So It's Back To First Principles

Just because a DPMS is not top tier does not mean it is a POS. Back around the 2010s Jerrry Miculek used a DPMS as his 3 Gun competition rifle. I remember seeing him at their booth at the Big Reno Gun Show.

He thinks it’s a fully automatic weapon, so therefore it can’t be the DPMS. At least that’s what I gathered from my conversation with that guy in the last day or so.

I’ve seen it claimed Crooks had an EoTech holographic sight. If so, it has a 1 MOA center dot, a 68 MOA circle around it, and is not some cheap red dot. You can be pretty acculturate with that center dot.

I’ve heard it’s a Holosun, but I don’t think it’s that important. The important detail is that he had no magnifier attached. But even if he used a cheap Holosun, maybe even a SIG red dot, he still should have been able to hit his shots. At least the first 3 “controlled” shots, the rapid fire ones missing makes sense to me. From his perspective he might have been on target, but as he was rapidly firing, under an adrenaline dump, he could’ve easily moved his rifle a bit, and long distance shooting is a game of inches, so when he missed, he missed by a big margin.

Hi intolerance,

I am pointing out to the fact that there are no echoes with the first 3 shots. This is strong evidence. Other people claim there are many videos and photos around that have Crooks firing shots. I have not seen one up to now and would be very happy if somebody can show me one.

I am pointing out to the fact that there are no echoes with the first 3 shots.

Could things like cheap microphones, wind, background noise, etc, mess with the echoes, or should the echoes be loud enough from a rifle that it wouldn’t really matter?

This is strong evidence. Other people claim there are many videos and photos around that have Crooks firing shots. I have not seen one up to now and would be very happy if somebody can show me one.

Most I’ve seen is like 3 second “clips”, nothing else. I don’t get how no one has released anything since we saw at least like a dozen people pointing their phones at him on the roof.

or the first 3 shots came from the roof of the highest AGR building at the parking…

if the sniper used a suppressor (like the rifles used by the Hercules snipers on the barns behind Trump), you would not hear an echo…

as I mentioned in my previous posts, the man who was shot dead on the roof of AGR building 6 was running because (in my opinion) he had to be on that exact roof at that exact time…

the shots were fired at 11.33 past the hour.

the man Chris was interviewing yesterday asked Chris whether there was an ear piece found near the dead man’s head “as such an ear piece would have been necessary to synchronize the events”, but there is no need to synchronize using ear pieces if the time of the first shots has been agreed on beforehand.

at first it may look far-fetched to notice that 11.33 is a particular number, but the ones who have orchestrated this attack will recognize this number immediately.

it really makes perfect sense: the man who died on the roof was running late for this appointment, he climbed and ran on the roofs to where he was later shot dead, at exactly 11.33 minutes.seconds past 6pm, the first shot was fired by the sniper on the highest AGR building near the parking (followed by shot 2 and 3), and now we have 2 options:

  • the first 3 shots gave the “all clear” to the man on the roof to rapid-fire 5 shots with the 2013 DPMS A-15 that was found on the roof (let’s assume he used the jitter trigger trick or that he modified his rifle to fire full auto and had 5 rounds in the magazine)
  • or the sniper who took the first 3 shots used a second rifle to fire 5 rounds in full auto

my two cents :slight_smile:

I would agree with you if we only had 1 recording from the side of the building. Chris has multiple recordings, all showing the same result. That way we can exclude the above mentioned assumption.

How is this not a recording from the side of the building? This is directly below and to the left of the shooter on the roof.

Then where does the Boom following each Crack come from? We can hear them all the way at the podium mic.

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fair enough. let’s give that man the benefit of the doubt and let’s assume he could have aimed precisely with the rifle-scope combination that was found on the roof.

it remains to be seen that a youngster who has just been running, has just been interrupted in his business by a peeping police man and who is shouted at by the audience has the cool to aim and shoot 3+5 rounds in about 6 seconds fairly accurately at about 150 yards…

How is missing every single shot “fairly accurate” to you? And yes I’m considering the ear shot to be a miss overall since the target was clearly the head.


as I explain on my webpage, there are several combinations possible:

  • you use a standard gun with hypersonic ammunition, and you will hear the explosion of the muzzle blast, the sonic boom and the impact where the bullet trajectory terminates, and the associated echoes off flat surfaces
  • you use a standard gun with subsonic ammunition. here you will hear the explosion and the impact only. there will not be any sonic boom, but still the echoes of the muzzle blast and possibly of the impact (depends on what has been shot… e.g., a gong may produce a loud sound that echoes back to you)
  • if you use a suppressor you can also shoot hypersonic ammunition. the suppressor will muffle the muzzle blast, but you will still hear the sonic boom and the impact and possible echoes
  • if you use a suppressor with subsonic ammunition, you will hear very little, and depending on where the target was hit, that target may be screaming or not :slight_smile:

from my point of view, the sniper who shot from the highest AGR building near the main AGR parking used hypersonic ammunition with a suppressed rifle, very similar to the MK13 mod7 rifles that were used by the snipers behind Trump…

  • you use a standard gun with hypersonic ammunition, and you will hear the explosion of the muzzle blast, the sonic boom and the impact where the bullet trajectory terminates, and the associated echoes off flat surfaces

Can you show us what “hypersonic ammunition” looks like?


also note that the DPMS rifle Jerry Miculek used was well serviced and treated in the 2010s, where the rifle that was recovered on the roof was made 11 years ago and may have suffered through a lot…

hypersonic ammunition fired by a suppressed rifle…

note that the snipers on the barns behind Trump used suppressed rifles and that the 2013 DPMS A-15 that was recovered from the roof did NOT have a suppressor…

can you show us an example of hypersonic ammunition? maybe just something common that would be used in a rifle you described above, MK17 or whatever.

Congratulations! You even found another source that confirms hypothesis 2, the first 3 shots without echo and shots 4 – 8 with echo.
I will let somebody like Chris analyse these shots in a more professional way, but from my simple hearing you don’t hear any echoes in shots 1 – 3 and you can hear the echoes in shot 4 -8. Below you can see the drawing how the shots from crooks bounces off the walls from the back buildings. I would have to draw more buildings in the back to simulate the echos that go to this part of the building, but I think you get my point.

I have another theory for you.

But first can you confirm or deny some reports that Crooks was seen angry, pulling his hair etc possibly due to what he learned from his phone prior to the shooting?

If true, Crooks may have believed this was his shoot/chance to be “famous”, but learned a second shooter was there also.

So after the first 3 shoots, he reacted by firing shots 4 - 8 partially out of anger that he was not given his chance with shots 1 -3 and essentially fell into the part as patsy, sacrifcial lamb to draw fire from the CS teams?

Because whether Crooks knew it or not, he was on a suicide mission and wasn’t going to leave that wide open roof.

One thing is for certain that someone tried to shoot/kill Trump and that a shooter must be found. That impossible for a single shooter to escape from a wide open roof so close to the stage.

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Wait, so in the clip I posted you don’t hear echoes for 1-3 but you do for 4-8?? Because I hear echoes on all 8

link to the source video: Dropbox

hello Roger,

I am generating an overview table with moments when shots were fired from various locations and the moments when someone would have heard/felt the bullet, the sound of the muzzle blast, the sound of the bullet and the differences between each.

could you tell me what speed of sound you have been using for the day of the event?

I take it you’re ignoring my comments on hypersonic ammunition because a MK13 isn’t a rail gun, right? or did you look at Remington’s brand and think all those bullets and slugs travel over 3000 mph?