So It's Back To First Principles

I agree with 2D plots, but not to leave elevation aside. Given a theory, if the 2D ballistic data plot doesn’t match with the elevations within a reasonable margin, then it wouldn’t even warrant checking the windage plot… It has to match the elevation first. If it doesn’t, refuted. If a theory is ok elevation wise, then check windage. If fail, refute trajectory or recheck parameters, etc. If theory passes within a reasonable margin of error of windage and elevation, then it’s a viable candidate. Problem is, there are many variables, and also we don’t actually have in loco data.

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How do I find what these ref numbers link to? They don’t seem to hyperlink, and they match up to message numbers on this thread.

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I’m having the same issue. I can’t find the mentioned references. Not on this thread and not on the Site Reconstruction thread.

Maybe you should try it with real arguments?

Maybe you believe the absurdity that Trump’s behavior after he got up wasn’t stupid because you like him?

Of course, real shots were fired. I have never denied that.

But no evidence, though it should exist, has been released to prove the following:

  1. Trump’s ear was touched by a bullet.

He could have taken a picture in the hospital or after the first bandage change and published it.

But that was deliberately not done.

2.1 Crooks fired the real shots.

From the west side, Crooks was filmed by a man in a red baseball cap standing next to the tree. The video by Piper Grimley shows him.

This video has not yet been released.

2.2 The bodycam video of the first person to reach Crooks’ body, who would have had the opportunity to place casings, has not been released to date.

Trump supporters think that Trump acted like a badass after he got up. In my opinion, assuming that Trump assumed that he was really shot at, that was just stupid because a second shooter could not be ruled out.

If the Secret Service bodyguards thought this was a real assassination attempt and were not in the know, their behavior was also very stupid. Instead of letting Trump pose for photos on stage for 10 seconds, they should have dragged him off the stage.

If the Secret Service bodyguards thought this was a real assassination and were in on it, it would also have been very stupid to then help the man they wanted dead get the best campaign photos ever through unprofessional behavior.

The behavior of those involved makes the most sense if a total false flag operation is assumed.

Perhaps real shots could have been fired in such a way that Trump was in no danger at any time. If I had planned the whole thing, I would have looked for a place from which the shots could have been fired through a small hole with the help of a machine. That way it might have been possible to fire safely 1 meter above Trump’s head.

But since no analyst considers this possibility, it is unfortunately not investigated.

Mike Bell has so far provided the best graphic audio analysis. But he only shows that Crooks could have fired based on the available data.
He incorrectly assumes that a shot touched Trump’s ear and does not consider the possibility that the data could fit a different location, different ammunition and different weapon. He has not ruled that out so far, because he has not even considered it.

Hi Sonja,

Howiknowthisinfo never confirmed which ref. points he wanted. That’s why I did not supply them.

The fact that it takes time to make a nicely represented document, I am creating them by priority. This is why I can’t simply give all ref documents (something that will soon be available).

In general, we are working with the below reference 2D document in high resolution (see google drive link). This determines most of the points in the horizontal plane and determines where exactly the back traced bullet originates (close to vent).

I would gladly give you any ref. of interest. Just let me know and I will take it as the next priority.


Hey Joy, aren’t you missing your MSNBC show? Maybe Trump hasn’t released a pic because it drives you people cray-cray.

The USSS is not the organization your pretend it is. Just look at the breast feeding scandal that just happened. There have been problems in the USSS for quite some time going back decades. Most of it gets swept under the rug.


That’s a natural behavior of people whose world view is threatened when they run out of arguments.

I don’t hold it against you.

Yes 1500:

“The 20-year-old scored higher than 1500 on his SAT pre-college exam. The average score in the U.S. is 1050, according to the College Board.”

Such a smart guy shouldn’t assume he could fire a shot at Trump after running across 4 rooftops and lying on a roof for 2 minutes without having help from insiders.

This can rule out the lone gunman theory.

So far we know little about the explosives. FBI Director Wray said their switch was off, so Crooks didn’t have the ability to detonate it remotely.

Maybe that’s not true?

Maybe he wanted to continue killing people at another location afterwards?

Maybe the explosives were planted on him?

The explosives issue is still too speculative for me.

I watched the video again several times. When the third shot is heard, Trump has only ducked his head down about 4 inches.

I don’t want to insinuate anything, but why should I believe someone I don’t even know the real name of?

When it comes to the question of whether a professional sniper could have missed Trump, I prefer to trust opinions that come from verifiably real snipers.

Even better would be an experiment with a real gun on a target moving like Trump’s head from the same distance.

That would not be impossible, but in my opinion it is very unlikely.

In my opinion, he was most likely a mind control victim or something like Burundanga was used.

The idea of escaping unidentified remains completely absurd to me. If his logical mind was so overridden that he assumed otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been a reliable assassin. That would then only fit the scapegoat theory and there would have had to be a second shooter.

Perhaps he wanted to kill “Hitler” and was prepared to die in the process.

Their own lives were in danger. Even if we assume that they hadn’t practiced this situation a hundred times before, their survival instinct should have driven them off the stage.

Instead, one of the bodyguards calmly wipes blood from Trump’s cheek.

It just doesn’t make sense.

There are reports that Trump’s normal protective team was given the day off and most of the officers there didn’t normally work protective details. That would line up with audio of them asking “what do we do now”?

“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence, but don’t rule out malice”

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This too can only be satisfactorily explained by the total false flag theory.

The psychopaths want you to believe exactly that so that they can carry on undisturbed.

By the way, Hanlon’s razor is not a law of nature, just a rule of thumb.

Any detective who followed it would never solve a case.

That is Heinlein’s Razor. Hanlon’s Razor didn’t include "but don’t rule out malice”.

Both are just rules of thumb.

Incompetence can also be feigned.


Just for better under understanding, here for example is ref 465, which is mentioned in the other forum:

If Trump “persuaded” the “real” assassins to avoid shooting to kill anyone, with the first three shots, then he conspired to reduce the body count, not increase it.

Whether or not the patsy (Crooks?) shot, and who he shot, was not something that Trump and his security conspired to effect one way or the other. It was likely the five rapid “spray and pray” follow-up shots, from the patsy I presume, that killed one and seriously wounded two more.

That’s a key assumption.

If granted it might well make it impossible for the first three shots to have come from one of the second story windows in the two story AGR building just northwest of Bldg #6, for as I believe I’ve heard Chris Martenson explain, such a bullet would likely have had to travel an inverted trajectory, since Trump’s ear was (I suspect) lower than a straight line connecting any of those second story windows and the upper southwest corner of the rail on the southern bleacher, where we know the bullet hit.

We don’t know that any bullet nicked Trump’s ear. Instead Trump might have had a little packet of stage blood behind his right ear, which he burst when he first grabbed his ear (in response to hearing a bullet fly overhead), and then perhaps had an actual wound applied to that ear lobe, with direct assistance of the first Secret Service agent to pile on him, in order to make the widely viewed closeup shot of his wounded ear be absolutely legitimate, as it would be an image that received wide scrutiny.

Given that Trump has or had long associated with the two Kennedy sons, John and Robert, as well as with Nixon, as well as been well of Reagan’s near assassination, Trump would have known for many years now that the Deep State would try to kill him, once all other means of stopping him failed.

If Trump and his key security people learned of this assassination plot ahead of time, it would have been surprisingly easy for an actor with Trump’s talent for drama to turn that plot into a sting operation. Given that Trump and his team is still seriously pissing off some Deep State agencies and power players nine years after he came down that escalator, I have to imagine that it’s not just possible, but likely, that Trump would have gotten wind of this plot, well before he left for Butler, PA that day.

Then, if he knew, all he had to do was:

(1) Have a “heart to heart” talk with the real (reliable, professional) assassins tasked with killing him, and make them a deal: “You miss me, we protect and reward you. You kill me, you die. We know who you are and what you’re assigned to do.”

(2) Be sure that any photographers just behind his podium, in front of the center bleachers, were chased off, just before the shooting, so that no good images of his right ear, after the “shot”, but before the Secret Service agents piled on him would display that his ear was not yet actually wounded in those initial few seconds.

(3) Arrange for the initial blood and actual ear lobe wound, as I described above.

For a WWE WrestleMania fan such as Trump, such a dramatic public display would have been quite the way to turn the table on a long expected assassination effort.

Once we drop that single assumption, that the first bullet passed by Trump at ear level, then all of Chris Martenson’s assemblage of fine audio work rings clear … first three shots were shot from one of those second story windows … exactly where some (Beaver County?) snipers were already setup but supposedly abandoned their station just before the shooting began.

The next five shots were quite possibly some “spray and pray” shots by the patsy (Crooks?) on the roof. The risk of the patsy getting off a kill shot, on a protectee under a Secret Service dog pile by that point, was acceptably low.

In short: I recommend we NOT assume any of the first three shots passed Trump at ear level.

Granted, neither the Deep State wants to consider that (as having their hired professional sniper deliberately miss Trump violates their “lone shooter” narrative), nor do MAGA Republicans want to consider that possibility (as it turns Trump from a miraculous survivor into a WWE-style ham actor.)

Hence my conjecture will likely be unpopular in some circles.

But my conjecture sure connects a lot of dots. What am I missing?

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A friend of mine who has worked as (1) a butcher, (2) an emergency medical technician, and (3) preparing “stage blood” for actors, looked at the famous picture of Trump’s “wounded” ear, before he left the stage, and was immediately certain that it was real blood, not stage blood.

So I presume that that upper lobe of Trump’s right ear really was wounded. I just see no evidence to conclusively prove whether it was wounded by a passing bullet, or manually scratched while he was under the initial Secret Service dog pile, or some variation thereof.

It is not difficult to get a teaspoon of real blood. All you need is a sterile syringe for 1$. Anyone who is not afraid of syringes could easily draw their own blood.

It should probably be possible to distinguish a real graze shot from a hand-inflicted injury on the basis of photos. But an experienced doctor should assess whether a graze could be faked. How would your friend answer this question if it were a high-resolution photo?

In my opinion, this is why Trump did not publish a photo of his injury.

This supports the total false flag theory.

If you were ever to become unemployed, you would certainly easily find a job as a spin doctor. That’s a serious compliment.

I’ve also had the thought that Trump’s ear might have been inflicted a real injury by brute force. But I rejected it because I think the risk of something going wrong would have been too great.

You would only have had one shot at it on camera under time pressure. Too risky in my opinion.

That also applies to a wound that was inflicted afterwards. Just one attempt that might go wrong.

Most Trump supporters have not been able to do that so far. That’s why the investigation is making little progress.

Brian and Sonja will mute you. :rofl:

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I figured that there was a real wound, somewhere beneath the blood on his upper ear lobe, and making that so would be both easy enough and ensure the most reliable means of having the ear really, really look wounded.

But if there is no broken skin there, then sure, a teaspoon of real blood is easy to come by.

I have no idea - do you have such a photo - I could ask her.

My conjecture (if that’s what you refer to) is definitely NOT a total false flag theory.

I remain convinced (albeit with only meager circumstantial evidence at best) that the any of the entire Deep State who had prior knowledge of this operation woke up that morning entirely convinced that Trump would almost certainly be dead before sunset.

Only a handful of people on the planet needed to have any clue that this operation was going to flipped into a sting operation.

Consistent with this, I observe that any of the Deep State who likely would have been involved in setting up, or subsequently reporting or covering up, this operation, are (in my admittedly biased view) acting as guilty as a three year old standing next to a broken cookie jar, with crumbs on his cheeks.

Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but it shouldn’t go unmentioned. Trump’s blood stripes bear a resemblance to the Crowdstrike logo. The Crowdstrike incident took place on July 19.


I saw a second pattern in some video that also bears a striking resemblance to Trump’s bloodstripe, but I can’t remember what it was. If anyone knows it, it would be nice to post it here.

Well, that’s over the top. Did you have taken in consideration, that we are all behind a digital filter? What if clear images of Trumps right side simply do not reach us, because some AI takes them down the moment they get uploaded somewhere? And did you asked yourself if this could be an psychological operation just to let you turn the rat race for years to come? Much as it was the case in 2001? You are certainly not alone when wondering about missing films and photographs of that critical moment.

edit: meant for Daniel59 wrt Crowdstrike