So It's Back To First Principles

They absolutely acted as if it was Crooks and per the reported timeline, used that time stamp as if he was first sighted by them then. Except they couldn’t have, because we know he was at the vendors.

Why are you sticking up for snipers who abandoned their posts anyways?

Want to tell me why the proportions on the water tower are weird and Crooks and the tower shadows don’t match?

Want to tell me why “Malis” would be recording Crooks by the water tower??

the next video is at 17:06 walking from west to east on the frontside of the AGR building 1, scoping out the roof, so to be seen walking from window at 17:10 by Nicols i would imagine its the activity of scoping the roof that gets his interest…followed by sitting on the wall and photographed at 17:14…the direction of crooks walking at 17:06 and the direction he is facing and walking in your picture are important…

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That’s a good question, but it fits the path of travel. If I had to guess, since Malis was looking for a place to go see the rally he may have pulled into the parking lot behind Crooks and decided to park elsewhere since the lot only had a few vehicles, possibly including that State Trooper. So, it migh have been captured by his dashcam but he just enlarged it and cut off the timestamp.

Crooks wasn’t walking anywhere towards the water tower. It was far east

His direction of travel was the west side of AGR.

It does NOT fit the path of travel.

Show me the video or images of him walking along the east side of the building, then.

it looks to me like its a zoomed in section of his dashcam video, .with crooks walking to the west side of AGR building…

He is literally walking toward the west as he passes the AGR sign and then he is observed on the west side of AGR at 4:06 pm. Remember? Wandering around and staring at the 3rd window by the vent?

There is absolutely something wrong with that tower picture. Even his legs look weird. :rofl:

this is the view from the AGR car park, note the base of water tower and fence and how the land does not rise in front of it…

Your time issue is contagious. I said the next video capture was 17:10, but it was 17:06. the 17:10 sighting was by a LEO. I corrected my first reply.

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Crooks direction of travel was west.

He did not go to the water tower after the sign. He had no time.

That shit is fake.

the image is not fake, it is taken from the road as the dashcam video its taken from shows, he is walking west to the small car park on the west where he then walks around the front of building 1, as captured on video at 17:06, he then returns towards the west car park and sits under Nicols window…

Didn’t he walk around Bldg 6 aka Bldg 1 from the west side??

Doesn’t he wander out from the west side, look at window 3, and then wander back to the retaining wall?

I don’t believe that fake photo. No way. :joy: His left leg is all bendy. The shadows don’t match. It’s all disproportionate. Even he is stretched out.

That angle wouldn’t even match up with the road. Not at all.

My directions were swapped, but my point is proved. Crooks wasn’t by the water tower at that point, because the water tower is east. At 4:06 he is on the west side.

That is a fake ass picture. Let’s photoshop sniper Greg into it too. Might as well.

yes he walked from the west side in front of building 1, and then returns west…

the photo isnt fake, its a zoomed in section from the dashcam…he is walking towards the dashcam and not away from it, which it would show if he was walking into the east car park…

That picture is not real.

There is zero way to capture that image from Crooks direction of travel around the west side.

None of that picture works.

there is, and i did the same with zooming in on his direction of travel a few days ago…the video we had then stopped before the car gets near crooks, and i wonder if this still is from after that moment…

Once he is past the sign, you know what is behind him???

Trees… the angle would NOT be right to capture the water tower, it would not look like that- the proportions would be different, and there’s a whole hell of a lot of other stuff that would be in between.

This is hilarious.

Know what would be behind Crooks as he continues in his westward travel??

Trees and a building.

just a question, have you watched the dascam video or are you going off just the picture…?

I watched the whole dashcam video.

Dude is already in front of the sign when the driver hits the intersection.

And Crooks is traveling southwest.

That water tower picture is not real. There’s two entire drives and a parking lot and a large grassy area between the sign and the water tower…and even if all that ish was there: it still wouldn’t be los to the water tower. The trees and the front building block it.

Besides which, the shadows don’t match between objects and why is the water tower leaning? :joy:

ok…i had to ask…lol

A line on a monotone background should be easy to forge.

Doug Mills also photographed Bush in the classroom on September 11. He’s long been a lackey of the elite.

The bit of blood visible on Trump’s hand could easily have previously been in a very small blood capsule hidden in his baseball cap, which was appropriately red. The footage clearly shows that the cap was almost touching his ears. When he grabbed his ear, he could easily have squeezed a few drops of blood from this capsule onto his hand.

It was striking that Trump’s make-up artist held this cap in his right hand for a long time. But then he dropped it. The female Secret Service agent bent down and picked it up and didn’t let it go, which would have given a second shooter the opportunity to shoot Trump.

Moments before, she picked up one of Trump’s shoes from the floor on stage and threw it away. I’ve since realized that was another female Secret Service agent.


Why didn’t she throw the cap away? She could have simply pushed the cap off the stage with her foot.

Maybe because she didn’t want anyone to find out that there was an empty blood capsule inside?

Also interesting: at 0:54, the make-up artist drops the white terry towel, but not the baseball cap.

Take a good look:
The female Secret Service agent drops the cap just before the car.
But the hero of the day turns up and makes the evidence disappear.

He must have been promoted for this.

Now it’s your turn.
Riddle me this: Where is the wound?

So far, I’ve mainly been writing about the kayfabe theory here in this thread.

Why does that bother you when I’m not bothering you in any other threads to get closer to the truth?

There are 2 fake assassination theories:

  1. Trump hired a shooter to get shot in the ear.

  2. kayfabe → nobody tried to shoot Trump and the ear injury was only faked.

The former is of course insane.

Can you provide evidence that Chris Martenson called the kayfabe theory insane?

Here’s what he said on Bret Weinstein:

1:47:00 - 1:48:10

Chris Martenson: „Let me tell you why I have sympathy for the it was staged people.“

And he instinctively recognized that the Secret Service agents were behaving wrongly.

Chris Martenson: „how did they know there wasn’t a second shooter“

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