So It's Back To First Principles

Isn’t it odd that Thomas Crooks traveled over an hour from his residence to Butler, PA, on July 8th—the same day that Beaver County law enforcement met with the U.S. Secret Service at the Butler Farm Show grounds to finalize security details for Trump’s rally? Given that his device activity ceased just before the rally and his presence was detected at the site prior to any public announcement.



Somewhat unclear there, my mistake. The time there refers to the dashcam footage as the title stated. I added the AC article quote there because the information was relevant in conjunction with the dashcam video.

In the dashcam video Thomas Crooks was spotted at 17:04:40 walking near the AGR entrance sign. He came from the direction of Sheetz if looking at the footage, or it is at least a reasonable assumption. If this is the case he should have parked there at Sheetz about 16:50 to 16:55 when considering the average walking speed.

That’s exactly the information I was looking for on both accounts. Thanks! Do you have a full version of the Jon Malis dashcam video? How did you get the timestamp?

Mission failure: What went wrong at the July 13 Trump rally in Butler | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The dashcam footage on this page has a timestamp.

Edit: Look at 5:56 of this article’s timeline for the video

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That’s fantastic! You just made my day…scratch that, my week. The shadows of the cars made us think it was later in the AM, so I’ll try to find one and calculate it just for extra confirmation, but judging by the street sign shadow it looks right for that time.

Here you go, @sorey and @bumblebeeez. We have another piece of the puzzle thanks to @RawRoku.

As for where he came from, have you seen the video of him at the vendor alley. It’s time stamped at 4:26 pm, and Google Maps shows a 13 minute walk th AGR, not accounting for a Trump rally going on, so that aligns perfectly.

It is in the timeline document I posted. If true it contradicts the picnic table story.

Possibly. He could have seen someone similar looking. However, the text didn’t describe what the person looked like, and as far as I know Woods never publicly stated afterwards it was Crooks he saw. Greg Nicol was quoted in a CNN article saying he didn’t make an “immediate connection” to Crooks, which implies he may have later. Who gave false information was the FBI Deputy Director Abbate, who in his opening statement said local law enforce t spotted the “shooter” at 4:26 PM. Having been sited at the picnic table or not, this timestamp puts him in the area in time for the next sighting in an attendees video.

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How do we know it was actually Crooks at the AGR sign on dash cam?

Couldn’t it have been any guy in a gray shirt and light shorts? There was that other ball cap guy. We assumed because of his clothes and the other sightings there, but well, it’s really blurry.

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Oh ye of little faith. Jon Malis has more evidence…and I’m not at my laptop right now so I’ll leave you with that teaser for a few minutes.

No, I was literally just realizing.

We assumed it was Crooks because we were told it was Crooks and because the pixels were a gray shirt stacked on light shorts…but then we also knew there was a similar looking man at the same place.

I think his gait and proportions are actually recognizable and that it is him, but I just realized that it’s one of the most pixelated pieces of video without additional supporting information(yet).


This was included in the video Malis gave to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

BTW, his dashcam was 12 hours off, hence the AM versus PM. But to convince you that isn’t BS, look at the shadows on the street signs.


thats great work Vegas, we finally have the time of Crooks walking into the AGR complex…


Vegas, do you have a new movements chart to show us yet…if not i don’t want to pressure you as i know these things are time consuming…

and last thing…which way is Crooks walking given his body angle…?

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That’s 17:04

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my mistake…i adjusted it already…thank you for noticing

Yeah, I’m just determined to prove that it wasn’t Crooks on the picnic table at 4:26 pm. :joy: Because that sniper team is annoying and because I think they are lying liars that lie.

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Actually it’s 17:04 give or take, which times up with the next video capture of him along the south wall of AGR 6 at 17:06 It appears he ventured closer to the water tower to stay behind the trees out of sight of the SS counter-snipers, but that’s just a guess. I would guess that he’s now heading for the south wall of AGR 6, but I would have to check that against the position of the water tower in the screenshot.

As for my slides, I want to check some radio commas to see if I can locate two more sightings by LEOs that are currently unknown to me. Otherwise I have them ready and looking much neater than before.

Wait. Why does Malis have a rando weird ass picture of Crooks by the water tower?

That angle wouldn’t happen from the dash cam. What is that from? What time is that? Why?

Before you stamp them lying liars that lie, you might want to provide the evidence that they said it was Crooks. That’s not to say they didn’t lie about other things.