Special Discount - Adventure Medical Kits

We are pleased to announce that PrepareDirect is offering PeakProsperity.com members a special discount of 5% off on Adventure Medical Kits.

Adventure Medical Kits and accessories are very high quality with proven combinations of reliable components. These kits are designed by medical professionals with extensive experience in dealing with medical emergencies and trauma in the wilderness and during other disasters an emergency preparedness planner might encounter.

Adventure Medical Kits are the kits of choice by professionals, emergency planners, and serious adventurers because of:

  1. The quality of the supplies
  2. The thoroughness and value of the instructions
  3. The comprehensive selection of injuries that can be treated

Specifically, PrepareDirect is offering us:

  • A 5% discount on selected Adventure Medical Kits (15 kit sizes/styles to choose from).
    This is a 5% additional discount on the already low price offered on the site.
  • Free shipping on orders over $99.00

Click here to take advantage of this offer; use Coupon Code: PEAKMEDICAL, exclusive to PeakProsperity.com readers. Offer will be valid through the month of July 31, 2015.

Having medical supplies and the proper first aid on hand is always a prudent and necessary resiliency-building step to take. Whether it is for your Everyday Carry Bag, a car kit, or a replenishment of the supplies in the home kit, you will always be thankful for having extra medical supplies and first aid available when the need arises for its use. 

We hope you continue to find these offers on essential resiliency items a welcome addition to the news and other articles on the site.



Full disclosure: Based on our existing relationship with PrepareDirect, PeakProsperity.com will receive a small commission if you purchase through this special offer. This will not impact the price you pay (in fact,as the offer states, you're getting an exclusive price discount not available to the public-at-large). The proceeds we receive will be immediately invested to fund new features and functionality for this site.

We’d also love to hear any feedback based on your first-hand experience with the products and vendors that we recommend through these special offers (and elsewhere on this site). Our goal is to ensure that we’re doing our utmost to offer the best guidance for utility, value, and service.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://peakprosperity.com/special-discount-adventure-medical-kits/