So It's Back To First Principles

I’m sure it is definitely possible. Besides, I’m not looking out for my Best interests except for the Best interests of this Country.

I wouldn’t have joined and spent so much of my life in the Military, if I was only thinking about my Best interests (myself).

But the only person I have ever met in real Life that had something negative to say was a beautiful Blonde woman, I was about to date. One day we were talking politics and I mentioned that I like Trump and her response was how about his mean tweets?

First, I was never on Twitter. Sevond, I appreciate someone with common sense and speaks their mind. No hidden agendas or BS stories.

I was so shocked, I couldn’t even respond to her. I finished what I was helping her with and left. Wasn’t anything to say.

Not sure how she voted, but she lived in Houston. And throughout 2020, I only saw one Biden flag here on the Coast. Lived in a very Nice place near me on the water, but was the First Trump 2024 Flag that I saw this year.

I have to come here to social platforms to find a Biden “supporter” and even then I don’t know if they are real, paid or have a vested interest in being anti American.

I was looking at dating her and not Trump. Make America great again and America First till I die.

God Blessed America for 4 years and God Blessed Trump often especially on 7/13.

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I’m sure you meant 1500. Not sure, where this was verified, but regardless the SAT doesn’t measure common sense.

Plus if he had intelligence and supposedly this much ambition/drive, one likely wouldn’t be a cook though not giving fault for that choice.

But like the Vegas shooter had credible enough evidence to support that he like Crooks thought they would escape by detonating explosives in their vehicles. And then how do you also explain the extra magazines in his backpack nearby, the remote next to him and the explosives found in his vehicle. There is a lot presented by the FBI that frankly doesn’t fit, but this at least does. Who knows how he got the explosives or even if they worked, which goes to Crooks receiving help, but whether it worked or not is irrelevant except that Crooks had to believe they did.

One miss can definitely be followed by a second and even be for different reasons. And by the Third shot Trump was rapidly changing his head position and not just a slight twist.

Tell me Anything that the Biden regime has done successfully especially in regards to their Oath of Office and Americans.

Biden has always been a failure. Everything he has touched has turned to crap. The only requirement to be a Democrat is to be a pathological liar. Nothing they do is Elite and why many of the Best in the Military and LE have left.

The possibility that they chose a less than accurate and reliable shooter doesn’t seem a stretch at all.

Remember that Biden and Harris are the supposed to be the BEST that they got and should be why they lead their ticket.

Even a First grader knows they are not. So the latter is a whole lot more in play than the former hypothesis you stated.

Crooks could not have intended to escape unidentified.

He was on site for over an hour and had to consider the risk of being filmed by someone to be very high.

He was using his smartphone and could have been identified by it.

He could have been photographed from inside the two-storey building, which is what happened.

He could have been filmed by drones flying so high that they could not be recognized from the ground. He could not rule that out.

Is there a professional sniper who has publicly shared your opinion?

If the shooter was about 140 m away the bullet needs about 150 ms to reach his victim. May be a really experienced sniper could anticipate target motion correctly.

edit: reply was meant to address Daniel59 above

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You obviously failed to realize how the FBI and even the CIA pick, who they wish to groom nor how they do it.

I know enough and seen enough to see how this attempt and the Vegas shooting are very similar.

You act like Crooks is supposed to be/act logical. If he was he wouldn’t have landee on the FBI radar.

Guess you haven’t listen to those that the FBI tried to groom/recruit for J6, Whitmer, etc…

Crooks was lead to believe that he would have a chance to kill “Hitler” and the FBI would insure he got the chance. Went like clock work…

But like in Vegas, he was going to be provided a means of escape due to his vehicle loaded with explosives.

The first part worked out and all that was necessary was that this brainwashed, willing kid believed he had a chance to escape.

You don’t have to explain Vegas, but you ignored the obvious explanation for the long distance detonating device, explosives in his vehicle and the 3 extra magazines he had on the roof. A “sniper/shooter” doesn’t need extra munitions unless he plans to shoot his way out and escape. He wasn’t like the groomed Uvalde shooter that barricaded himself inside. He was on an Open flat roof.

So far you haven’t made it make sense.


I have been shooting for over 55 years and I have one room alone that has become my trophy room from shooting competitions. I don’t need to go any deeper in my shooting background than that.

Hint: The only way you win shooting competitions is that others with some you witness…miss.

The reason for missing what I consider a point blank shot are many and irrelevant at this point: he missed.

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I have, even on several occasions, and for about a month now, but nobody wants to hear that it was not a youngster but a professional sniper who did the deed and walked away while the dummy was sacrificed…

we live in a very strange world…

even in this forum, the option of different locations is hardly considered…

bias, preconceptions and cognitive dissonance are not to be underestimated!


this is very true!

first of all, congratulations with your competition track record!

even if the human factor is reduced by using a machine to have a gun shoot bullets in a “as controlled manner as possible”, you will not get close groupings:

this is a chart reporting on 12 iterations of 5 shots fired by exactly the same gun…

(source: Accuracy International Mk13 Mod 7 Sniper Rifle The summary and 200 yard test Ransom Rest Mega2;

the thing they tested between the different runs was the powder type and load, but the rest was identical for all 12x5 shots: the rifle, the bullets, the machine that shot the shots, etc.

you can clearly see that many groupings are close, but there are with several also outliers which cannot be explained away by the human factor…

people have really no idea that marksmanship is a craft of crafts…

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So True.

Plus there are some that are good at shooting targets than living things.

Some shoot better under pressure, when others fold.

Just the reality that I have seen my entire life and my journey to competition was purely fate/ accidental.

And I was introduced to competition shooting when simply I was getting “soft” as I was getting older. Before I shot targets well, but the hunter and better shooter came out in me shooting live targets.

My 2 younger brothers couldn’t hit the side of a barn. Dad found .410 shells more expensive and gave less performance. So we started with single shot 20s till we/I got really good. And that others from a distance would tell my Dad, he had started us with Automatics, since got so fast with them.

My brothers would get a box of shells (25) and come back with 2 to 4 doves, while I would come back every time with a limit with usually half a box and rarely it would take me the full box.

So yes it is a craft, as seen in my family. We had the exact same gear, location, conditions, etc…but far different results.

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There is a difference between grassroot patriots and Trump. Trump is part of the big “Epstein” club, grassroot patriots aren’t. Trump is being used to capture and misdirect grassroots’ patriots efforts. But unfortunately, too many patriots are blind to this reality.

And thank you for that. Nice to be older, not have to no longer prove anything and can reflect back on life.

And since my friend is running late to go :fishing_pole_and_fish:, I will share a little more, since I have in ways been fortunate and blessed. Grateful.

And for doing so well in school, sports and shooting, my Dad upon my HS graduation, felt I finally deserved something. Gave me the choice between a new gun and my Grandfather’s old Humpback 12 gauge Browning. I took the Browning.

Got accepted to the Air Force Academy and by then I was starting to shoot less and less, because frankly I had killed a lot.

Was getting a haircut one day, when the Barber cutting my hair and the one next to him. Asked if I liked to hunt. I said yes and as luck would have it, they lived a lot on what they shot and the guy before me had just graduated. So they invited me to go out pheasant hunting. After hunting with them all Winter, they asked me if I ever missed. And I said sure, but I didn’t make a habit of it.
Somehow they knew the Academy, which had an Olympic style setup and guns from previous teams had a 10 man squad, but 2 had graduated.

So somehow these Barbers knew of the upcoming competition to fill these coveted 2 spots and they got me invited. I had never shot skeet or trap before and here I was with this relic of a Browning shooting against a couple hundred guys for 2 spots. They of course had fancy over and unders and some even were sporting these vests that had patches saying 50 straight, 100 straight and I had no idea, what that even meant.
Fortunately, we started with Trap first, which reminded me of shooting quail I rarely missed. Plus I didn’t have to feel Bad about killing something. Just could smoke virtually smoke limestone and basically my shooting desire was fully revived. So Trap was easy then came skeet, which was more like challenging doves, but I had absolutely no idea on how to work my way around a skeet course.
And people don’t often call me the luckiest person, they know for nothing.
The guy wearing the vest with the most patches, could tell that I could shoot, but my gun gave me away as a complete Newbie.

He pulled me aside and said watch every he did and try to copy him as close as possible on where to stand, how to prepare for each shot, etc etc…

Bottom line, he and I were the only 2 selected for the Team and that was the first time that I had ever taken a shot at a clay target much less in an actual shooting competition.

Had a major impact on the rest of my Life and again happened just by pure fate.

Okay. Hope I didn’t bore you and now it is time to go chase some fish.

Enjoy your weekend.


Hi Chris! I’ve been following you for a few years now and have taken in your tips regarding finances and of course your insights on Covid.

The subject here is no less interesting and I can only state that the whole thing is more than mysterious. From chosen location to all the “mistakes” committed to weak explanations and outright lies.
The first thing I reacted to was where the shots were coming from. I couldn’t get the angles together. A head is not rectangular but more conical. In order for a bullet to hit only one ear, a certain angle is required. No matter how I try to get Trump’s head to line up with the bullet path, it won’t work. I’ve watched many videos and can’t find one that suggests the head was more than 90 degrees, rather it’s less and it’s not enough based on where the intended shooter is positioned.
Now, however, the bullet trajectories that we have been able to see in retrospect show that the shots must have come from somewhere from a nearby angle.
Therefore, one can largely exclude shots from building 2 where the local snipers were supposed to stay. At least aimed in that direction.
As someone here has already pointed out, however, there is another house that is higher behind and further away, which then matches and provides space for a better angle.
Based on the sound recordings that you have commendably presented, that position fits in there both in terms of sound and time difference on the echo.
The question then is how it actually happened.
Crooks can hardly have fired shots from the position he was found in after the shooting. He must have mysteriously recovered within a second of his last shot.
Possibly he was hit by the 9th shot somehow and then crawled backwards.
Looked up after a while and then discovered by an SS sniper.
The question that still needs to be answered, did he fire all eight shots or just the quick five?
We have not had access to any actual evidence about the number of casings.
An initial count according to the video recording from a helmet camera comes to five.
After a while, the same person counts from the same place to eight empty casings.
Not much to prove as there is still no documentation.

Regardless of whether there is another shooter, the whole thing is more than shady.
The number of consistent mistakes (which everyone knows by now) makes the likelihood that chance managed to catch them in the short amount of time it all plays out close to impossible.

If we add the entire unimaginable course that Crooks took the hour or hours before without getting stuck, it becomes almost impossible to conjure up a more imaginative story…

…and then we haven’t touched on the probability that Trump manages to move his head exactly as much as needed in the time it takes for a bullet to fly the distance of about 100 meters, we are way off.

I have some simple sketches and pictures that I collected about this macabre event.
The first is a screenshot from a movie that was out on You Tube a very short time.
What is it that we see?

Best regards from Sweden

If the image is not allowed based on the awfulness it shows, just remove it.


Here is a thought…and I’m just noodling here. The Planners of the assassination convinced Crooks that the car explosion would lead everyone to believe he died in that explosion, and with the alleged funds in offshore accounts he could change identities and live a new life in a different country…his escape plan in other words.

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You know, I did write a reply entertaining your fake attempt idea to show how hollywoodesque and absurd it is, but I deleted it after I decided not to engage with you. I will say this: learn ballistics before posting absurdities just because you don’t like the politician. If it were Harris on that stage, I wouldn’t believe it was a faked attempt and that Harris had fake blood on her pocket. Come one, man… shots were fired, with real bullets, 2 were hurt by the same bullet that grazed Trump and flew by him and 1 other person was killed. Did Trump suffer a huge graze? Not at all. Did he take pollitical advantage of the attempt? It’s bound to happen. But did it actually happen? It did. How exactly, and who knew about, if anyone, is what we’re here to talk about.


If I understand the “rules” correctly I have to be registered here for two weeks before I can put you on ignore. It’s going to be a long time.


I guess I didn’t make it clear I’d really like to know the specifics of how people got the location for the rifle narrowed down to the vent louvers above and to the right of the center window. Specific feet and inches, looking at diagrams or models. Thanks for all you do, regardless of whether you decide to release that.

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I’d like to simplify this into a 2D problem and leave the elevation as open question. So first we have a vertical plane along the bullet’s trajectory. And maybe the wind can change that by a few inches.

If assassins were routinely killed after doing their job, no one would do it.

Only patsies and assassins who are discovered, or who are about to be discovered, are killed.


No, other side of the vents would be in the two private rooms beyond the common room shown in those photos.

Obviously the sound would be super loud and anyone in that building who was NOT the shooter should have known the shooter was in the building. However, there was a shooter on the roof who quite possibly fired 5 rounds, and people in that building should have heard someone shooting from there, as well as walking on the roof.

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