Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere

Direct me to the videos to back your statement, please. The videos of Biden’s behavior are there for all to see. I won’t bother posting 5 or 10, you can search for yourself.

No one is stopping you. But that wasn’t one of the questions I posed. And I would expect better of you than posing a strawman argument.
But I’ll even grant you your strawman. Whatever Trump, did or didn’t do (and this is in no way a defense of his character), at least it’s not with underage girls and not in the public eye and at least his cognition seems intact.
Getting back to the questions though, I’d really like to hear mjtrac’s answer. Unless, of course, you’d seek to disengage mjtrac from the uncomfortable by requesting we “move on”.
I always have to chuckle when I hear that phrase. My wife used to walk with a very liberal friend who would go on and on about political issues. My wife would politely listen even though she did not necessarily agree with all of this woman’s views. Well, one day my wife and this woman invited me to go for a walk with them. As I’m sure you realize by now, I usually don’t hesitate to engage in sensitive conversational topics including politics and religion (which are two of the most interesting topics in my opinion). However, as soon as I started presenting view points that were different from this woman’s and she could not offer substantive arguments in defense of her positions, she quickly punted and requested that we “move on”. I obliged her request but it is uncanny how often this phrase is used by those who become very emotionally attached to their views and refuse to discuss a subject at a level of detail that might actually help them learn something new. Offhand, I don’t recall that I’ve ever disengaged from a conversation like this and, as a consequence, if the other person is rational and intelligent, I usually learn something from them.

We don’t need videos. He bragged about it.

From the Last American Vagabond - Whitney Webb Interview that concluded about 15 minutes ago. Does an excellent job of tying together many of the current narratives in play in a nonpartisan manner. Looks like it’s going to get really rough from here on out. Buckle up.
Mememonkey would be very interested in your take on this.

Hillary Clinton spends much of her life in public service. The right dismisses her because Benghazi and the left dismisses her because she has actually tried to craft solutions that might get sufficient electoral support that they’d have a chance of happening. The crazies announce that she’s raping kids in a pizza place basement.
Joe Biden devotes fifty years to public service. Being the Senator from Delaware, it’s fairly certain that he’s got some naughty history, because that’s what our society requires of people if they are going to be Senator from Delaware for any length of time. But the right hates him because he might raise taxes, and the left hates him because, as a politician in his 70s, he is not AOC. And the crazies, with the assistance of Russia’s former KGB master, put together compilations of his well-known “handiness” to declare him a child molester.
All this while a person of trump’s public record is the alternative.
Golly gosh gee; I really wouldn’t wish a run for office on my worst enemy.

Mjtrac, as this deteriorating conversation seems to fester unabated by PP moderators I no longer believe that it is because the moderators are unaware of the blatant disregard for so-called PP forum guidelines and rules. I had given C&A the benefit of the doubt that they perhaps were unaware of or just too busy to intercede. But then Chris “up-voted” MM’s “Pot Kettle” comment here, in effect giving the green light to politically partisan, uncivil, bloviating posts–some of which are obviously the work of at least one or more shills that are carpeting the threads with full-length cut-and-paste articles and rants from external sources when just the link would do.
Expect more of the same as controversy is good for prompting even more “clicks” and invites participation from instigators and extremists. After all, hot topics such as Covid, masks and HCQ have a limited internet shelf life, so time to move on to a more lucrative topic that is good for at least the next several months.
This is a proprietary site, so C&A are certainly entitled to run it as they see fit. As I noted in my comment above, it would be helpful if they would simply modify or remove relevant portions of the PP guidelines and rules to reflect actual practice, rather than misleading people into believing that there’s some actual parameters in place to ensure productive, respectful exchanges.
I agree: What a shame to see the decline of PP.

tbp, you said of me specifically the following:

You deal with false narratives, identical "Woke" PC thought (that's why the label NPC is so accurate and appropriate), making you virtue-signalling [sic] safe-space-seeking riots-and-looting-supporting Overton-window-reducing victimhood-mentality-imbued weaklings calling for censorship of opposing views...
As evidence, please provide links to any comments I've made that support each of your patently false assertions above. Thank you.

tbp, you can read the details in the link to @radiofreeelk’s twitter page below. Joseph Rosenbaum was a child rapist and molester who hurt 5 little boys. Anthony Huber, had several felonies for strangling and beating his girlfriend and daughter. These men, and Michael Reinoehl, who killed Aaron “Jay” Danielson, are criminals with long histories of violent crime, and were probably paid to riot. This information was found by an ordinary person doing a public records search. Not one mainstream media “journalist” bothered to investigate the facts or report on them .

You are a very capable persuasive speaker/writer. Shaming the site’s proprietors and some of the posters as supporters of and makers of click bait. The backsliding… the failure to comport with the site’s own rules… it’s all just a dirty shame.
Then again, many of us learned how not to die from Covid-19 here… so there’s that little redeeming quality at least.
Anyway… you are capable of military-grade online community organizing… you are in the wrong business being here (or are you?).

Trump may or may not have done what he bragged about. But the accusation about him groping the woman on the airplane turned out to be completely false. There was a gentleman who sat right across from them who said Trump was a perfect gentleman the whole time and, in fact, the female accuser was gushing all over Trump. Also, they were in first class with a divider between them that precluded what she said Trump did.
If you watch the woman who accused him of the dressing room escapade, you can tell straight off, she’s a complete nutcase. For Pete’s sake, she was coming on to Anderson Cooper, lol. Did Trump do something with her? Perhaps, but was it consensual or not? Only the two of them know for sure but the woman does not present as a credible witness.
Does that make Trump pure as the driven snow? Absolutely not. But neither does it make him a “serial sexual predator”. Let’s try and have at least a semblance of fairness and realism about this. He is a deeply flawed man but he’s not the devil incarnate. Gee, that sounds like a lot of other politicians and top business leaders on both sides of the political fence, doesn’t it? Certainly not something most of the decent public likes but something we’ve allowed to go on. Shame on us for doing so.
As for mjtrac’s mention of Hillary Clinton’s and Joe Biden’s “devotion” to public service , let’s make it very clear that this time spent in public service was far from selfless and altruistic. The political class in our neo-feudalistic society is akin to the aristocracy in a feudal society. Hillary enriched herself to a phenomenal degree during this “service”. Joe, being not nearly as smart, enriched himself also but to a much lesser extent. However, if he had started up a Biden Foundation, he may have had more success.
Isn’t it amazing how they all have multiple lucrative speaking engagements and book deals? My, my, my … what wisdom and knowledge they have to share and how valuable that is … NOT! As anyone with a functioning brain realizes, those speaking engagements and book deals are but thinly disguised bribes … legal yes, but certainly not ethical, at least not in my mind.
I’d personally like to see some sort of legislation passed where these high level officials are banned from such things, if not permanently, then at least for an extended period of time, let’s say 10 years. Of course, we know that the chance of that happening is remote indeed, at least not until the pitchforks and torches come out.
I think both sides of the political spectrum can find more important common ground though. Would you agree that any sane and thinking person is opposed to the debt and death paradigm of reckless spending and endless wars? Resolving those two issues of the debt and military over-expansion alone would result in a dramatic improvement in the standard of living for folks of both left and right political persuasion. And a dramatic improvement in the standard of living for the poor, lower class, and middle class would go a long way towards erasing much of the social unrest and class conflict we see nowadays.
Of course, neither candidate will touch the issue of the central banks and our debt based currency and economy with a ten foot pole. Funny coincidence, isn’t it?

Off the rails and into the weeds, here. Finally realized, in my senior dotage, most choices I have made in life are between the lesser of two evils. Nothing human or created by humans is without fatal flaws. Even my beloved Declaration of Independence and US Constitution. I determined some time ago, the slavery thing was going to be our downfall. The gift that keeps on giving. I know when the Constitution is redone, silver and gold as money will probably not make the cut.
I have considered voting Libertarian as their platform most closely aligns with my beliefs. However, not enough clout to bring down either one of the big guys. I feel caught between the Whore of Babylon and the Beast systems, for those who have read the last book of the Christian bible. At this point I pray for repentance and buy a big bag of popcorn. The circus is in town.

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Maya Angelou


“And the crazies, with the assistance of Russia's former KGB master, put together compilations of his well-known "handiness" to declare him a child molester.”
Yeah, something tells me Bad Vlad is not spending any time assisting compile or promoting YouTube videos of Biden sniffing, fondling and groping uncomfortable young girls and women. Given that he is running a world power Nation State with superior Nuclear arms technology developed under his watch while he's engaged in geostrategically out maneuvering and containing the belligerent neocons embedded in a dying global empire, while an epochal shift to a multipolar world is underway all while comporting with International law and trying to avoid a direct military engagement with said dying empire. But let’s say hypothetically your DNC Rachel Maddow talking point is correct. He’s instead spending his energy compiling and promoting “Biden Handiness” fetish Videos to discredit this great statesman. Does it not bother you that he’s got so much sniffing and groping source material to make the lengthy cringe reels? Do the clips not speak for themselves? mm  

People who can’t argue their case based on rational arguments and facts tend to plead for censorship of opposing view points. Note: life is NOT a safe space. If you think it is you better check yourself.
As far as “conspiracy theories“ go, who thought “Fast and furious” was some conspiracy theory until it came out that it actually happened. I try and do my own research whenever possible because it doesn’t take a wild imagination to see that we are being lied to and manipulated by the MSM, politicians and other people in positions of authority. Follow the money and you might be surprised where it leads.
Also, to the people who enjoy degrading people who vote for Trump, remember this, every time you open your mouth to insult others you create more Trump voters who will vote for him NOT because they like him but because they hate the behavior of people calling themselves liberal that are anything but…

Whether or not I’m a capable speaker or writer matters not. Either the posts comport to the guidelines or they do not. No “shaming” here.

"...the failure to comport with the site's own rules... it's all just a dirty shame."
I agree. If you or anyone else has issues or concerns with the site I would encourage you to contact the site administrators, Adam and Chris. I also agree and appreciate very much that I and countless
"...others have learned "not to die" from Covid-19,"
but that is itself does not negate or validate other points of view expressed on this site by members or the site principals.
Regarding "military grade organizing": LoL, my chickens, shelter dogs, cat and rabbit might disagree with you there as they pretty much rule the roost. My comments and intentions are not nefarious or secretive, but I appreciate the laugh just the same. :-)

(I’ve tried several times to remove the inexplicable caps lock from my post above, without success. Please excuse the unintentional emphasis/“shouting”.)

Notably, before the Gallo claim to have found the HIV AIDS virus, NIAID had been doing research on the role of drugs, poppers or nitrites, proven immune-suppressants, in the deaths of the earliest AIDS patients. That was quickly dropped in favor of researching a “cure” for AIDS.
Gallo had also, incredibly, been claiming that HIV was the cause of cancer. It was a newly discovered virus they were looking to capitalize on by means of attributing it to a disease condition. I've been on both sides of this fence during my years of research, as deep virology data was/is hard for me to interpret, and it was hard to fathom that level of corruption in the medical/virological field, but now that we see the extreme corruption in the SC2/Covid arena, coupled with Montagnier's and Mikovits' info/claims, I lean strongly towards the Gallo-Fauci fraud hypothesis. HIV by itself seems to be a rather innocuous virus, and the immune deficiency would be caused by absurd numbers of sex partners and drug combinations (in the promiscuous gay community) and malnutrition (in Africa) along with highly toxic prophylactic treatments such as high-dose chronic use of AZT, coupled with the modifying of definitional parameters of disease/syndrome diagnosis (as they may also have done earlier with polio).
@mjtrac No, I honestly do not believe that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. No, I honestly don't see anything strange or concerning about how he touches children. I do have concerns about the behavior, from long before his election right up through yesterday, of the current President. I wonder if hosting this conversation fills Chris Martenson with pride. It shouldn't, IMO. If that's what you mean by my encouraging censorship, guilty as charged.
Holy shit. WOW! That's just astonishing. You've now directly confirmed that you are believing the TV over your own eyes! And with an appeal to censorship and shaming. I also cannot understand why you are here, when clearly you belong to the CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo mockingbird gang.
@Doug Oh, you mean as opposed to the way the p*ssy grabber-in-chief treats women? Why isn't that serial sex predator ever discussed here?
That's literally the ONLY thing you've got against Trump: He once said in a private conversation with a friend that he's so famous and a celebrity to such as degree that he could "grab women by the pussy" if he wanted to. That's the most you've got. By all accounts except the few presented by the corporate legacy media he's a gentleman with women. Him saying that ranks near the bottom of my list of legitimate criticisms of Trump. It certainly doesn't make him a "serial sex predator", while the rival candidate actually is. Beyond pathetic.
@Sparky1 Expect more of the same as controversy is good for prompting even more "clicks" and invites participation from instigators and extremists
Dude, YOU are the extremist. You believe every single absurd lie drilled into your mind by political activists posing as journalists/unbiased reporters. You're believing the most absurd and pathetic conspiracy theory of modern history, which is the Russian collusion hoax. There is no greater sign of brainwashing than that... actually there is: the two points about Biden below.
tbp, you said of me specifically the following: You deal with false narratives, identical "Woke" PC thought (that's why the label NPC is so accurate and appropriate), making you virtue-signalling [sic] safe-space-seeking riots-and-looting-supporting Overton-window-reducing victimhood-mentality-imbued weaklings calling for censorship of opposing views... As evidence, please provide links to any comments I've made that support each of your patently false assertions above. Thank you.
It's what you've been doing all over this thread (except perhaps virtue-signalling [valid British English btw]). You don't even know that you're supporting riots and looting because you're told it's not happening. Add Maoist shaming behavior to the list: It's what all NPCs are doing because of allowing the MSM to control your minds. Your views are literally identical. We know exactly where you're receiving your (dis)information from. You don't respond to evidence. Respond to the Biden touching children video first and foremost. Here it is again: Respond first to this. Tell me how that's appropriate touching. Also respond to his obvious cognitive decline -- does he have dementia, yes or no? Take some mushrooms or something sir, because in your current state, you are fully (mentally) enslaved without having either a clue or a desire to find out how that is so. Same goes for mjtrac.

Since you asked for my take, on the Whitney Web video here it is:
You correctly identified this video discussion as important and I would urge everyone to invest an hour of their time to listen to it.( and read her work) I believe it provides actionable intelligence for people in preparing for what is coming by framing the bigger picture of current events with documented behind the scenes skulduggery.
First, I would say that Whitney Web is an incredibly smart and capable investigative and research Journalist, the likes of which sadly mostly no longer exist. She digs deep and has a savant-like ability to identify patterns and connections across a wide range of disparate domains and importantly, time frames, reaching back years, sometimes generations to connect the dots.
She did this masterfully with the best take on Epstein, framed in the historical context and lineage of the nexus of Organized crime and Intelligence agencies creating political compromat by leveraging sex and pedophilia in an unbroken chain from WW2, through Hoover, Roy Cohn and on up to the latest incarnation with the Epstein Saga.
She did similar work for an expose of the post 911 Anthrax attacks, the Bio Security complex and it’s tentacles in the Vaccine/ pharmaceutical agenda that is intertwined with the current pandemic and not coincidentally the suppression of common sense remedies like HCQ, Ivermectin etc.
She’s also done incredible work outlining the depth and scope of Israel’s technical political and intelligence penetration into our communications networks high tech sector and infrastructure by their signals intelligence industrial complex. It is no surprise for people paying attention that they are a key player in the current situation.
Importantly Whitney has a rare quality that used to exist in journalism that she documents and cites her sources and is careful to distinguish between facts and probabilities or informed speculation. This allows the reader to make their own judgments. This being an interview, it leans more to a discussion of likely meaning of the facts she has surfaced. I would encourage everyone to read her various series including the article that is the basis of this discussion.
This video is a discussion of her latest work that lays out the ‘bi partisan’ players including the same neocon criminals that brought us 911, the ““Patriot ACT” and the Israeli Clean Break Plan re marketed as a war on terror and all of its subsequent and pre planned wars in the MENA region.
She discusses how they are seeding the ground (public’s expectations) through the now familiar technique of foreshadowing, trial balloons narrative manipulation and normalizing future scenarios for the constitutional crisis, that is headed to a denouement in the weeks following our upcoming election.
Scenarios that they’ve been work shopping and war gaming since long before the pandemic and current civil unrest and which will provide convenient and somehow familiar narratives when the shit starts to unfold. She makes the case that they are normalizing the soon to be public face of our actual rulers that has to date been hidden in the theater of our democratic simulacrum
There are many obvious examples of seeding the ground that you’ve no doubt seen, including Hillary Clinton statements that Biden should under no circumstance concede, ( I would add: Pelosi reminding us that she is third in line to the presidency a fact that is will become relevant as to who is put in charge, if they can delay by fraud, law-fare and disruption the certification of electors until Jan 20) As well as discussions and reporting to normalize the use of military to remove Trump when he refuses to leave…he is after all an " Enemy of the State”…promoting pandemic fears that normal voting in person is not safe. to push to the election to mail in which facilitates their strategy, etc etc.
Lest this sound like It’s one sided, Whitney is very clear to call out the right wing side of these agendas, the manipulation of public opinion that is seeding the ground for a federal policing force and point out that both sides of the polity are being manipulated, divided and weaponized to serve an agenda that serve the elite
As an aside, referencing this video is the most useful post of this entire thread in my opinion and while it will no doubt be denied or derided by the resident sheep here in the unlikely event that they actually listen to it, because it will trigger their Pavlovian crazy conspiracy theory response conditioning. Perspectives like those that this post represent are profoundly important to waking people up to our very dark reality.
This is why is it is so critical to keep this site free of censorship including the soft censorship of the emotional safe space and to allow “Adult Conversation” as Rector so aptly put it.

OMG that was a creepy and alarming video.