So It's Back To First Principles

I don’t think so especially if you closely compare the Las Vegas shooting to this shooting.

Both had explosives in their vehicles. If my memory is correct, they mostly found Tanner rite, but the same narrative was floated that “the shooter” planned to escape via an explosion.

Not sure how Crooks got the explosives, the training or whether even functional, but clearly he had a remote deteonating device on him including several magazines. A one shot, one kill doesn’t require several magazines unless, one plans to shoot one’s way out and can’t see carrying a garage door opener with extended antenna for an assassination.

So my conclusion that he believed or was lead to believe, he would walkaway similar to his assurances that he could reach this ideal spot on the roof to take shot(s) at Trump.
That as far as this scenario is the only one that makes sense to me.

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I mostly focus on the shots fired.
the scenario I described is something that explains everything I have seen so far regarding the shooting.

whether there were any other things in his vehicle, backpack or pockets is totally uncertain.

I do not believe any of the things that have been reported as what he had or has been doing or was planning to do…

the only things I believe are true are the following: he had a range finder and a 2013 DPMS A-15.

there is no reliable information whatsoever about the following: his training and skills level, how many magazines he had, the capacity of these magazines, how many cartridges he had and were loaded in the magazines, how many shots were fired by that man, how many casings were found on the roof or elsewhere, the remote control, the stuff in his car, etc, etc.

we are misdirected at many levels by several actors.

I do my best to stay with the facts and apply Occam’s razor to pencil the blanks until the missing puzzle pieces surface and match the facts…

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And the only thing that makes sense to me on why none of the SS agents weren’t hit, because of strict instructions not to shoot at Trump unless a clear shot was available.
If Crooks was a Lone Wolf, he would not have cared if SS agents were hit or killed, because his goal was to get Trump regardless of collateral damage.
But those running this operation didn’t want any SS agents to be shot or killed due to one reason: SS Whistleblowers. Some of the best information we have received are due to SS Whistle blowers, but imagine how SS agents would be coming out of the woodwork, if SS agents were killed.
My best guess has been that whoever fired shots 4 - 8 did so to start a stampede. Chaos in the Crowd to give another clean shot opportunity. Since the target wasn’t down, but then no clear shot presented itself, Trump survived the assassination attempt.

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if you watch the videos of the JFK assassination you will see that just before he was killed the security agents retreated, which allowed the assassination to take place.

during this rally many guards also left their posts at the crucial moment.

the assassination attempt was carefully orchestrated.

the deception makes everyone believe that the man on the roof acted alone, so that there would be no official hunt for the real perpetrators.

the only thing we can believe is what was recorded during the event and the more time passes the less reliable this information becomes…

you assume that you know the name of the man who died on that roof, but there is no certainty about that whatsoever…

that is very likely indeed!

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I can understand your thinking, but I am also convinced that Crooks wasn’t a Lone Wolf and if you followed the Las Vegas shooting, both shootings have glaring similarities and the FBI doesn’t deserve any benefit of the doubt. But the similarities are staggering and worth understanding, since I am convinced the Vegas “shooter” didn’t fire a round and Crooks is yet to be determined. All the standard CSI and Crime Scene preservation didn’t happen. Fingerprints, gun shot residue, the markings and location of the casings, the testing of the DPMS, etc…Absolutely nothing as the FBI hosed down the roof, took down all the pertinent existing structures as they also ran off Senators from even taking a look for themselves.

We all know if Biden had been shot at, the FBI would have been too busy looking for who they could throw in jail.

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I feel comfortable accepting that Crooks is the dead shooter on the roof.

He has a distinctive face. All of his previous pictures, the rally pictures, the body cam footage, and the post death close-up seem to align just fine.

What’s more concerning to me is the capability of the “investigators” to spin his activities both immediately prior to the rally, the day of, and in the year before.

We’ve already observed them trying to muddy the waters with their claims that he was anti-immigrant years ago, but the Gab info doesn’t align.

Same with the shooting range. He was never there when DHS was, oh wait, actually he was.

It’s as concerning as Wray trying to insinuate Trump wasn’t hit with a bullet. That was such a bizarre needless thing to do.

The whole thing stinks. This is what happens when corporations have too much power, regulatory capture is rampant, and monetary power has polluted the government so much that incompetence and politicization have replaced competent operations and ethical foundations.


Actually I really don’t, because like your approach, some things don’t really matter. He was at best a tool though more likely the fall guy or patsy. Who he is irrelevant of course unless he was a trained assassination/ties to the FBI, etc…

What you say about the JFK shooting and agents could definitely be true, but no hiding the fact that SS agents were close and prepared to shield Trump even if that was even iffy.

But it was known, obvious, etc that Trump was going to be surrounded by SS agents and Trump wasn’t killed.

I don’t see a Lone Wolf out to kill the President that just missed would stop trying to complete his task/mission. There were still chances to shoot at Trump and indeed more shoots were fired, but not near enough to Trump for even an average shooter.

yes, but it is, also for a professional sniper, not unheard of that they would not hit their target with the first bullet…

remember that the first 3 shots were in 2 seconds, so as soon as the sniper realized he had missed, he fired two additional rounds…

as I showed in a previous post, even if a very decent sniper rifle is shot by a machine (to avoid influences, e.g., by breathing, nervousness and heartbeat), the machine does not always shoot small groupings…

absolutely true, and the fast buriers of information do not have any incentive whatsoever to disclose what really happened, he…

they sent the evidence processing team on site to cover the evidence, not to analyse it…


That makes plenty of sense especially a new member that from the beginning decides to hide his profile, etc.

Thanks for clarifing though I believe in freedom of speech and not censoring those I may not agree with.

Oh I very much understand and a cold gun shoots differently than one that has been fired a few times in close proximity.
I have been shooting for over 55 years from target, hunting and competition, so I have a good handle on what happened.
But when you only clip an ear with 8 shots from a range for me is essentially point blank.

There aren’t too many possibilities that those around Trump weren’t hit as well, since my conclusion is that no more shots were taken at Trump after the 3rd. And I gave my reason why…

I wish this never happened, I wish that I am Wrong for Trump’s sake…but it did happen and not by accident.

God Bless and Take care


This is very true, and by using certain labels or names one implies much more than is necessary…

For example, from my perspective, the first 3 bullets were fired at Trump by a professional sniper who was on the roof of the tallest building in the AGR parking lot. Many people, including on this forum, immediately label that as the “second shooter” theory, but that is not what I am saying…

I refer to the person who fired the shots at Trump as “the real shooter”… If “the real shooter” is the man who died on the roof, that is fine, but if it is someone else, everything I have said about the “real shooter” still applies, but anyone who has made statements and claims about the man who died on that roof being the shooter needs to rephrase or otherwise correct their statements.

When someone talks about the “2nd shooter”, it automatically implies that there was a first shooter, and in this assassination attempt, the first bullet fired is really the only one that matters…
From my perspective, it could very well be that the shooter of the first 3 bullets used a second weapon to fire a burst of 5 bullets, but it could also be that there was indeed a second shooter who fired those five bullets, or some other combination.

As far as I’m concerned, none of that matters: I adjust the model so that the observations fit the model as best as possible, and I don’t feel personally attacked or offended if something needs to be adjusted.

What I find unfortunate is that asking a question or making a comment is immediately seen as a personal attack, when (as far as I’m concerned) it was just a simple question or comment with no malicious intent behind it…

So semantics and being very careful is really important in this matter, and using certain words implies so much that it becomes difficult to keep a distance from the whole thing and not get involved.

Prejudices and beliefs are the enemy of knowledge, and I just want to know what really happened…

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Well, Crooks was not a legit sniper… which does align with why he chose to get so close to target and so exposed, when he could have just as easily gone to the building that howdoiknowthisinfo keeps talking about. It really was the better place for a more hidden attempt, I believe. It is however, at a greater distance than Crooks’s local range offers, so he might not have trained at that distance. Who knows… I discarded that location because the audio wouldn’t support it and because there’s actual video of Crooks firing the first shot (the TMZ one you can see the case being ejected; Roger disagrees, btw.)

Yep. It was either the EoTech or the Holoson AEMS with a 2MOA dot that channel MR. Guns and Gear mentioned last week. Both good dots IMHO.

I’m surprised he was able to achieve that cadence, it was definitely something he would have to train, firing those 3. Earlier this month on the range I go to I attempted to hit a metal plate a little smaller than a foot in radius about 150 meters away. AR 5.56x45 zeroed at 25meters. I got 3 hits in 4 seconds, with the scope at 4x, using a holdover, without a bipod, resting the handguard on the bench. Didn’t try faster, as I’ve felt that at 4 seconds it was already difficult for me to keep my eye on the target through the scope. Crooks fired 3 shots in 1.5 second. From my perspective, that’s very fast. Reports now say he did went to the range 43 times since August, practically once a week. People on the range would definitely notice someone training 3 quick shots at that distance. Not something worthy of a red alarm, since people train all sorts of things, but noticeable. Then again, adrenaline does make one shoot faster.

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The bike with back pack belonged to another person and TMC was walking around the building without baggage. It is interesting problem.

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But if there was another, he/she could. There is a way for the real shooter to survive, leave someone else on the site dead.


Hi howdoiknowthisinfo,

So finally, we have the two requested positions from you, namely:

  1. Bleachers corner: 3.07m or 10.07 feet
  2. Trumps ear: 2.99m or 9.8 feet

Looking at the two numbers we don’t even need to simulate, because the bleachers is higher than Trumps ear, so how can you get back to the building which is a height of 32 feet? Am I missing something here?
But to demonstrate it even better, I took the time to draw it. Please have a look below. The back traced bullet is at 4.57 feet instead of 32 feet.
Am I missing something here?


Disagree. The 10th shot came after 10 seconds. Simply too much blood on the roof. (Anyway the autopsy says he died at 18:25, but based on what observations?)

After reading and thinking over various theories let’s go back to square one, using inductive analysis, rather than deductive. The only fact we can all agree on … bullets go in a reasonably straight line. And the earlobe is an Infinitesimally small node on the line of fire. Frame by frame, Trump had cocked his head directly at the screen to his right when the bullet shock wave click hit his mic. This line of fire (solid line in photo below) lines up directly with the water tower, above and behind the screen above the bleachers. The Crooks line of fire (if accurate) would have transected the skull, surely fatal (dashed line in pic). There is something we don’t know yet. Perhaps some form of remotely controlled UAV weapon? Is this out of the range of possibility if state actors were involved.

yes, it took a little longer to come back to you due to a couple of denial of service attacks by the two people that Aaron referred to…

the bullet from that roof to Trump’s ear, the bleachers and the JCB hydraulic lift travels above (!) this unobstructed green line of sight.

I do not know how you backtrace trajectories in your application, but these pictures should speak for themselves.
if your backtracing reports something else, there is something wrong with the backtracing…

for convenience, I had selected the middle of the JCB hydraulic lift as the terminator of the bullet trajectory, but the front or the rear do not change the elevation at which the railing would be crossed/penetrated/touched.

selecting the rear of the JCB lift results in a bullet trajectory that goes through the corner of the bleachers…

in your model, that rear building is 32 feet high. in my model, the roof shooter is at 9m, so the roof is even higher in your model…

I gave you the elevations I use with respect to the sea floor…
I would not be surprised your AGR buildings are vertically off the rally area…

I really think that your backtracing uses erroneous vertical offsets and that you blindly trust the outcome of this erroneous model…

no matter which model one makes, it will never represent reality and the pictures I have pasted over the past days should speak for themselves, he…

even those of the drone footage of the Spa Guy and those that Rough country Gypsy shared yesterday confirm my observations:

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Who has custody over the water tower to the right of Trump’s podium? Pennsylvania American Water is a subsidiary of American Water Works, a consolidator of water resources in the US. Their website advertises conspicuous ‘ESG’ affinity. Quoting from a their Wikipedia entry - "In 2003, American Water established the American Water Military Services Group, which partners with the Department of Defense through the Utilities Privatization (UP) Program. Through this program, the company has a 50-year contract to provides water and wastewater utility services at 18 military installations in the U.S.[[10]] "
PA American Water logo
(American Water Works - Wikipedia)