So It's Back To First Principles

You’re preaching to the choir. Or you are not just preaching to the choir, you are preaching to an ordained monk. Understand? Please, try to keep the noise down. We already have one billion messages on this forum. Please respect the research that’s being done here.

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Well, if the AGR building access log has not been looked at closely then what kind of investigation is this?

I would have started with that yet I have heard nothing about it.

Why is that? Where is just ONE video showing Crooks taking the shots?


OK, I’ve mentally put you on ignore, since this forum software doesn’t seem to have blocking. Have a nice life.


I’ve been around and around the AGR building, and I’m telling you Barney Fife would not have lost track of Crooks. It’s impossible. That’s probably why we have so many images of him from the time he walked across the road onto the property. There’s nowhere to hide.

And Brian,

Since you are a basic user that joined after I did, I haven’t come across anything you have have contributed to this discussion especially critical thinking wise.

Hopefully, we are on the same team and since I have been following these type shootings especially with FBI involvement, just answer me this one Simple question from your experience and background, because I would really like to know: What do you see as the greatest challenge in the Las Vegas shooting for your common mortal?

One needs to approach this shooting the same way.

Very specific and important question to ask yourself/answer.

Good luck…

Have you been inside the AGR building?

As glaringly obvious as the vents jump out as a possible location, I can’t get there no matter how hard I try. If you slow down or frame up the Stewart video, the vents are in view as the shots are fired and they’re not moving or open. Something’s being overlooked or amiss because I don’t think anything is coming from below Crooks. There’s too much video evidence to dispute it unless the videos we’re being fed are manipulated.

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Also, it is possible to make an AR sound similar to a Full Auto, but most, if not all require depressing the trigger each time, which is easy to detect by audio analysis and even hear.

Yeah? How so?

Can a shooter fire 3 controlled shots and then a quicker burst? Certainly, but normally, a shooter has a cadence that matches their ability and/or the target.

This is a 20 year olds attempt at a political assassination in broad daylight. I think we can throw “cadence” out the window given the stress levels, and then realizing that your first three controlled shots all missed probably either throws you into a rage or into full panic mode. I can easily see someone rapid firing their AR-15, I see it at the range almost every time I go.

For a shooter to shoot 3 controlled shots at a specific target and really the only target for an assassin that supposedly did this much prep work, if he truly found the closest sweet spot without assistance would not lose focus on that target.

I really don’t understand your point here.

I have my doubts whether Crooks even knew there was a 2nd Shooter or that they would start First.

What second shooter? Where was he? Where did he shoot? Where did his bullets go? Can you start there instead of just confidently saying there is a 2nd shooter?

Could speculate more, but why haven’t we seen at least one video of Crooks actually shooting? If the FBI had SURELY they would have released, if the FBI narrative is True.

No clue.

Plus that cop yelling for everyone in front of the Southside of AGR 6, would have had at least a reasonable opportunity to see Crooks shooting.

His bodycamera is around his chest/sternum height, so even if he could see him, his camera cannot at that distance from the building.

So ask yourself, why the only thing heard from the running cop that supposedly confronted Crooks was yelling for them to leave?

His bodycamera either didn’t active to record audio on time (it’s a separate function, bodycameras always record video, but have to be prompted to record audio. this way they save space for memory reasons) or for whatever reason, his police department muted that entire part of the video.

Had his bodycam been capturing audio, we would’ve heard him go on his radio. Both Washington Post report confirms this, and what we see on realDJStew’s video, the cop is seeing grabbing his radio and speaking into it as he’s going around the corner of the building, this must be like 15 seconds after he jumped down and did his sprint.

Anyone with an once of brain matter know, they weren’t the target or even potentially in the line of fire.

Well yeah it’s weird, so hopefully we can get a report from the cop or someone that will explain why the cop chose that command over anything else.

A second shooter didn’t have to use the vents, if that is hanging you up.

Like the DC Sniper all you had to do was cut a hole in the siding unless you think no other shooter is capable. Hint: they weren’t special.

And if you controlled access to Building 6, one could simply rolled a scaffold that you could have gotten from Harbor Freight into place.

No. I’ve never even been on the property but you can get within 75 yards of it on three sides. The side towards the water tower is the only side you can’t get close to but that side is mostly a parking lot. The water tower drive is still coned off.
thumbnail_IMG_2855 (Small)

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I’m going off the assumption that @roger-knight echo analysis and line of fire is correct, and if so, there’s so much video available during the time of the shots, that I think you’d be able to see it, or a hole cut in the siding.

Hope you have heard of a sear?

There is an inexpensive modification made out of metal that can be used to bypass the normal sear operation and turn it into Fully Automatic.

And then there is the bump stock and one of the many reasons the Vegas narrative doesn’t make sense.

I could spend awhile talking about the so called shooter, but we were lead to believe he was a high roller worth even suggested near a Million dollars.

So if you have the means, why not just get the necessary Fed permit for an Automatic rifle? Or purchase the metal device that will convert a Semi Auto to Full Auto?

Planning to take his money (wealth) with him?

Then why the use of a bump stock that just happened to be the device Barack Obama wished to ban on his way to more aggressive Gun Control?

Hope you have heard of a sear?

There is an inexpensive modification made out of metal that can be used to bypass the normal sear operation and turn it into Fully Automatic.

That’s not what I asked. You stated “which is easy to detect by audio analysis and even hear.” I asked you how, as in, how is it easy to detect by audio analysis? I didn’t ask you how a fully automatic weapon works.

Also no clue what the rest of the stuff you wrote has anything to do with my question, so I’m going to ignore it.

Is this a full auto AR-15?

Oh I get that, but first after looking into his DPMS, his optics and his overall conduct before the shooting, I have serious doubts that he could have even come close to Trump’s ear. Hot roof (bare skin elbows in a T shirt that shouts look at me), supposedly just assembling his AR and then pointing at a cop, people yelling at him, scurrying up this hot tin roof with an Unnagnified Red dot with questionable MOA, his loose fitting glasses and the list goes on…

Plus the recently leaked info about his time on the range. So convenient, but doesn’t tell us squat about his shooting ability.

And then that he was using FMJs. Please.

The only reason I buy FMJs is because they are cheap for plinking.

But to actually kill Something, NO WAY.

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Can a new thread be started with just the facts as we know them today?

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You’re assuming that the bullet hits were exactly where the shooter was aiming. That is facts not in evidence.

M193 is rather effective for FMJ. At enough velocity it tends to break into multiple pieces. There are enough YT videos of it shot into ballistic gel that shows this.


Then obviously you haven’t spent weeks studying the Vegas shooting.

I don’t need to take the time to invest in audio analysis software, when other Patriots are already doing it. But as an Electrical Engineer, I can easily analyze the data.

If you can’t then I can’t help you. If you don’t see the similarities in the Vegas shooting than I can’t help you. One learns from the past, because its important.

Plus you are making a Big deal out of the different ways an AR can be fired, which really means little.

We can hear the obvious difference in cadence and there are many ways to explain, but do I think Crooks fired the first 8 rounds. NO…is it possible…YES…

But from my observations, analysis and experience, I say very unlikely.

And the easiest way to tell besides actual raw video, the FBI conveniently possess all of that information. Just like cleaning the roof. I can guarantee you that when the fast ejecting, hot casings hit the dirty roof in various orientations that could have been seen/detected, even if you had to use a magnifying glass or tore up the roof to analyze further.

Fingerprint analysis as well as the markings on the spent casings should have been made public weeks ago. Easy to fake after the fact, but they haven’t even bothered.

But what I do see are suspect members of the QRF/ESU/guys in tactical gear always present.


Then obviously you haven’t spent weeks studying the Vegas shooting.

I didn’t know that was a requirement to ask you basic questions about your own statements and opinions.

I don’t need to take the time to invest in audio analysis software, when other Patriots are already doing it. But as an Electrical Engineer, I can easily analyze the data.

You don’t have to, just explain to me how you can hear the difference between a fully automatic weapon being fired, and a semi automatic weapon being fired very quickly? What do you hear that will give away the difference?

If you can’t then I can’t help you. If you don’t see the similarities in the Vegas shooting than I can’t help you. One learns from the past, because its important.

Can you cut down on the anime-like dialogue? Just talk to me like a normal person.

Plus you are making a Big deal out of the different ways an AR can be fired, which really means little.

Because you brought up a fully automatic weapon into the discussion. You’re just like the two other dorks from earlier who can’t seem to comprehend that a semi-automatic weapon can be fired very fast.

OMG shots 4-8 fast, like super duper faster than the first 3 shots, omg guys it must be a fully automatic rifle!! lol

We can hear the obvious difference in cadence and there are many ways to explain, but do I think Crooks fired the first 8 rounds. NO…is it possible…YES…

Why does cadence matter? He’s an inexperienced shooter, he whiffed his first three controlled shots, got flustered and went nuts. He’s a skinny 20 year old working in a skilled nursing facility, not a 30 year old Navy SEAL with two deployments.

But from my observations, analysis and experience, I say very unlikely.

Any time you want to share that, feel free.

And the easiest way to tell besides actual raw video, the FBI conveniently possess all of that information.

What “raw video”??

Just like cleaning the roof. I can guarantee you that when the fast ejecting, hot casings hit the dirty roof in various orientations that could have been seen/detected, even if you had to use a magnifying glass or tore up the roof to analyze further.

Has an agency ever released video of crime scene clean up?

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Talking about the M193:

“However, the projectile sheds velocity faster than a Golden Retriever sheds hair on the living room carpet. This can make accuracy problematic at longer ranges.”

"#### M193 Ammo on Target

Although M193 is an FMJ round, it often fragments inside soft tissue, creating a considerable wound. However, when it fails to fragment, M193 FMJs produce only minimal wounds. Unfortunately, fragmentation is anything but consistent with these loads."

I copied this from the first review I just read from an online search. And it compares well my experience.

Again I find a very poor choice, but sure it is possible like most 5.56 Ammo, so I will leave at that.