So It's Back To First Principles

Yes. He received a minor injury as the bullet grazed his neck. He did receive medical treatment for it. Doing ok.

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thanks for this confirmation.
I will add him to the victims in my model.

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Sorry for my English and my exaggeration. For example the escape speed from earth surface is 11.2 km/s. Earth on its path around the sun is at 30 km/s, and so on. Regarding the sniper rifle of the presumed 2nd shooter: I got that.

D’apres moi, the upper or lower rim of the campain billboard should indicate a true horizontal (until after the second shot, when trump leans heavily against the right rim of his lectern, as seen from the camera).

Je suis desole, there is no plumb-line on the picrture.
no plumb-line

I am asking the opinion of the community in this Forum. For 4 days now I have waisted my time to answer to howiknowthisinfo, He claims the 2nd shooter is coming from way back on top of a 32 foot building. 4 days ago I already explained to him that it is impossible:

Finally, after 2 weeks he indicates that Trumps ear is at 9.8 feet and the corner of the bleachers is at 10.07 feet, so the shot is almost horizontal, just like we have all been talking about. The problem he has is that he claims that the shooter is at 32 feet hight on the roof making it impossible to make that shot. Something that I have been saying since the beginning. Then he posts a screenshot that confirms the shot is lower then the top corner of the beachers confirming that it is impossble to make that shot and claims his animation is correct? See red arrow.

I am getting the feeling that howiknowthisinfo is here to highjack the forum and to create chaos keeping us away from working together. I have not followed any of his other posts and therefore I am asking the comunity if anybody else shares my opinion?


where do these 2 weeks come from?

as I explained, but you did not read any of my messages, Trump’s podium is not at the same elevation as the bleachers…

so, the height of Trump’s ear is not at the same elevation as the corner of the bleachers…

and the JCB hydraulic lift is not at the same elevation as the podium and the bleachers either…

your vertical offsets are off…

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I corrected my post to 4 days, sorry for the miss leading 2 weeks

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Thank you for your multiple answers, but the post was addressed to the comunity… I would like to have other peoples opinion.

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there is a direct line of sight between the roof I am referring to and the ear of Trump and the railing of the bleacher and the JCB hydraulic lift…

this is not imaginary… this is fact.

look at the drone footage that was posted yesterday and any of the Spa Guy footage. that building is HIGHER than the roof on which the alleged crooks was killed and has a direct line of sight…

The shot impacted on the top right corner of the bleacher, see red arrow., what are you showing us on your screen shot? Are you trying to create chaos in this forum?


It is reasonable to at least look at the theory of where a second shooter could be. I am not seeing much add up with the audio and trajectory data so far with a shooter on the northern two story section.

have a look at this image where the jcb hydraulic lift is positioned. the problem is that the exact location of the impact cannot easily be established as the hydraulic beam was diagonal

the first bullet crossed the corner of that bleacher and ended up in the jcb hydraulic lift…

the ground overlay of that image of india today is scrambled, but if you look at it you will see that it all works out fine…

ground levels and heights of the different points…

the yellow arrow shows the approximate line of sight and this clearly shows that the bullet was not flying horizontally but going DOWNhill !

the image distortions with google maps are due to the fact that the ground is not flat but goes downhill: Trump is at the higher part of the green, the JCB lift is in a depression of the green…

I will see if I can use this ground overlay in a flat version to avoid the image distortions caused by the uneven ground surface…

OK. I found this on another thread (so much info here to weed through). If someone’s taking the time to Photoshop out the vents, I’m back on board with the vents in play. Is this actually a modified police video? The last vent on the left is the closest location to @roger-knight line of fire. It’s clearly there in my drone video.

I agree. He’s a time-wasting vampire, and I suspect he promotes his useless site to collect IP addresses.

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Could you share these for Crooks, Your RealShooter, TrumpEar, Railhit and Comperatore?


sure. they will arrive in a couple of jiffies. thanks for asking.