So It's Back To First Principles

crooks’ parents would have been able to deal with more recoil from heavier caliber rifles than crooks himself :slight_smile:

AR-15 doesn’t have much recoil. You said you shot often, right?

still, I would be amazed if they managed shooting 5 rounds in 1 second :slight_smile:

Why do you think it’s difficult for people to shoot semi-automatic firearms really quickly? If they are feeling affects of adrenaline, that would actually further support the theory that they would shoot faster, not slower.

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in this youtube thumbnail you can see very clearly where the first bullet touched/penetrated the railing: halfway the man wearing the t-shirt and his arm holding the rail!

so, not in the corner of the railing but halfway the man’s belly and the location where his hand touches the railing is a very good estimate!

You think the attempted assassination attempt was supposed to happen before the target arrived?

What does the 2 hours wait have to do with anything?

He literally had to wait for Trump to take the stage. Some of your posts are concerning. They seem like trolling.

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the gun recovered from the roof was a DPMS A-15 produced in 2013.

one has to compare apples with apples, and this is not the AR-15 you are referring to. check it out.

You think the attempted assassination attempt was supposed to happen before the target arrived?


What does the 2 hours wait have to do with anything?

The guy I was replying to said Crooks was running late. How was he running late if he spent two hours on the site? Why didn’t he get on the roof earlier if he had a time queue to hit?

He literally had to wait for Trump to take the stage.

And Trump was going to speak for a while. What was Crooks late to?

Some of your posts are concerning. They seem like trolling.

Sorry I’m not looking at every random comment posted here and going “OMG YES TOTALLY THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE”. How are you reading the posts from the guy I’m replying to and going “yeah this makes sense” but I’m the guy trolling? He’s dodged all of my questions, refuses to explain anything.

What are you talking about??


Well, they probably didn’t expect there to be a crowd on the west side of the AGR building. It was such an unexpected problem that they tried to clear the fence line an hour before the speech.

What problems did that cause? Did it concern any conspirators and delay his arrival to the roof? I’m going to guess that yes, it did.

What’s interesting is that people also swept the fence line immediately before the shooting too. Horse woman with Trump flag rides the horse across. “Get out of the way” - weird LEO that was boosted and then acted bizarrely. “Make yourself small”- Stewert

I’ll say it: Stewert is weird too. He just is. What are the odds that a random Sheetz worker shows up and records the whole thing? “I got you, bro” and then he’s being detained by the FBI, they take his phone- just his, but yet they give information to him. Maybe he’s a nothing burger, but he gives me weird vibes.

and if I don’t agree with you, that makes me a troll?

personally I don’t think Crooks was late for anything.

if I find anyone really suspicious so far it’s most of the police. the tactics and strategy used by the responding officers still makes no sense to me. some of those guys that got really angry just seem odd. almost like they wanted to seem really angry that the secret service failed so badly at the security detail. like those things aren’t adding up to me. I really don’t think some random gas station clerk had any influence on this thing.

Some of your posts do seem like trolling. Even this one. Since I didn’t ever call you a troll. I posted what I did and it fits. /shrug

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now that you are mentioning this…
you are exactly right!
yesterday there was a set of videos released that quickly show a couple of “military drones” that flew around just before and immediately after the shots were fired.
and one of the videos that were shown was of RealDjStew!

it is perfectly possible that the fast buriers of information added pixels to the strategic frames to and included these drone frames!

Some of your posts do seem like trolling.


Even this one. Since I didn’t ever call you a troll. I posted what I did and it fits. /shrug

You literally implied I’m a troll saying that my comments look like I’m trolling. If I’m trolling I must be a troll, or do you not understand the words you’re using?

right, so nothing. you’re just mad I didn’t agree with you and your friend on your weird 2nd shooter theory and Crooks being “late” for whatever queue you think there is. now I’m “trolling”. go outside and get some fresh air if you’re going to treat basic questions to your weird theories as “trolling”

You guys are monopolizing the conversation here. Maybe you could start your own topic or go to using email. Have you noticed almost nobody else is engaging?

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Hi VT,

I have the full 10 hours RSBN live stream in HD:

Be carefull 23GB…

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I’m 2 hours from AGR and today I made my second visit. You cannot visit the site and walk away from it without thinking there’s no way this wasn’t orchestrated. Even a half-brain-dead 20-year-old on a suicide mission would realize he’d never be able to get into position for a shot. The area is not that big, it’s open and well-populated.

The entry and exit points to AGR are still blocked, guards are posted, and the grounds are being patrolled by Jeeps.

I was able to get my drone in and around the building. At this point, I don’t know if the videos will help anyone, but I’m trying. I can’t find anything suspect except between the 5th and 6th roof lines to the right of the stack. Something is there, either a flap or bent-down metal but it doesn’t line up with your trajectory. The vents still stand out to me and clear the fencing.


thank you for showing the vents. yesterday some dude drove me insane telling me the vents were missing or “photoshopped out” or some nonsense. could someone have fired from there? sure. but the vents didn’t go anywhere.

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hello Rough Country Gypsy,

did you manage to have a closeup of the roof of the highest building at the side of the AGR parking?

in this picture the origin of the 3 red lines is where I assume the muzzle was located.
the tripod must have been over the top of the roof near that location…

thanks for your feedback!

I had already stopped feeding him. Your post wasn’t necessary at all.

But yeah, great contribution!

@rough_country_gypsy Do they look like private security or law enforcement?

As someone more local than many, do you know if AGR was still a fully operational business after their recent sale and prior to the shooting?

What about now? Do they seem to be working as usual? (Worker cars in parking lot, shipping activities, etc…)

It would be neat if anyone knows how AGR was operating after their recent sale or if anyone knows someone who worked/works there and could provide anonymous info about that building 6 and its more recent activity.

I agree that location makes sense for a trained sniper, but all of the echo analysis seems to elude to the shots coming from closer.


all I was doing is asking someone questions after they called me gullible, and you came in out of nowhere implying I was trolling with my responses, but never clarifying how I was doing so.

you and your friend have posted zero proof that the dead guy isn’t Crooks or that there is a 2nd shooter away from building 6. I’m sorry that my questions were “trolling” him because I don’t care to entertain those details.

Get over yourself man. Just because people don’t agree with you and further question you doesn’t mean they are doing something wrong.