goes public and now the second shooter theory is dissipating. Hmmm…. certainly worked out well for the FBI didn’t it? The fact they gave it back to him meant there wasn’t anything incriminating to them, or they took it off. They let it be produced.

Don’t trust anything or anybody that has been in the custody of the FBI!


I completely disagree.

Chris’s suggestion that he might be the victim of a set up is absolutely correct.

I find it extremely suspicious that YouTube is suddenly no longer censoring this channel. Why? Why now?

We are living in a hall of mirrors - a matrix. Sometimes you have to stop, look around and re-orient.

This is the world we live in.


I agree. I would like more evidence to prove Trump’s ear was hit.

And why no brain splatter on the roof? What killed the shooter?

So many questions.

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One of things I keep wondering, is why no one has mentioned shots coming from “inside the building” as possibly from vents or other openings.
Shots 1-3 seemed to be grouped very close to another.
As if Trump wasn’t supposed to move.

And why the narrative of “failure” by snipers with line-of-sight takes all airtime, on the heels of a “in-behind-you” shift change.
There’s just no way.

The “thumbs up” text message in response to the LE that informed them of Retardy Oswald walking on his heels urked me.
That’s usually not a good initial response to a serious matter.

These things could be anything, But all of them together is not.



What I read was the State Police confiscated Stewart’s phone. We don’t know the chain of custody of the phone past that. It could be the State Police took the phone and downloaded/cloned it and then returned the phone.


How does the premise that Crooks is an untrained or low-skilled shooter square with details of the rifle? Does the rifle design, mods, or kit better fit with a shooter of higher skill?

In which case:

  • Why does Crooks have this rifle?
  • How did he acquire this rifle specifically? Did he choose it? Was it a family heirloom? Or did a third party provide it?
  • Does this cause us to reconsider his shooting skill?
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I don’t remember where I saw it in the last few days. There was a picture of Crooks at a tactical rifle training course in the last year. Maybe the picture was a diversion of some kind.


I thought it was his dad’s.