So It's Back To First Principles

Sorry, I incorrectly assumed you posted the vent photos as well.

As I said in previous post, the most important question is, if Crooks was deemed a person of interest, and you had many law enforcement officer’s around the area. How did this person of interest evade every LEO? It is impossible! Every other question about warning Trump to leave the stage, etc is secondhand. Most important question should be, "how did a noted and photographed suspicious person evade 10, 20, 50 law enforcement officers to track him? Everything else can be found to have a ridiculous excuse, except this question. You had many LEO on site. Why were they were they not able to keep track of him once he was deemed a threat? One officer should have been able to do this by himself, right? So explain why at least 10, 20 , 50, etc, SS and police could not do this? There is no reason, people, except corruption, plain and simple


Bad and next-to-no communication for some officers, while others were given misinformation and were misdirected to go behind all the buildings towards Sheetz, which is a local gas station. So by the time Crooks was spotted on the roofs, none of the officers on the ground that spotted him were able to do anything in time, yet their communication of Crooks’ location and him being armed seemed to have either 1) never got to anyone, or 2) the command center that should have received the radio message never let the information out in time to all the other agencies.


please explain what is so difficult about this?

see a semi-auto AR-15 can be fired in a way that simulates full auto. all you have to do is jerk your wrist. i bet a single 20 year old dude had plenty of practice

this man shot at 5 yards and he confirms that precision is not exactly impressive…

let alone shooting at 120-150 yards…

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Yes, or he was at least the first person who came out of the front door. So, he may have left his post, but it didn’t seem to have anything to do with letting somebody into the building, because we have dashcam of the front door for the whole critical time.

Why, in the after-action report released by Grassley, did they say that somebody went downstairs to let somebody in? Did Nichol lie to the team?

In any normal murder investigation, Nichol would be a person of extreme interest getting grilled by detectives.

He’s draining you and and the forum with his time-wasting vampire tactics. He’s done it to everyone.

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I think the story is that there were supposed to be two counter snipers in that building, but as I think about it, the only person I’m sure was in the building is Greg Nichol. I’d like to know more about who the other counter sniper is supposed to be. Shouldn’t he have come out of the building when Nichol did?

Took a break and I am sure I have missed a lot.

But one of my concerns is that the card reader data for the AGR has been corrupted or destroyed.

Obviously, what happened at the AGR is key and card readers read who and when someone accessed the AGR.

Has the card reader log been preserved by the Good Guys and looked at closely, since it has been close to a month?

Plus I have yet to see pictures of the interior Building access walkways between Bldg 6 and 3. Surely they can be controlled by at least one door.

Does anyone know or once inside the AGR complex, one is free to roam unhindered?

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Crooks missed every shot that was his target (Trump). I never claimed there was good accuracy involved, your claim was that no one can fire a semi-automatic weapon quickly that it must be fully automatic. No it doesn’t, and I backed it up with video proof. If you would have spent time listening to actual people with experience, like Navy SEALs and Green Berets, you’d hear them criticize the rapid fire shots. That was a clear sign of an amateur, which also further defeats your “2nd shooter being a pro” theory since every shot missed so badly.

I have yet to see any evidence that Crooks even fired a shot. Have you?

We know the shots are heard coming from that area/direction, but that isn’t proof.


My theory is Crooks fired all 8 shots from the rooftop given the giant headshot wound that leaked a bunch of his blood down the rooftop. This evidence is corroborated with multiple different video cameras capturing audio of clear gunshots coming from the roof of building 6.

so far all the evidence I’ve seen points to that, so that’s what I’m choosing to believe as far as the shooter goes. if you have anything to convince me that Crooks isn’t the shooter then feel free to let me know.

Please watch the videos Chris has been doing. There is a lot of circumstantial evidence that Crooks is the shooter, like photos of him aiming a rifle, shell casings around his body, being in almost exactly the spot we would expect him to be in based on where the rounds hit, his distance roughly matching the audio data, etc. That’s what we have, since the FBI stole the vast majority of the direct evidence.

I know it’s a mess, but please read a lot and watch a lot of videos before wading in with questions.

Also, it is possible to make an AR sound similar to a Full Auto, but most, if not all require depressing the trigger each time, which is easy to detect by audio analysis and even hear.

Can a shooter fire 3 controlled shots and then a quicker burst? Certainly, but normally, a shooter has a cadence that matches their ability and/or the target.

For a shooter to shoot 3 controlled shots at a specific target and really the only target for an assassin that supposedly did this much prep work, if he truly found the closest sweet spot without assistance would not lose focus on that target.

What fits is that Crooks was told to take his preplanned position and was assured of a lack of immediate SS and LE to prevent him. And since that happened he continued on.

I have my doubts whether Crooks even knew there was a 2nd Shooter or that they would start First.

Could speculate more, but why haven’t we seen at least one video of Crooks actually shooting? If the FBI had SURELY they would have released, if the FBI narrative is True.

Plus that cop yelling for everyone in front of the Southside of AGR 6, would have had at least a reasonable opportunity to see Crooks shooting.

So ask yourself, why the only thing heard from the running cop that supposedly confronted Crooks was yelling for them to leave? Anyone with an once of brain matter know, they weren’t the target or even potentially in the line of fire.

One doesn’t need to climb an obvious roof to shoot Trump supporters at a rally.

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Brian I have watched more than a lot, but have waited today to watch the latest of Chris’s videos.

If Crooks was the only shooter or even a shooter at all, he most certainly didn’t get on the roof of Building 6 unassisted.


And Brian, if Crooks had assistance in accessing that roof, which seems far more than likely, you truly believe they would put his ALL or even SOME on a 20 year old Cook?

Plus the dozens upon dozens of coincidences to ALL line up so that President Trump got shot is essentially impossible.

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I don’t necessarily disagree, but the situation is so complicated and such a mess that it’s helpful if we follow specific threads of high-quality evidence rather than just asking very vague questions.

And then explain how we have been kept in the dark with essentially no briefings, no videos of real value, but just lies coming from the SS and FBI.

The SS had almost a week to come forward and then all we got is a slopey roof.

This goes far past incompetence and CYA.


Wanting to know, who has seen the access log to the AGR isn’t vague.

I have had card access numerous times in my life and I know what information that can be learned from those logs just for starters.