I am always amazed at how you can put the show together. How many helpers do you have?
Looks like they hit the corruption bullseye, right in the center.
Yes. Perfect title. The reddit forum might want to rename theirs: “Should I Shit Or Go Blind?”
Vice President Chump just told United States President Netanyahu that we were “taking the land in Gaza and going to rebuild it with lots of jobs”
Pathetic groveling traitors beholden to a foreign power. MIGA
Can’t make this shit up
I sprang this on everyone, practically even myself. I told Nick “I’ve gotta livecast this right now!” and a half hour later was on the interwebs.
Tomorrow’s is as scheduled at 1:00 ET.
Wow, didn’t expect to see anyone here with that experience. Interesting, I’m sure you have more you could say. You made it back across enemy lines
Re the “Vast Enterprise” … imho none of them are the problem. The problem is that the Body of Christ in our time is not very salty — many if not most are staring at the sky waiting for Jesus to return and do what He asked us to do.
As a friend once put it,
“ ~And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, but I am not going to exercise much of it for a long time. For now, therefore, just go and make a few disciples of each nationality, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe a select few things I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you, kind of, until the end of the age, when I shall come back and do it all myself.’ NOT - Matt 28:18-20”
Jesus is not coming to clean this mess up — we have work to do — Be salty!
Trump re Gaza: “It’ll be the Riviera of the Middle East “
Is this 5th gen warfare on the mind?
He does something awesome one day, next he’s selling mRNA vaccines.
He does another fantastic thing, next day he’s selling out to Israel.
This up and down sure feels scripted to stoke us out
Romans 12:1-2
If making disciples is the number one function for believers, it’s odd that Paul, Peter, John, James and Jude never once mentioned it or commanded believers to do that. Also, if it’s the most important function for believers, why did Jesus not mention it at all to any of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3? If it’s the most important function, Paul failed at it in Acts 17:1. I agree that we’re not so salty but don’t know if evangelism is salt.
It may seem that way right now, but I am sure there are other targets even more juicy that have yet to be discovered or released. They must be thinking dozens of steps ahead.
We are hitting the targets and hitting them hard. We need to be relentless to remove all the cancer, disease, rot and sickness.
Evangelism is only part of the ‘mission’, that being to disciple the nations. The Body of Christ should be bringing God’s Law- the morality of Scripture in to every area of life.
The secularists are lost both right and left as they have no cornerstone to work from.
Swagger in … Stagger Out … Repeat
I have similar opinions about Israel. I do love Israel. It’s a very fascinating country but I’m having a hard time with what’s happened between Oct 7th and now. Twelve hundred murdered Israeli’s by very bad people doesn’t justify killing tens of thousands in Gaza because they might support Hamas or be related to someone in Hamas.
Also, my turnip truck scars start to glow when the world’s premier intelligence organization that can secretly build 5500 pagers with explosives sent to exactly the right Hezbollah employees and explode at the same time, send a drone missile at the exact right time through the exact right window to the exact right room where a peace negotiator would spend only a few minutes and kill him, and a personal yet short, terrifying personal experience with Mossad in 1984 in Israel; when that organization said it had absolutely no idea an attack was going to happen on Oct 7th when several other foreign agencies warned them about it before it happened, that’s BS. Sorry, no. They knew it was going to happen and let it happen. And then I have to ask why. Looks like US supported ethnic cleansing to me from Israel’s actions (and ours) since then. Not to mention Bibi has been in charge of US Middle East policy since Oct 7th ) I was disgusted when he was given several standing ovations when he addressed the House but that’s just me. Very disappointing and I’m a Bible thumping believer in Christ.
As grotesque as Trump’s wanting the US to control Gaza might be, it’s lesser than the two evils for Palestinians, or it has a better chance to be…I hope.
I don’t know how you feel about context in the Bible. I think it’s the three most important things when I study it. So, in context, to whom is Jesus speaking in Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8? I count eleven specially identified guys and not the ekklesia that hadn’t yet started. If discipling nations was the mission, why is that never mentioned anywhere in Scripture except two places to only eleven guys? Looks to me like discipling nations ought to be a result of something else, a good result, necessary result but a result none the less. It’s not one of the nine pieces of fruit in Galatians 5:22-23 either. Why not?
“Discipling” is not dominating. It is not the use of force. It is the exercise of those fruits in every area beyond ‘church’ or family but extends to business and politics.
Swagger in … Stagger Out … Repeat
Happy Birthday, Goat Lady! I wish you a happy and memorable day, filled with the love and laughter of your friends and family.
I also saw a post on FB tonight about Stochastic Terrorism, but from a leftie.
Martin Armstrong and his ‘socrates’ computer program predicted neither side would accept the outcome of last years election, and predicted the subsequent the splitting up of US, and Canada. Maybe this unleashing of the colour revolution programs because the financial spigot is turned off, is how it will happen. I had hoped that the dems and WEFers would accept a result too big to rig, but maybe that is wishful thinking