So It's Back To First Principles

very cool!
many thanks!

you now have 2 views of that video :wink:

would it be possible, should you ever go back to the AGR site, to take a closer look at that building and pan towards the rally site?

many thanks again!

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They look like private security. They have light bars in the grills and windows, and all have PA plates.

I have only been to the place twice in my life and both times have been after the assassination attempt, and both times on weekends. I’ve only seen about 5 to 10 cars in the side parking lot.

You can see them in the last video I posted along with the security guard getting in the black vehicle. I think he heard my drone because it was shortly after that the Jeep guys came around looking.

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Nice closeup of the vents! Thank you. Do you happen to have a view of the entire south wall of building 6? It would be great for use in diagramming. Just a screenshot would be good if you have one. Thanks again for making the trip.

Yes, I can do that. That is the view of the rally site that I eventually turned the drone towards. They are wrapping up the farm show today.

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The next post to the right that’s out of view is the gate that had the caution tape wrapped around that LE crawled through when running towards the building. The drone shot will probably be better because it’s closer. Link below.


Thank you so much!

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Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

I had some spare time, wating for some people to comment on our joint back-tracing project. My model is configurated in such a way that I can quickly verify the shooter position your referencing to. The roof position is at 1367 and therefore shooting Trumps ear would then impact the bleachers corner at about 9 feet? Is that about the same distance you get as well? See screen shots below:

Great job!

Vents 1 and 2 look legit, you even see a piece of fluff caught in vent 2 blowing in the wind. However, vent 3 does not seem to have any black slots in the background, only shadows. I am not into construction, maybe somebody can answer this question. What are these vents for? Air condition. If so, do you need two so close to each other. My imagination might be caring me away, but is vent 3 a dummy?

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I have seen the video of the world record holder of the fastest 5 AR15 shots on target about .55 seconds. These were about .77 seconds. I agree with you.

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bro there are YouTube videos showing you can shoot that fast. and those shots weren’t accurate at all, they were all over the place. only the 1st or 2nd shot can be called “accurate” in any way since it hit Trump but we don’t know if it was the 1st or 2nd shot that hit the ear. rest all missed their target by a wide margin.

These appear to be flaps, not fixed vanes, right. They open outward with air flow and shut without it. Therefore, a sniper could push them open from the inside then let them flap closed. My initial thought from less clearer photos was that they were fixed. And what is that patch next to vent 1?

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hello Roger,

in my model, the bullet would fly through the railing at 412.04m above sea level.
a vertical line from that impact point would cross ground level at 408.97m above sea level, so 3.07m above the ground.

the bullet impact in the JCB hydraulic lift is at 3.12m from the ground (411.79m above sea level), where the ground level of the JCB lift is 408.67m above sea level.

I deduce these heights by showing horizontal panes at a certain height. the blackened part is below 408.67m in the following image:

the ground level of the intersection is at 408.97m:

and the height of the intersection is at 412.04m:

so, the intersection is 3.07m from the ground

the real shooter in my model would have been shooting from an elevation of about 416.56m:

this line of fire/sight is completely unobstructed:

this straight line of sight would pass through Trump at 412.61m:

the first bullet would have flown a little above this line…

this is a view of the straight line of sight:

the floorplan looks a little scrambled, but that is due to the image mapping. the coordinates of the bleachers, podium and JCB hydraulic lift have been validated based on several vertical drone views.

the height of the podium in my model is 1.2m

Then the sniper would have to be positioned somewhere in this room

or in one of the rooms in that hallway.

So if the vent theory is to be believed, then someone in that building took the shot, and all of those people inside are covering for it.

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I don’t think this necessarily follows. Remember from the long, early dashcam video of the door, Nichol was in the building at the time of the shooting, but the other people went in after that.

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hello Ray,

thanks for the confirmation.

when I first heard the recordings, I thought the 5 shots were fired in full auto mode, but the DPMS A-15 does not have that mode, and it would not have been legal to have modified/upgraded that rifle to go full auto.

what may have happened is that the real shooter used two rifles: a sniper rifle for the first 3 rounds and a full auto rifle with a magazine of 5.

that would automatically imply that the shooter would have had access to a full auto rifle, i.e., police or military, or a crook (no pun intended :wink: )…

That wouldn’t track at all (other poster’s claim that there were so many people in AGR at the time of the shooting- there weren’t).

There just isn’t any evidence of multiple people in the AGR building at the time of the shooting.

Additionally, the vents would be located further down, where those enclosed rooms with doors are located.

The video shown is like eighteen minutes after the shooting.

Wasn’t the first person out of AGR 6 after the shooting actually Greg the sniper, the guy who left his post on the second story?


So, based on the echo analysis, which of those vents is the one between the minimum and maximum delta? Clearly it would be above one of the rooms.

Edit: I should have replied to @roger-knight.

so the entire building was empty except for two counter snipers?

there was no full auto rifle. you continue to post absolute nonsense.

I have no idea, I don’t believe the vents theory. ask someone else who does. I’m just pointing out inside of the building view since everyone keeps posting the vents.