So It's Back To First Principles

I wish I still believed we were still a Constitutional Republic. We are not. The oath you swore is to an illusion. Our Presidents are installed by the wealthy elite to serve their needs. “Our” Representatives are likewise chosen & funded by those same elites. In fact, the courts & every level of government in this country is funded by those elites who can create trillions of dollars out of thin air, the push of a button.

Our government is not governed by We The People nor does it function to protect us. Unless the masses wake up to this, there will be no change. I’m sorry but PA allowed its election to be stolen in 2020 even though it might be a conservative state. Even if Trump gets elected in a few days/weeks/month, we will not have a Constitutional Republic until the Federal Reserve is kicked out & we regain sovereignty over our currency. This is why Trump says the U.S. has never been as wealthy as it was in 1897.

Thanks, that’s very helpful. I’ll have to try it

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Therein lies another example, albeit implicit versus explicit, of your failure to grant others the right to their private motives. Aside from those drafted into service, those who enlisted into service had honorable personal motives for doing so, and I, along with perhaps the vast majority of Americans respect them for that. (Edit: I should clarify that I also respect those who served under the draft. My comment was in no way intended to diminish their service.)

I have run across others on social media who accuse Veterans of complicity in the evil use of our armed services by the globalist elite, Deep State, or whatever you want to call them, who denounce our service based on the argument you make. Personally, I find those who do that to be repugnant. However, I do respect their right to freedom of speech, which I have actively served to defend.


I had always wondered what your actual process was in doing this. Thank you! I’m also happy to have come across another GIMP user, it is quite the impressive image editor!

:grin: I’d consider Eagle Eye a damn decent codename/callsign! And it’s fitting here too, Eagle Eye scoping out Hawkeye!


Too funny! :joy:


I hadn’t seen this video before. It shows Hercules 1 during the first 5 shots:


I looked to see if Broadcastify posted a log of the calls, but it doesn’t look like it. They do however provide a list of the agency IDs, but those are not shown in the video. Unfortunately, they do not scroll through the log while playing the sound file, but it does flash the unit codes.


I’m not making any blanket statements about anybody being complicit in the evils of the DEEP STATE. If I were I’d be indicting myself along with everybody else. I didn’t learn the truth about 911 until 2008. I didn’t learn about the dangers of vaccines until 2013. I didn’t really begin to understand the FEDERAL RESERVE, the Creature of Jekyll Island, until 2017-18, how we surrendered our sovereignty when we handed over our currency to be managed by an international banking cartel. I’ve been unconsciously complicit in supporting the DEEP STATE most of my life. I didn’t even know THEY existed.

I began to realize how powerful THEY were as day-in & day-out THEY brought new charges against Trump, impeached him for ridiculous things, & ultimately cheated him out of victory in 2020. Congress, governors, courts, attorneys, sheriffs, police were powerless to do anything. We all knew they cheated.

Meanwhile, the DEEP STATE depopulation & sterilization agenda rolled out full of fury. Every human on earth must take endless doses of the clot shot. I was shocked how THEY were able to suppress information revealing that the vaccines were anything but safe & effective. THEY don’t care that THEY’VE damaged billions & probably killed millions so far. They accomplish all of this by being able to print trillions of fiat dollars which are partially used to pay our military to force many countries on the planet to accept the worthless dollar.

Eventually, we all must wake up & change the system. Only God knows where the line for complicity is drawn for each person but I’d say it has something to do with awareness/awakening. I know that personally, I have to start speaking. Imagine THEIR power: we are afraid to utter an evil person’s name lest THEY come down & destroy us. “DON’T EVEN SAY THEIR NAME YOU PIECE OF SHIT COMMONER OR I WILL BRING ALL HELL UPON YOU!” (DEEP STATE implicit law).

P.S. Kuss, Lynz, Pearson, Sasse, Blasko, Sulerud, Shaffer, Gianvito, Kopas, Nicol, Murcko, Harold, Wagner, Giallorenzo. Not a blanket statement about each person’s level of guilt, rather a statement that I’m not afraid to examine their names.

When I refer to the DOJ I use that as an umbrella over all of the justice system. If “Officer” Kuss sued me for defamation I have no doubt the DOJ would rule in his favor regardless of the evidence I might have. At this point we could have video of Kuss sacrificing puppies in front of Door 9 & drinking their blood but as long as he was doing it to hurt MAGA, the courts would say its normal & nice.

Also I meant to ask, in your recognition tools page 30, is the link for Max Wittinger on page 30 right? I can’t view from my location, but I asked someone to get it for me and it seemed like something else? Are you sure that’s his name and if so, maybe you could put it on page 4 of the research tools for video 11?


I’ll go look at it shortly and get back with you. Thanks for the heads up.

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It works for me, link is to an article that has a video showing Wittlinger.
Woman added inmate boyfriend to restaurant’s payroll, police say – WPXI


The link is correct. Wittinger is featured in the article and the image is from the video. I will add a note regarding the time mark to the next revision.


Also, minor note, it is indeed Wittlinger, we’re missing an ‘L’! :slightly_smiling_face:

Police Department Staff Directory - Butler Township
Screenshot 2024-11-02 195845


Ok sorry, my bad. Thanks. I have the video now.

I once again have to wait to be able to post again. 13 hours this time.

I was going to reply to your comment about helping to identify other errors below, so I’ll add it here and hope you see:

Ah yes… All part of my plan…

I do think it’s worth putting his name here too


And he’s a Detective? I try to include ranks above a Patrolman, so want to be sure to include that.


Hold off on that for a moment, I believe actually there was a mistake we found on their website, a database style mix-up between him and another. I believe he is in fact just a patrolman.


No worries, you helped us identify a few other errors in that entry. It also helped me discover bad links from moving a table of content line into a new column. MS PPT does not do numbered lists as well as MS Word.


Thank you for your service. :us:


You’re welcome and thank you. I served during the Cold War, so my service pales in comparison to others.

If you were a taxpayer during the 1980s, thank you for the training and the experience. It was a springboard into a long and fulfilling career for me.