So It's Back To First Principles

Which of shots 1 to 8 are you claiming coming from a suppressed rifle?
There are booms recorded at the podium for all and cracks for 1-5 & 7-8.

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Can someone correct me if I’m wrong? Based upon two of the overhead shots from the Grassley publication showing personnel and timelines, are we to believe that between 6:06 pm and 6:12 pm that one of overlook building snipers went to meet with an officer at the east door of the AGR 6building?

Was that Greg Nicol? And if so, why does the officers dash cam at the east facing door not show him coming out until long after the shots were fired after 6:12 pm, fairly casually strolling around?

Then also, why does one other Grassley photo show that that sniper is in building 4 facing west at 6:12 PM? Does anyone really believe that that sniper (assuming it was Greg Nicol) really left his point for six minutes?

Then where is the story that he left the post to let somebody in who lost his key? Where is that in the timeline?

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You’re right that there’s a huge problem with the locals’ after-action report. We know from the AGR door dashcam video that nobody comes down to open the door or meet anybody or explain anything. We see the door for a few minutes, and then there’s the shooting, and then two minutes later, Nichol opens the door. He was in there during the shooting. If there really was another sniper in there, what was he doing, and why didn’t he come out after the shooting?

The after-action report is not adequate.

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Hi intolerance,

Like I said, I am not a audio/echo specialist and I will let people like Chris do the analysis. There could well be echos on both 1 - 3 and 4 -8, but we have to take into consideration where exactly this recording is taken and off which walls do the echos come from… I am not capable to analyse this.

There is about a 2 degree offset in how the stage was set up with the path and other building complex. Was this just some rough and nasty job, or did some more critical planning go into it to keep that window for a second sniper open? So they did not not need a lot of room to move.

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Thanks. Agreed!

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Let’s look at a possible scenario in which the event (= attack on Trump) was prepared:

  • the man who ended up getting shot dead on the roof clearly doesn’t know he’s going to die there

  • he knows it’s highly likely he won’t survive the event, but let’s leave that aside for now

  • the man was instructed that he could arrive a few hours before the event with a rangefinder and then go back outside and walk around a bit

  • he was instructed that he had to lie down on that specific roof at exactly 6:10 PM and that he was allowed to watch the rally with a gun. Remember, Pennsylvania is a state where it’s perfectly legal to walk around in public with a properly licensed gun. The roof he had to lie down on is outside the guarded gun-free zone, so he could do that without any problems!

  • as I’ve said a few times in my previous posts, he was walking around the roofs quickly because he was running the risk of being late for that appointment!

  • now there are two possibilities:

  1. he was instructed that as soon as he hears the first bullets fired at 18:11:33, he can fire 5 bullets as quickly as possible from his own weapon and where he should fire those bullets is up to him.
  2. he only had to be on the roof at the right/agreed moment, but did not have to shoot any bullets

Note that there was a 1 second pause between the burst of 5 bullets fired within the second and the 9th bullet (which most likely only wounded him). So there is a good chance that if someone was firing a fully automatic rifle, he had a magazine that only contained 5 rounds, or fired bursts of 5.

Also note that bullet 9 only wounded him, because if he had been killed by that shot, his heart would not have been pumping blood anymore and there would have been no extensive blood trail.
So bullet 10 killed him.

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the shots 1-2-3 came from a rifle very similar to the suppressed sniper rifles used by the people on the barns behind Trump: MK13 mod7

what was the speed of sound that you have been using for the day of the rally?

Yes, the fact that they changed place for this rally just weeks before, and the fact that the backed traced bullet is almost perfectly horizontal also makes the whole thing mysterious to say the least.

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the location of the bleachers and the podium was very carefully thought out.

the AGR site is very uniquely configured and supports the alignment of the lines of sight to Trump from 2 locations: the lower roof of AGR building 6 on which the man was shot dead and the 2nd highest roof of that site (this is the highest building closest to the main AGR parking).

the man on the highest roof did the deed and the man on the lowest roof paid the price.

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hello Roger,


Riddle me this Batman.
What license do you need for a long gun in Pennsylvania?

You think the muzzle blasts from shots 1-2-3 are from a suppressed rifle, that is one piss poor suppressor.


Yeah there is no possible way any of the 8 shots are suppressed. if people hear a suppressed shot anywhere in those 8, then maybe something is wrong with their speakers, or there is a 2nd shooter that snuck in a shot in that big volley of fire. but that wouldn’t make sense since after the 3rd shot Trump was already kneeling and had SS agents swarm him. Plus people have told me that there is bulletproof glass on the stage protecting the executive in that situation, so I have no clue what in the world this imaginary 2nd shooter and suppressed shot were aiming at and what they ended up hitting down range.

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sorry dude, I only see Normal and Muted on my end.

Maybe it is because your profile is hidden.

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This is what I see on my end.

Thanks Aaron. Much appreciated.

Take care and God bless.

Apologies for the confusion. I double checked, and the ignore feature is not available when you first join the community. It automatically appears after a couple of weeks of getting to know the community.


got it, thanks for clarifying