Sudden Escalation: US Warships Fire Missiles Into Syria

One of my worst fears has come to pass: the US has launched a missile strike against the Syrian government -- something Hilary Clinton had suggested she would do, but Trump has now done.

The ostensible reason for the attack is that Syria has been accused of using a toxic nerve agent against its own civilians on Tuesday, killing upwards of 100 people.

I remain skeptical of the official account. Following the attack, I analyzed the information available, and let’s just say that the case for that accusation would not have stood up in a court of law.

The claim of using poison gas rests on a small number of ‘eyewitness’ accounts -- which are, even when the observers are neutral, pretty much useless in a time of war.  Which direction a missile came from, whether it carried the agent in question or instead hit an existing storage depot full of the stuff can only be determined after careful review.

Nothing of the sort happened here. There's not been enough time for careful review producing conclusive results. And those ‘witnesses’? There's plenty of initial evidence that casts serious doubts about their authenticity.

Instead, an accusation was leveled, the US media faithfully reported it as if it were gospel truth. Meanwhile Trump was presented with a few narrow options, and pushed to select one while under great political pressure to distance himself from Russia -- and do it decisively.  Almost magically, Tuesday's gas attack presented him with just such an option to do so.

Well, now it’s Game On.

I stand by my earlier reports explaining why I think going to war with Russia is a very, very  bad idea. My October report Do We Really Want A War With Russia? remains a great primer for those looking to understanding this dangerous situation.

Of course, how Russia responds will determine everything. But according to Dmitry Orlov, whom I spent time with on a panel two weeks ago, the people of Russia are highly supportive of Putin and overwhelmingly believe that they are being cornered into a war they don’t want by nefarious and aggressive western forces.

With this mindset, it’s not hard to imagine a hardened resolve emerging in Russia to act in self-defense.

And just to make it clear: I consider this act to be rash, unnecessary, inflammatory, and a possible trigger for escalating the conflict between the US and Russia.

Hopefully things quiet down from here and Putin, once again, proves to be a cool and calm player. But if not, and if things start escalating further, I will issue an ALERT for you to accelerate preparations.

If you haven't yet read our report How To Prepare For War, now would be a good time.

The thing I worry about most is that if Russia does escalate, and a true kinetic war begins, the US military will find out if its anti-missile technologies are a match for Russian anti-ship missile technology. As I've written before, I have my doubts.

If not, then we may very rapidly see a sudden and dramatic reversal of fortunes that knocks the US military might down a peg or two -- resulting in a loss of projected power (real and perceived). That risk leads to a dumping of US dollars by foreign entities that no longer feel they have to hold them out of a forced sense of allegiance.

That is, things could very quickly spiral out of control.

Of course, a full-out war between America and Russia could get a lot worse than a weakened currency, but…well…we won’t go there yet.

As you're flooded over the next few days with emotional material (the very definition of propaganda) about the horror of the Syria gas attack, please remember that it was only last week that a US coalition, and the US specifically, that dropped bombs in Iraq that killed 240 civilians.

Virtually zero news commentators are discussing this right now. To my eye, this reveals that the US concerns, whatever they may be, are not about protecting civilians from death and destruction.

The nerve gas ‘event’ in Syria could have been created by either side (or sides), and of them all, the Syrian government had the very least reason to do it.  They were already winning, and would have known that such a move would have resulted in something like the attack that just happened. 

My view is that Trump got suckered into this.

But now it’s done. And we all have to see what happens next.

Adam and I, as well as my wife Becca, are busy conducting our annual Peak Prosperity seminar, which kicked off tonight -- so our time online will be a bit sporadic over the next three days. But we'll be monitoring developments closely, and will provide updates as this unfolding situation demands.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Russia’s reaction is all the market cares about. They are saying that Russia was told in advance. I bet we close (maybe even open) up tomorrow.
Obama went to congress the last time Assad killed some people with gas (1400 of them), and it was a pretty strong “No” vote for military action. I guess Trump doesn’t need Congress.
If America cared about human dignity we would be bombing N Korea. American culture laughs at North Korea because their leaders are so mockable,… but there really is nothing funny about what’s happening over there.

I feel like Chris does about us going to war well, those who want it probably going go get it now. Do they truly think they can make it turn out the way they want it, too??? Russia will be able to fight back better than Libya and Iraq did – have they thought of that?? And if we actually put our forces within their borders we will reallybe surprised what they can do. They have had enough of invaders actually fighting on their own land–they remember the Great Patriotic War --WW2–like it was yesterday. We will be fhe ones who will need God’s help.

Thanks for all you do, Chris.

I think if we cared about human dignity we wouldn’t be bombing anybody unless we were directly mortally threatened or attacked. Our country has never felt the devastation of war except for our own Civil War where we fought ourselves. The most devastating war in our history. I understand there are geopolitical reasons involved for the natural gas pipelines at question. But is it really worth the loss of thousands of civilians so one government gets to advance it’s interests? I did my part in uniform for this country as did most of my family for the past 4 or 5 generations. No more. I’m done. I will defend MY home, MY township and MY county. After that the corruption gets way to big and I have no say in policies or outcomes so I refuse to hold any allegiance past what I have input to. If North Korea has threatening satellites over NA, we can take them down I assume. Well let’s do it today. If North Korea attacks the South, let us support the South with material support but not with our troops. South Korea can put millions of computers, cell phones, appliances and automobiles into our economy. They have I believe five times the population of the North. I think they are pretty capable of defending their own interests.

This Scott Horton interview today with the always enlightening Philip Giraldi (ex-CIA) is worrying, to say the least. (Horton does a lot interesting interviews and is well worth bookmarking for those who listen to podcasts.)
For ME geo-politics and military affairs Pat Lang’s (ex-US military intelligence) Sic Semper Tyrannis has been invaluable to me both for the blog posts and the offerings by the highly informed commenters. It has had pretty much everything right about Syria for a few years now. I’ve been following it all day today trying to make sense of what is happening.
Giraldi and Lang are both intelligence community dissidents trying to kick back against neo-con bent ME foreign/military policy has taken over the past decades.
@Macro2682 it would not occur to me include the terms “human dignity” and “bombing” in the same sentence.

I now pretty much instinctively believe the opposite of what the media tells me. Those previous gas attacks several years ago; I read in the alternative media were actually perpetrated by western-backed forces but falsely blamed on Assad. And then a couple years ago there was that intentional US bombing of the hospital which killed civilians and Doctors Without Borders personnel.
Just like the Muslim terrorist attacks in the western world are fake, I take any news of this gas attack as being fake and an excuse for Trump to bomb Syria. Once we accept this, we can then analyze why Trump is doing this, assuming it’s even him making the call at all, I’m sure it’s all under orders from the higher-up elites.
Who knows why but we may find out soon. Maybe this is the beginning of the collapse that we’ve all been predicting for eternity and they need this as the diversion to start it all off. Or maybe it will all simmer down, who knows.

macro2682 wrote:
Obama went to congress the last time Assad killed some people with gas (1400 of them), and it was a pretty strong "No" vote for military action. I guess Trump doesn't need Congress.
i would request that we not repeat neo-con warmonger propaganda here, instead we should get the facts correct. assad DID NOT kill some people with gas. it was the US-backed rebels that did that, in a failed false flag attempt: btw, corbett report just did a very good short 5-minute video on the syria situation, with ongoing open source investigation at this link:

I agree with you Barney. I dont want to be at war with anyone. I’m just saying that if we are going to tell ourselves that we need to go to war because a bad man gassed 70 people, we need to Recognize that that Kim brainwashes and enslaves an entire nation.

Who benefits from the poison gas attack? Let’s see.
Not Assad.
Not Russia.
CIA interventionists & neocons that want the US to intervene
Just saying.
One more observation made by a journalist observing the fuss of the pre-gulf-war-2 persuasion campaign:

"When contemplating war, beware babies in incubators."
macro2682 wrote:
Russia's reaction is all the market cares about. They are saying that Russia was told in advance. I bet we close (maybe even open) up tomorrow. Obama went to congress the last time Assad killed some people with gas (1400 of them), and it was a pretty strong "No" vote for military action. I guess Trump doesn't need Congress. If America cared about human dignity we would be bombing N Korea. American culture laughs at North Korea because their leaders are so mockable,... but there really is nothing funny about what's happening over there.
First, it's a 99% guarantee that the ""markets"" close up today as they are under the full control of the Fed and its proxies (Citadel, JPM, etc) and have been for some time. The ""markets"" will close green and the headlines (written in advance, already at the 'printers' as we speak) will say things like "investors cheered America's resolve in dealing with a humanitarian tyrant" and other such nonsense. In the months before and after the illegal attack of Iraq under Bush the II, Alan Greenspan visited the White House more times than all other prior Fed Chairmen combined throughout history. And some of (y)our feckless Congresscritters have the gall to suggest that auditing the Fed would compromise its political neutrality. Heh heh. At any rate, this attack on Syria had as much legitimate basis as the original attack on Iraq (none) and Russia is pointing out the obvious things: “This step deals significant damage to US-Russian ties, which are already in a deplorable state,” Peskov said and added that the US has been ignoring the use of chemical weapons by terrorists and this is dramatically aggravating the situation, in Putin’s opinion.
“The main thing, Putin believes, is that this move [by the U.S.] doesn’t draw us nearer to the end goal in the fight with international terrorism and on the contrary, deals a serious setback to the creation of an international coalition in the fight with it,” Peskov said. * * * Other Russians took the opportunity to opine as well, led by Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov who said the US missile attack on a Syrian airbase is an act of aggression under a far-fetched pretext and is reminiscent of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Quoted by Tass, the top Russian diplomat said "It is an act of aggression under a completely far-fetched pretext. This is reminiscent of the situation in 2003, when the US and the UK, along with some of their allies, invaded Iraq without the consent of the UN Security Council and in violation of international law." "When speaking about the military intervention in Iraq many years after it happened, Tony Blair (who served as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007) acknowledged that they had misled everybody," Lavrov emphasized. "Now they did not even bother to provide any facts referring only to photos," he noted. "They indulged in speculations on children’s photos, on evidence provided by various non-governmental organizations, including the so-called White Helmets, which staged various 'incidents' to instigate action against the Syrian government." Moscow will demand truth of Idlib events, Lavrov stressed. "It is regrettable that all these causes do more harm to the already damaged relations between Russia and the United States. Hope remains that these provocations will not entail irreversible effects," Lavrov said. (Source - ZH)
I consider these to be quite reasonable and calm comments provided with essential context. Russia could be dialing up the rhetoric but are choosing, for now, to attempt to calm things back down, as they did after Turkey shot down an SU-24 last year. Whoever is pulling the strings in DC is quite powerful and they will not be denied. They have wanted war with Russia for a long time, and are pulling every trick to get there with the complete subservient, fawning backing of the US press. Again. The neocons are back in power. Good luck everyone. You're going to need it. These folks are very dangerous, deluded, and will not stop until they have destroyed as much as they can.

This account comports with the facts as I understand them at this time (from the excellent link to Sic Semper Tyrannis provided above by Debu):

Donald Trump's decision to launch cruise missile strikes on a Syrian Air Force Base was based on a lie. In the coming days the American people will learn that the Intelligence Community knew that Syria did not drop a military chemical weapon on innocent civilians in Idlib. Here is what happened: The Russians briefed the United States on the proposed target. This is a process that started more than two months ago. There is a dedicated phone line that is being used to coordinate and deconflict (i.e., prevent US and Russian air assets from shooting at each other) the upcoming operation. The United States was fully briefed on the fact that there was a target in Idlib that the Russians believes was a weapons/explosives depot for Islamic rebels. The Syrian Air Force hit the target with conventional weapons. All involved expected to see a massive secondary explosion. That did not happen. Instead, smoke, chemical smoke, began billowing from the site. It turns out that the Islamic rebels used that site to store chemicals, not sarin, that were deadly. The chemicals included organic phosphates and chlorine and they followed the wind and killed civilians. There was a strong wind blowing that day and the cloud was driven to a nearby village and caused casualties. We know it was not sarin. How? Very simple. The so-called "first responders" handled the victims without gloves. If this had been sarin they would have died. Sarin on the skin will kill you. How do I know? I went through "Live Agent" training at Fort McClellan in Alabama. There are members of the U.S. military who were aware this strike would occur and it was recorded. There is a film record. At least the Defense Intelligence Agency knows that this was not a chemical weapon attack. In fact, Syrian military chemical weapons were destroyed with the help of Russia. This is Gulf of Tonkin 2. How ironic. Donald Trump correctly castigated George W. Bush for launching an unprovoked, unjustified attack on Iraq in 2003. Now we have President Donald Trump doing the same damn thing. Worse in fact. Because the intelligence community had information showing that there was no chemical weapon launched by the Syrian Air Force. Here's the good news. The Russians and Syrians were informed, or at least were aware, that the attack was coming. They were able to remove a large number of their assets. The base the United States hit was something of a backwater. Donald Trump gets to pretend that he is a tough guy. He is not. He is a fool. This attack was violation of international law. Donald Trump authorized an unjustified attack on a sovereign country. What is even more disturbing is that people like Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, CIA Director Mike Pompeo and NSA Director General McMaster went along with this charade. Front line troops know the truth. These facts will eventually come out. Donald Trump will most likely not finish his term as President. He will be impeached, I believe, once Congress is presented with irrefutable proof that he ignored and rejected intelligence that did not support the myth that Syria attacked with chemical weapons. It should also alarm American taxpayers that we launched $100 million dollars of missiles to blow up sand and camel shit. The Russians were aware that a strike was coming. I'm hoping that they and the Syrians withdrew their forces and aircraft from the base. Whatever hope I had that Donald Trump would be a new kind of President, that hope is extinguished. He is a child and a moron. He committed an act of war without justification. But the fault is not his alone. Those who sit atop the NSC, the DOD, the CIA, the Department of State should have resigned in protest. They did not. They are complicit in a war crime. (Source)

Was this timed to coincide with Trump’s visit to China and his recent comments about North Korea? It would seem like he is in peacock mode and, under the threat of not being taken seriously, can now point at a missile strike and say, “See that? That’s what I can do.” At any rate, what a completely moronic act. What does it even solve? I’m guessing it’s one-nil to the Deep State. The Resource Wars continue…

I know a thing or two about war and none of it is good!

It was written by Chris.
I kind of get when podcast posts say By Adam when he writes an introduction (but it is still confusing). This article seems to have been written entirely by Chris but still says by Adam?

Mark_BC wrote:
I now pretty much instinctively believe the opposite of what the media tells me. Those previous gas attacks several years ago; I read in the alternative media were actually perpetrated by western-backed forces but falsely blamed on Assad. And then a couple years ago there was that intentional US bombing of the hospital which killed civilians and Doctors Without Borders personnel. Just like the Muslim terrorist attacks in the western world are fake, I take any news of this gas attack as being fake and an excuse for Trump to bomb Syria. Once we accept this, we can then analyze why Trump is doing this, assuming it's even him making the call at all, I'm sure it's all under orders from the higher-up elites. Who knows why but we may find out soon. Maybe this is the beginning of the collapse that we've all been predicting for eternity and they need this as the diversion to start it all off. Or maybe it will all simmer down, who knows.

The mainstream have always lied. Be careful about believing Alex Jones and the alternative news community, though. They have somehow fashioned Donald Trump into a saint involved in a pitched battle against the ‘deep state,’ in a war of good against evil. LOL. He is a fool, a transparently vain egoistic malignant narcissist. I hope it is FINALLY abundantly clear to those who did a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” that they have been royally duped. The enemy of Hillary is not your friend either.

North Korea would be a smouldering cinder right now if they didn’t have nukes themselves. Becoming a nuclear power is the ONLY way a small country is guaranteed security. I don’t like them, hate what they are doing, but understand it.

Trump’s supporters are now feeling the pain Obama’s supporters felt, waiting 8 years to realize they had been had. Trump’s supporters didn’t have to wait for their reality check, it came early and without Obama’s silver tongued eloquence.

For any unfamiliar, “The Saker” is a Russian military analyst now retired and living in the USA.

April 07, 2017
I have an important update: based on Russian sources, including video footage and the reports of one Russian journalist on the ground, Evgenii Poddubnyi, it has become clear that the US strike was largely symbolic. Here is the evidence: The Russians were given a warning which they, of course, passed on to the Syrians. The Americans must have assumed that this would happen. The Syrian airbase was lightly damaged: a few number of aircraft were damaged or destroyed, but many of these were in repairs and could not fly. Fuel storage tanks were destroyed. A number of aircraft bunkers were damage or destroyed. A few barracks were also destroyed. There were 6 or 7 casualties, which is very little. Crucially, the runways did not suffer. Now here is the really intriguing thing: it appears that only 23 out of a total of 59 US cruise missiles hit the base. The rest are unaccounted for. This could be due to all sorts of reasons, including Syrian and Russian air defenses or Russian electronic warfare. I tend to believe that the latter is the cause. But then, this begs another question: why did the Russians let 23 of the cruise missiles through? Possibly to appease Trump and not force him to re-strike. Other possibility, to make sure that the political fallout from this stupid and reckless attack still come back to hurt the United States (had they destroyed all the cruise missiles this would not happen). As for the Russian political reaction, I find it rather flaccid: Russia has condemned the attack and suspended the Memorandum of Understanding on Prevention of Flight Safety Incidents in the course of operations in Syria signed with the US. I am very underwhelmed to put it mildly. PS: needless to say, no chemical weapons or chemical weapon storage facilities were damaged: we know that since NOBODY, including the Russian reporters, were even carrying, nevermind wearing, any gas masks or, even less so, full chemical protection suits. This is hardly surprising since, of course, they never existed in the first place.

thanks for the post, SP
let’s hope this analysis is correct; trump’s syria reversal on syria didn’t make sense.
maybe this was just a PR campaign: “see, i’m tough on russia, not their friend at all”, meant to put the whole narrative of trump as a compromised agent of russia to rest.

This whole event was a false flag with the hope that a war would follow. Trump gave them a response, but no real change. There won’t be a war in Syria.
Instead, watch North Korea. Our deal maker president will make a deal with Xi that will allow us to get rid of NK, allow the Chinese to save face, and we will either trade financial instruments or the South China Sea in return. Watch for a pullout of US forces in SK as soon as regime is decapitated.
These things have a logic - it’s dangerous to assume major players like Trump are just “stupid”.