So It's Back To First Principles

I can see the vents here… this is frame is from before the officer is boosted up, and I can also see the vents just before the shooting, but they show up better when there’s motion.

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Well, I believe his theory is wrong, but that he actually believes it. He’s just not seeing the other evidence that contradicts his theory. From his theory, one could also deduce that the RealREALShooter was not even where howdoiknow says he was, but at an even more distant location, say 2 miles away on some bridge, on the same angle and line of sight… If the lines match on a straight line like laser beams to trump and rail, who cares if the sound doesn’t match, right? Wind is also not important, no matter how windy it was on the day. He ignores evidence in order to pursue his theory. Comes up with the RealShooter switching weapons, someone using an automatic,etc… That being said, I also don’t believe your theory of a second shooter. I believe Crooks fired 8 shots, but who cares if there’s video evidence of a case being ejected from Crooks’ rifle while the sound of the first shot is heard, right? I mean, it’s just artifacts that precisely and coincidentally flew between his weapon and the roof, but hey, let’s focus on vents and elusive glares in windows, otherwise the fun ends.

What I’m saying is: you’re both defending your theories. I’m willing to hear more, and I believe you are too, otherwise you wouldn’t have entertained his theory and plotted it out on CAD. And if I’m right with where you’re going with this post, then maybe if he just gave all his measurements and a narrative as an attempt to get his point across so we can try it out…?

On, and, by the way, howdoiknowthisinfo, at least from this view here from bodycam of Officer IGotBoostedUp, from just before the shooting, there’s nothing on the roof at least from this angle…


you asked for the coordinates and you are going to get these coordinates shortly.

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I would agree I’d have expected Crooks head to be canoed. Think of Kennedy’s head from a 6.5mm round, blew the top of his head clean open/off. Crooks at least appears to have less explosion injury. But witnesses did express seeing massive head shot injuries. WE don’t see it on the rooftop, admittedly.

Bullets can perform unexpectedly. I’ve seen a point blank deer rifle cartridge turn a man’s head into a disappearing act, just a flop of blood soaked flaps of skin. I’ve seen reports of large caliber combat rifle bullet (7.62 of some sort) hitting a man’s head and circumnavigating his skull and exiting on the other side without penetrating his skull. Bullets can do more damage than expected, or less. Some people survive GSWs that they shouldn’t some die from seemingly minor ones. I’ve seen at the civil war museum 2 bullets fired from opposite direction, fused together in flight. Think of those odds! It’s just the freak nature of bullets.


Okay, excellent. I have proposed and am very open to the idea of a shooter on the AGR #7 north building 2 story rooftop.

What is the height above sea level of that position and of Crooks position? This would quickly answer the trajectory questions. I’ve been reading for 30 minutes and have not seen it but you have the heights of the impact areas.


Don’t forget, from the shooters position looking at Trump there was an approximately 5 to 7 mph wind, right to left. That would give the father shooter some more latitude on left/right impacts, given the near doubled distance (which I estimate to be around 240ish meters).

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thanks for taking the time to corroborate what I have been saying all along.

the coordinates arrive in a jiffy.

for each of the points of interest (Trump’s ear, the JCB lift, David Dutch, James Copenhaver, Corey Comperatore, the man who died on the roof and the location from which I believe the shots were really fired), you will get the 4 parameters I mentioned earlier: lon, lat, height above the ground, height of the ground above sea level (and the sum of the heights), and you will see that it makes perfect sense what I have been saying all along, even though many of you have been gaslighting me, even though I have always treated and answered everybody with calmness and respect…

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How did anyone get up on the 2 story building with no one seeing a ladder or such? We have a few points Crooks could logically get up on AGR #6.

if you watch any of Spa Guy’s videos of his drone surveys of the site you will see that that roof is perfectly accessible without any ladders.

Spa Guy even points at marks of a rifle and associated bags on the access roofs.

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We know how Crooks got up on the roofs. A second shooter, such as one using the distant 2-story building if you fall into that camp, would likely use the same access point. One reason the FBI removed the top of the (AC?) equipment used to get on the first roof is because it had more than one set of footprints and they needed to remove that evidence.


This video might be one you’re referring to. Both the lower and upper AGR rooftops are alarmingly easy to access without a ladder. Unbelievable security lapse, even for just the companies liability purposes day to day! But for security, this is staggering.

I do see a pretty easy climbing route to the top of the North 2 story roof building 7 at the 6:00 minute mark.

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Where does I guess we’re calling it Building #7 meet another roof that the shooter can climb up on it without some type of aid? Looking straight down doesn’t show that information. If there was a shooter on #7, exactly how did he get there?

that is exactly right…

you are the first in a week to take the time to even consider what I have been saying…

thanks for that.

See my post directly above yours, I think 729.

Go to the 6:03 mark of SpaGuy’s drone video and you’ll see the path to building 7 roof. Not sure what the height is, but it doesn’t look impossible for a physically fit assassin.

Edit: Sorry @bigtim, I didn’t see that you pointed out the same thing in the post before @sgt-raven.

If it is the building in the background at 6:03. I don’t see a easy way up on it, nor anything to get a finger/hand hold. At a minimum is a 4 foot difference and probably closer to 6 feet. Is that shooter suppose to be some super duper ninja?

Go to 6:51 and see what spa guy said is about 4 feet.

Looks to be about 4’ climb onto roof building 7. Simple. Crooks did it repeatedly and he’s a whispy computer nerd.

A 7 foot height would be a simple pull up for a fit adult male. In my prime I could do over 15 reliably. A 6 foot elevation would be easier. Four feet would be a breeze, practically just hop up on it. Plus he could have brought a step stool, and then just leave it or toss it down.

as promised a preview of the kml you will receive in a couple of minutes…

as you can easily see, there is a negligible difference between shots fired from the alleged shooter you all call crooks and the location from which the real shooter shot his rounds from my perspective.

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The 2nd roof looks to be 4 ft above the first roof and building 7 probably 6 ft. above that second roof. What @BigTim said makes sense that the assassin could have brought something with him. Here is a collapsible stool that holds 550 lbs, gives you close to 18" height, and folds up into a 10" x 10" x 2.36". It’s probably standard gear for every rooftop assassin. (Ya gotta have a little fun with this stuff. :grin:)

Collapsible Stool

the lines of sight, should the alleged roof man have fired the shots look like this:

the lines of sight of the man on the higher roof look like this:

I do realize that the text and the pins can overlap and be kind of overloading the image, but that is a minor issue…


these are all the incoming rounds combined.

as there is consensus that two guns have been used, due to the different sound patterns of the first 3 and the subsequent 5 shots, I put two rifles on the highest roof. one for the first 3 rounds, one for the next 5.

you can clearly see that the naked eye cannot make any distinction between the two locations…

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