I’m not making any blanket statements about anybody being complicit in the evils of the DEEP STATE. If I were I’d be indicting myself along with everybody else. I didn’t learn the truth about 911 until 2008. I didn’t learn about the dangers of vaccines until 2013. I didn’t really begin to understand the FEDERAL RESERVE, the Creature of Jekyll Island, until 2017-18, how we surrendered our sovereignty when we handed over our currency to be managed by an international banking cartel. I’ve been unconsciously complicit in supporting the DEEP STATE most of my life. I didn’t even know THEY existed.
I began to realize how powerful THEY were as day-in & day-out THEY brought new charges against Trump, impeached him for ridiculous things, & ultimately cheated him out of victory in 2020. Congress, governors, courts, attorneys, sheriffs, police were powerless to do anything. We all knew they cheated.
Meanwhile, the DEEP STATE depopulation & sterilization agenda rolled out full of fury. Every human on earth must take endless doses of the clot shot. I was shocked how THEY were able to suppress information revealing that the vaccines were anything but safe & effective. THEY don’t care that THEY’VE damaged billions & probably killed millions so far. They accomplish all of this by being able to print trillions of fiat dollars which are partially used to pay our military to force many countries on the planet to accept the worthless dollar.
Eventually, we all must wake up & change the system. Only God knows where the line for complicity is drawn for each person but I’d say it has something to do with awareness/awakening. I know that personally, I have to start speaking. Imagine THEIR power: we are afraid to utter an evil person’s name lest THEY come down & destroy us. “DON’T EVEN SAY THEIR NAME YOU PIECE OF SHIT COMMONER OR I WILL BRING ALL HELL UPON YOU!” (DEEP STATE implicit law).
P.S. Kuss, Lynz, Pearson, Sasse, Blasko, Sulerud, Shaffer, Gianvito, Kopas, Nicol, Murcko, Harold, Wagner, Giallorenzo. Not a blanket statement about each person’s level of guilt, rather a statement that I’m not afraid to examine their names.