So It's Back To First Principles

So … Trump is irrational and I am a fanatic. Good to know. (Yes, now, I am being sarcastic.)

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Perhaps I should ask a forum administrator to open such a topic, and list a few of my more off topic posts on this thread to consider moving there?

Is that the sort of action that a forum admin might properly consider here?

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A kayfabe thread would be good, but it should have a good and not too off-putting title.

It would be best if Chris Martenson dedicated an episode to the kayfabe theory.

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The white reflection in this photo is shining from dried blood, as it really was the case in the rather high quality video I did point you to. So my hypothesis about the origin of these reflection was false. But I’m glad that you finally found a high-res photo of Trump’s injury.

I notice that both of you are keywording this thread …

All I can see is a bloody ear.
Where is the wound?

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I Have composed a complete timeline of all the events that took place. Constantly I added more detail and I still can add details, in particular after 18:17, but this document is already 21 pages long and one point I have to stop and just post this for people to use. This is as comprehensive as I could make it and hopefully it has some use for people.

Timeline & QA.pdf (927.3 KB)

Edit: It must be noted that this was a live document over the past 3 weeks. Some information and assumptions was added based on older information that may be proven false or have better / clearer information now.


This already exists and can be found here:

Please note since it was generated by the community that it is behind the paywall, so a Peak Insider premium membership is required.

If you are a non-paying member, you will only see threads that are on public blog content.

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Only 204 posts?

There seems to be less going on there than here.

That’s not what I asked you for.
I want to know where you see traces of a second shooter.

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There are certainly more people in the public part of the site than the private area by its very nature, and the topic of the shooting being staged has not been as popular.


This is great work, thanks! I’m combing through it now to see what might help me track Crooks’ whereabouts on the 13th. The first item of interest to me is where you got the time for him parking at Sheetz. I know it was reported in an AC article that he parked there, but no time was given.

17:04:40 – Second video of Thomas Crooks
 He parked at a gas station about a third of a mile (500m) away called Sheetz

It’s a million-dollar miracle that Trump is still alive…

From the nearly horizontal flag above his podium we can deduce that Trump got all the supernatural help available to blow that bullet as far away from his face as possible…


The vent in question is above the room behind the second door in the photo:


Roger. I updated my drawings to get closer to the data points you guys are using. If I understand your drawing, the 9 foot offset is where you model puts Crooks projecting the shoots back to the source.

My drawings show Crooks being 40’ from the end without the offset. Thus if I add 9’ to your 46.60 feet shown in Detail B, that is 55.6’. That is exactly what I get for Crooks line of fire when it crosses the face of the building. But you show the “backtrace position” on the facade at a height of 9.85’ high. Well… my drawings indicate the vent with the assumed second shooter is 9.83’+/- and 51’7" from the end of the building. We are pretty darn close. I find that amazing since we are using different data sources (I didn’t use the klm data file).


For those working on the 3d models, I have a request.

Would the north set of USSS barn snipers have been able to see the AGR Bldg 6 3rd window and vent?

Because if shots were fired at the north barn snipers (they thought they were taking fire, readjusted, and repositioned to face the wooded area by the water tower), then that pulled their line of sight from the AGR 6 Bldng front, if there was LOS there for them. So that handles them.

Now what about the south barn pair?

My request: Did the items like the north bleachers, flag display, and farm equipment block the south USSS barn snipers line of sight to the AGR Bldg 6 3rd window and vent?

the red triangle is what sniper 2 would have seen…
sniper 1 would have seen a little more of the white roofs to the right.

from my view, sniper 1 returned fire immediately after the first shot was fired towards Trump.

sniper 2 shot something like 3 seconds later.

the 4 snipers on these barns used suppressed rifles and it is extremely likely they also used subsonic ammunition, which makes it very hard to register it by phone…

there have been reports by sound analysts that they had detected subsonic rounds flying by. these are the rounds fired by the snipers.

what I think has happened is the following:

  • bullet 1 was shot from the roof of the highest building at the AGR parking. this bullet grazed Trump’s ear
  • sniper 1 returned fire almost immediately with a subsonic suppressed rifle, but he did not have direct line of sight, so that bullet must have pruned the tree in between or flew over the AGR buildings and ended up some miles further
  • bullets 2-3 were shot from the highest roof
  • then there is 1 second pause
  • sniper 2 shot at the roof of building 6, and either this bullet ended up in the same tree, or it flew over the buildings
  • then there is the rapid fire of 5 shots. these may have been fired by the man on the low roof into a random direction, or may have been fired by the man (or woman) on the highest roof, but this is less likely
  • then there is a pause of 1 second
  • now the SWAT officer shoots the man on the low roof
  • 10 seconds later, the SWAT officer looks through his scope to see whether the man on the roof has been eliminated
  • at this moment there are 2 options:
  1. the SWAT officer fires the 10th shot to finish the man on the roof off
  2. one of the snipers 3, 4 or the Butler ESU or the Washington SWAT person (the two last snipers were positioned across the green and had perfect line of sight on the low roof) took the man on the lower roof out

from my perspective, it is most likely that the SWAT officer who fired shot 9 also fired shot 10, as the damage on the body that was recovered from the lowest roof is not too significant.

a round fired from a sniper rifle would have disintegrated the body much more…

the green triangle shows the zone of fire that the snipers 3/4 on the southern barn would have had:

so, tha man labeled crooks on the low roof of building 6 was in the zone of fire that could be served by snipers 3/4 on the southern barn on Trump’s left hand side

the bleachers and the LCD screens did not hinder the lines of sight from any of the snipers 1-4

I did not model the LCD screens in my model as they did not play an important role in the scenarios, but if you look at the green line from snipers 3/4 towards the bushes on the left of the AGR buildings, you can see that the buildings are much more to the right and the LCD screens would not have hindered their line of fire or view in any manner:

So from the bodycam, there were tents and large items(hydraulic crane) between the north bleachers and the north barn at the time of the speech.

Those are all gone in this aftermath picture.

My question is still: would those items have blocked the line of sight of the south barn team to the 3rd window on AGR 6?

Maybe there is some other footage that can help if those items aren’t already part of someone’s model.

Riddle me this: How did he get Doug Mills of the NY Times to take a picture of him without blood on his hand as the first bullet is whizzing by his head, then a second later, a picture of him with blood on his hand as he pulls it down? Again, this is a photographer with the NY Times, who hate Trump.


This doesn’t align with @cmartenson data saying the outgoing 10th shot was picked up hot on Trump’s microphone as if it came from the South facing Hercules team.

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I do not have RealDjStew’s first recording handy, but it runs until 6.10 and the last few seconds show the SWAT officers standing at the side of the white tents

the windows of that building would not have been blocked, no…

why are you focusing on these low windows?