Special Signal Hour: Are US Agencies and/or NGOs Inciting Violence?

Originally published at: https://peakprosperity.com/the-signal-hour-special-edition-feb-4-330pm/

People are going to have to go to jail once we get to the bottom of the tactics and behaviors of what we’ll call ‘the left.’

They are openly calling for violence on the left-leaning echo chambers of Reddit and BlueSky. They are furious with Elon and his entire DOGE team and are saying things like this:

“Muskrat’s DOGE henchmen have been identified.”
“These people all live somewhere”
“time to hunt”
“Pink mist them all.”
“I’ll say it; this Nazi stooge needs to be shot.”

All this because Elon is taking a hard look at USAID, an entity that these people almost certainly couldn’t tell you one thing about a week prior.

If they are even real people.

Kash Patel needs to take a couple of days post-confirmation to settle in, and then send FBI agents around to each and every one of these accounts.

Some of them will be real people, and they should definitely be visited for openly promoting or promising violence against a prominent public person, Elon, and his team.

But I’m going to suggest that these aren’t all real accounts. In fact, I’m willing to promise that a good number of them are bots, which raises a set of thorny questions.

First, who is running these bots, and why? Presumably, it’s worth someone’s time and effort to whip up a violent frenzy.

Second, what should the penalty be if we discover these bots are being run by either government agencies or NGO cut-outs that receive government money?

In my mind inciting violence, especially seditious, treasonous, or even civil-war provoking violence should come with a very stiff set of penalties, up to and including life in prison for the most egregious cases.

There’s plenty of evidence that we’ve been subject to psychological operations aimed at the population and we’ve learned, somewhat painfully, that a good 30% of people seem unable to resist the programming.

So these poor people are jerked hither and yon by their emotional short ones, always thinking that they are the good guys. The true warriors. The smart ones. Those with moral authority at their backs.

Instead, they turn out to be easily misled people who first barked at people for not wearing entirely useless masks, then demanded concentration camps for people who didn’t get a vaccine, then switched seamlessly over to “Slava Ukraini!” with the requisite blue and yellow flags in their bios and hating on Putin, followed by putting a very wide assortment of pronouns in their online bios, before finally calling for death to Elon Musk for taking a peek at where all those USAID billions were flowing.

Again, some of these people are real, and you probably know, are related, or possibly even married to. But not all of them. Some of these are bots seeking to whip up trouble.

This is color-revolution territory. There’s a well-established method of destabilizing a country that involves getting the rats in the cage all angry and fighting each other.

The method is surprisingly simple. Just repeat emotionally loaded statements that convey a threat to someone’s life or livelihood and do it over and over and over again. It’s brainwashing 101.

If “Ossei” is a real person, they should get a knock on their door.

But what if “Ossei” is a bot? What if that bot was run by some murky NGO called something bland like “Center For Democracy and Online Safety.”

Further, what if funding for this cut-out org can be traced back to USAID, or some other blog-controlled US government entity?

Well, here’s the thing, US agencies should not be in the practice of trying to stoke violence within and among its people.

These tactics all have a name, and that name is…

Stochastic Terrorism

According to Wikipedia (which still has a few limited uses) here’s what stochastic terrorism is:

Stochastic terrorism is a form of political violence instigated by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or an individual.

Unlike incitement to terrorism, stochastic terrorism is accomplished with indirect, vague or coded language, which grants the instigator plausible deniability for any associated violence.

A key element of stochastic terrorism is the use of media for propagation, where the person carrying out the violence may not have direct connection to any other users of violent rhetoric.


It’s political violence instigated by ‘nudging’ people with words and phrases. It’s vague enough to avoid direct culpability, but effective enough to convince midwits and dimwits to actually go out and either commit or attempt to commit violence ‘for the cause.’

The preferred dissemination vehicle is social media:

A public figure or group disseminates violent, inflammatory rhetoric via mass-media, directed at people or groups of people, sometimes suggesting or legitimizing the use of violence.

This speech tends to be protected due to the use of ambiguous coded language, dog whistles, jokes, hints, and other subtext in statements that fall short of a criminal threshold for causation.

The ‘it was just a joke’ defense has been linked to early days of Nazism.

Stochastic terrorism involves the misuse of the public airwaves to create the impression that violence is desired by a great many people knowing that someone out there, statistically speaking, is going to take up the cause and go and commit violence against the target of the stochastic terrorism campaign.

Make no mistake, Elon is now that target, as is his entire team.

To the extent these are real people, why do they hate Elon and his team so much that they are now openly calling for their lynching, beheading, stabbing or shooting? How did they get there so quickly?

They seem to have fallen straight over a hateful cliff, without having gone through the usual progression of being annoyed, to resentful, to contemptuous, to violently hostile and finally murderous. They just went straight to being all murdery.

My view on this is that, again, to the extent that these are real people, they have been so successfully ‘nudged’ by weaponized tools of persuasion that their moral and logical circuits have been completely fried. Further, I do not know if this is recoverable. It might reflect permanent damage, as seems to be the case for Sam Harris and his advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS.

But TDS has been operationalized and now that’s been turned into EDS and DDS (for Elon and DOGE, respectively).

Again, I sincerely doubt these newly murderous people could even tell you one specific program that USAID ran that they are allegedly worked up about. We saw this over and over again during Kamal’s run where people on the street would tell interviewers they were voting for Kamala because of her policies but when asked to give a single example, came up entirely blank.

This simply speaks to the power of the tools of persuasion that are in play. These are tools of the state and its many shadowy NGO allies.

Tools that are housed somewhere within this diagram:

Not Getting The Memo

Marco Rubio, the new Secretary of State said of USAID:

“They are completely unresponsive. They don’t even consider that they work for the US. They just think they are a global entity and that their master is the globe and not the United Stated. … Now we have rank insubordination…their basic attitude is “We don’t work for anyone, we work for ourselves and no agency of government can tell us what to do.””


Now, does that sound like an agency that would even think twice about using known and effective tools to whip up some division and kick up some dust to help cover their activities?

And we’ve got FBI agents all up in arms and refusing to follow orders because, uh, they were only following orders before.

You can’t make this up.

My point here is, what are the chances that the tools of persuasion, used effectively and honed during covid, aren’t going to be deployed in their time of need by swampy creatures scrambling for their lives?


If an audit reveals that bot-farms have been inciting violence, those entities running them should be criminally charged with intentionally sowing the seeds of violence.

If those entities received funding from the US government, any and all government employees involved in that decision chain should be immediately fired and also charged.

This is serious business.

Someone is trying to get people killed or start an internal war and that’s not okay.


Stochastic terrorism OG


I’m guessing when the JFK, MLK and RFK files come out we are going to discover similar things occurred in the 60’s. The civil rights movement was the tutorial level for the USAID.


After watching you live, I just looked at Facebook and my totally non-political friend has posted a info sheet on “ Stochastic Terrorism”. :flushed: what are the odds??


Pretty low, tbh.


Well that could also reveal which faction USAID is associated with like for example the Mare Lanski school aka MK-ULTRA or the Real Estate Mobsters (aka Los Vegas) or the N’orleanian mob, etc… The octopus rules and if I sit back, these bots sound just like a mob hitman (woman, trans-extual, cyborg, etc)

I wish I saved this long post I saw a while ago, someone tracked a bunch of reddit user IPs and conveniently a bunch were in the area of military psyop bases.


I only caught the end of this talk live and will revisit it when I actually wake up and have the time.

My father always tells me that he saw this wokeness starting when I was in primary school in Canada, let’s say early 1970s, over 50 years at this time. Perhaps it goes back to the JFK, RFK, MLK and if it does, then it started earlier than that. This wokeness disease takes time to metasticize as those who grew up with the start of it, expand the reach and the ferocitty of the ‘lessons’. To the point where we were recently that little boys want to become girls and girls want to become boys - and the terrifying thing is that the state in many cases protects these vulnerable and impressionable children over the best wishes and judgement of the parents. Even going so far as to remove the parents from the care of their own children - not for creating harm to their own children but for preventing harm to their own children.

This wokeness had to end and the only way perhaps was a total refudiation of the ideology. A revolution, a complete and total upheaval, as is presently taking place. It’s not a moment too soon.

The society as a whole needed to be tossed into an ice cold bath to regain its senses to have any chance at restoring normalcy. It’s refreshing to say the least, many of the infected with this ideology are going to have a very difficult time coping with their loss. Better them than the rest of us.

Again, it’s not a moment too soon. Thank you President Trump, Elon Musk and rest of your excellent team for bringing some sanity and hope back to your people. I may not be able to completely enjoy the coming 4 years but I am sure they will be the most consequential of my lifetime. The past 2 weeks have been amazing. Keep up the energy and the pace of change, you have my full support. I’m sure there will be some shocks to the system that will be very uncomfortable but they are completely necessary. I’m bracing for the ride.

I’m trusting in the President. I’ll be praying for the team.


I wish you had sent out an email telling us this was going to happen.

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Only one streaming link (Odysee ) which will not allow playback of this :frowning:

I’ve noticed that the Dems are going for broke in their messaging. Possibly even more than during the late days of the election.

Back then it was “Trump is gonna be Hitler, you have to believe us!”

Now they are expanding out to use the tactic on everyone around him. I can’t remember the name of the Senator but someone said RFK Jr’s real motive in taking over HHS is he wants to run the Tuskegee experiment on a world wide basis.

He didn’t say this rhetorically. He specifically said RFK plans to infect the entire planet with disease and then use his power as HHS secretary to make the cure unavailable because he wants to watch millions die because this gets him off.

The confession by projection is off the charts.


was going to post this in " you can’t make this Sh!T up " but I think it falls into stochastic terrorism… Rally in DC right now calling for Elon to be arrested because he is going to turn off your social security. and medicare and steal your ID. They got the crowd all riled up chanting “Lock Him Up!” at the end. lLook at the Dems behind the podium I see at least one familiar face there
Andy Ngo on X: "At an anti-@elonmusk protest in D.C., Democrat politicians and their supporters call for Musk to immediately be imprisoned to stop the President’s efforts to end waste and fraud of American taxpayer funds.


Robby Starbuck on X: “If someone dies because of their lies, we better charge all of these Democrats for incitement.”


JUST IN: Dem. Rep. Ayanna Pressley calls for “AGITATION IN THE STREETS” before calling Elon Musk a “NAZl NEPO BABY.




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We sent an American Diplomat to Australia to explain freedom to them😂
Trump could use this guy against the woke Dems

Yeah, me too. These live broadcasts really make my week especially as they give me an excuse to have a really long breakfast (Pacific Time 10 am). Darn it, this would have been a great birthday present!

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What do they feed these guys??

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Give it a few minutes, I’m sure the team here at PP will be posting the live links once they are rendered/generated at the hosting sites.

I’m kind of feeling like a bigger loser. The fake hot AI bot chicks that made up 95 percent of my 58 followers on X had really lame names like SherryDelite. Reddit’s just awesome with bot names like DrPencilBender; CastThemToTheFires; ASentientDinoNugget; Plant-Zaddy. Plus, they’re much more exciting. Reddit bots want to kill the people who expose them. My X bots just wanted me to be their sugar daddy. Sadly, I’m on a fixed income and couldn’t afford it. Plus, seeing me shirtless would have scarred them for life, even for bots.


I worked for USAID as a student over 40+ years ago. The joke was that the place was a CIA front even down to us agricultural project student assistants. We were certainly out of the loop but the organization did spend loads of money freely and my bosses bosses were quite mysterious. I have lost all contact after those years but assume the institution probably did some serious morphing and evolution.