Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere

You’d think those Biden clips should be the #1 point brought up by every “journalist” in every media outlet, which by itself should end Biden’s career. Imagine for a moment that they had video of Trump doing what Biden does in those clips.
Sparky1, mjtrac, and Doug have no way to respond to it (mjtrac did say “No, I honestly do not believe that Joe Biden is suffering from dementia. No, I honestly don’t see anything strange or concerning about how he touches children” but I bet that was before he actually watched the short videos proving him wrong via his own eyes), that’s why they go silent.
As ‘B Freeman’ wrote (source):

@Bob Ablaw yes, this is a main way they communicate. It's a hive mind, outsourced to middlemen thought "process" with a major lack of proofs besides the old good guy badge/authority title- So it Must be true! (Why would they lie to us?) And so they operate on One Frequency, I would guess a manipulated Alpha or a programmed Delta, but I am not an expert. I can see it, know what I see, but I don't know what they call it. It reminds me of Mkultra (possibly a minor dosage from TV?).
Indeed, people assume it's purely about the content itself, but there are extensive TV frequency pulse and modulation-related patents to manipulate brainwaves down toward alpha, which is a kind of hypnosis that makes the viewer more easily (unconsciously) passively accept/sympathize with the received ideas, while also keeping the viewer couchlocked watching for longer. Self-induced alpha, as in meditative practices, is of course a completely different (and highly beneficial) alpha brainwave state.

Again and again in her presentation she seemed to suffer stage fright. Gave up on watching.

Seems everyone here has an opinion based on what they believe to be true. Wouldn’t it be shocking if what you believe to be true was in fact based on falsities?
Would you change your outraged stance if you discovered the actuak FACTS of the situation are not what you believe them to be?
Would you rather go for truth or for being right?

I agree with you. Below is a link to an article on a study recently conducted that shows that approximately 93% of the BLM protests have not involved any violence or property destruction.
Adam Taggart, I am not sure why you would write an article like this that states that suddenly many people are really scared of riots and violence from these protests. You do not offer any statistics or data confirming such a widespread fear. And to state or even imply that the BLM protests are due to what the Fed has and is doing, and other state sponsored gifts to the already ultra wealthy is just plain ridiculous. Racism is still a real problem in this country, much more than in many other countries. And that is what is at the root of these protests. To not understand that is just plain ridiculous.

“I want to speak to you as a Black man and as a Denver native,” Robinson said. “The narrative that these anarchists are marching for justice for Black lives is frankly false. The public needs to know that you do not represent us. Stop using the color of my skin to tear up my city.”
“Last night was a riot in our city,” said Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. “We will not be using the words protest or march. This was a riot.”

As someone who listens to Richard Wolff on a regular basis, I found myself once again agreeing with what he says in this video. Let us all just wake up to the obvious facts. There is still an awful problem of racism in this country. It certainly has gotten better compared to what it was like in the 1950’s and centuries before that (I am nearly 71 years old and have seen the changes), but there are still too many whites and other people of “lesser color” who have not faced up to what all too many people of color have to deal with on a very regular basis. This includes law officers who treat people of color, and especially blacks, differently than they do whites. Certainly there are lots of decent law officers, but we owe it to them to help them get rid of those fellow officers that do not practice the law in an unbiased manner. And I really think it requires those of us who are white to work at the local level of our policing forces to demand that law officers being considered for hiring be reviewed by a committee of people who are not law officers, probably a committee of elected citizens. This committee should also have a very strong say in when officers are investigated for improper actions, and definitely have a very strong say in when they are fired for improper actions.
I would suggest that white people who don’t understand that racist actions by people with some law authority is a real problem should ask their black friends or acquaintances (if you have any) whether they have had to deal with being stopped for one reason or another much more often than you have. Or any other more dangerous interactions with some law officers. If you do that, you will soon understand why so many people of color are very upset at being treated unequally.
Then there is just the simple truth that I only woke up to a little over 2 years ago: that the capitalist system itself has some very important problems and internal contradictions. This was nothing that I was happy to realize. After having read various articles and books by different people talking about the problems with fiat currencies, the Federal Reserve and other aspects of our economic and fiscal systems, and after having watched all of Chris’ “Crash Course” and following Adam and Chris’ interviews and articles, I somehow came across videos by Richard Wolff. I listened to several of these and eventually came to the realization that he was right. And it really was a case of admitting to myself that “Oh f#$@, he’s right”. It was not a joyful moment. But his proposal for building up an alternative sector of our economy consisting of Democratic Worker Coops (or Worker Self Directed Enterprises), and doing so from the bottom up, not by somehow capturing the government and trying to force such structures on our pre-existing economic enterprises, just made so much sense. And learning more about how such enterprises around the world have worked and the benefits not only to the workers themselves, but to the communities and countries they exist in has made me feel positive about how we can change from our current mess to something better.
When you add to all this the problems with declining EROI or net energy, and the really dangerous problems that climate change caused by our continuing pollution of the air/atmosphere with green house gases could very well bring about in all too short of a time period, we humans really are facing some drastic challenges. But by keeping an open mind (including to what Marx and other critics of capitalism have actually said, not what you may think they said) while at the same time waking up to all these above mentioned problems and accepting what science is telling up about the problems we are creating on our planet, there is some hope that future generations could live in a much saner, less ugly world.

People trust groups they identify with and find trustworthy, but pervasive systemic racism, I don’t believe so. As things get better for all, the goalposts of injustice shift with it.

@robtompkins There is still an awful problem of racism in this country. It certainly has gotten better compared to what it was like in the 1950's and centuries before that (I am nearly 71 years old and have seen the changes), but there are still too many whites and other people of "lesser color" who have not faced up to what all too many people of color have to deal with on a very regular basis.
Please! The only reason you haven't seen those changes is because you pay attention to the MSM and identity politics ideologues that lie to you incessantly, constructing false narratives that have you believing divisive crap like that and desiring to virtue-signal your manufactured concern. The strategy is about creating narratives of victims and victimizers, hence the same neomarxist narrative exists to divide white and black, man and woman, heterosexuals and LGBT, natives and immigrants, and any other weaponization of minorities against a majority group they can come up with. How can you not see this? The most valued resource is the narrative, and you become de facto mind-controlled if you don't realize this and perceive the unfolding epic fight for the narrative. Nonetheless, your points about lack of oversight of police are accurate. But police brutality doesn't happen primarily due to racist prejudices (do yourself a gigantic favor and turn off TV), it happens because of the (dopamine kicks of) power differential as well as the militarization of American police.
I would suggest that white people who don't understand that racist actions by people with some law authority is a real problem should ask their black friends or acquaintances (if you have any) whether they have had to deal with being stopped for one reason or another much more often than you have. Or any other more dangerous interactions with some law officers. If you do that, you will soon understand why so many people of color are very upset at being treated unequally.
More often than not it's not about racial prejudice (but the MSM will always say it is if they can, i.e. if none of the cops were black). You assume it's unrelated to crime statistics and victimhood mentality programming. Please watch Candace Owens, a FULLY EMPOWERED black woman who no longer thinks of herself as a VICTIM, explain the real problem: People like her, not criminals like George Floyd, should be, and increasingly are as Blexit ramps up, the leaders the Black community should listen to.
I somehow came across videos by Richard Wolff. I listened to several of these and eventually came to the realization that he was right. And it really was a case of admitting to myself that "Oh f#$@, he's right". It was not a joyful moment.
I don't know anything about Wolff, and the idea of "Democratic Worker Coops (or Worker Self Directed Enterprises)" sounds interesting, but if he's a socialist, have you looked at the critiques of his work? That's the first thing you should do if you're listening to someone rehashing, reformulating and reselling you deadly socialism once again.
But by keeping an open mind (including to what Marx and other critics of capitalism have actually said, not what you may think they said) while at the same time waking up to all these above mentioned problems and accepting what science is telling up about the problems we are creating on our planet, there is some hope that future generations could live in a much saner, less ugly world.
But the major things you mentioned aren't the real issues. Most of the things you believe are a lie (well, actually only what you received from the MSM). The real issue is the criminal network creating false narratives out of those non-issues in order to fool you into not looking at them... and ultimately at yourself. "Science" isn't telling you those things -- instead, some people are telling you that science is telling you those things. The same people telling you HCQ doesn't work (etc etc etc). How many more hundreds of millions of people need to die under the failed (or successful from the perspective of tyrants) idea of state control of the means of production which eliminates competitive behavior and pre-frontal cortex advanced thinking? Look at Venezuela, less than one generation of socialism, rich in resources, people don't know what to do to put food on the table... But you'd rather try to explain it all away with "that wasn't real socialism" once again. Again, it's about the sources of information you're choosing to allow to influence you. Be extremely careful or they'll turn you into an NPC.

Just to be clear, I didn’t watch the video, and I believe if Biden had dementia or was a child molester, I’d find that out from some responsible media organization. Just call me a sheep. Baa.

No, you aren’t a sheep. You are a normal human being.
What we are seeing is just the backfire effect in action. Facts seldom change minds. That’s just how humans work. And yet, all of us (me included) always think if we just supply the facts…people will believe us!
As you stated so eloquently: “nope” In a perfectly rational world, people who encounter evidence which challenges their beliefs would first evaluate this evidence, and then adjust their beliefs accordingly. However, in reality this is seldom the case. Instead, when people encounter evidence that should cause them to doubt their beliefs, they often reject this evidence, and strengthen their support for their original stance. This occurs due to a cognitive bias known as the backfire effect.

If, say, The Guardian or the BBC started reporting that a source with a reasonable expectation of knowledge of Biden’s mental state had said he had early dementia, I’d begin to investigate. The fact that someone put together a video of (presumably) clips of Biden repeatedly saying a couple of words in awkward ways does not lead me to investigate.
That’s because like all humans I have limited time to personally investigate all facts about the world, so I’ve chosen to rely on experts. It’s definitely true that if the experts start lying, it would take me some time to realize that they had. But it’s still worthwhile for me to look at what selected news organizations have to say, and to assume that I can infer the truth from that.
That’s how, for example, I’ve decided that AGW is real, that childhood vaccinations are desirable, and that, despite the evidence of my eyes, the earth is, mostly, spherical and microscopic organisms exist.

They always say “No, I will believe what the talking heads tell me to believe.” No matter what evidence is presented by others. There are those with this mindset in all walks of life. They always end up being the least prepared for eventualities and the least able to cope with reality when it does not fit their framework.

I assume that by this you mean that you understand that the current President of the United States won election due to the assistance of the Dictator of Russia. Because you don’t believe what the President’s big talking head has to say, but weigh the evidence yourself.

CAATSA ring a bell?
Or maybe he should have said this to Russia instead…

"Not The Same Joe": Former Stenographer Says Biden's Cognitive Ability Has Declined Significantly

He’s lost a step and he doesn’t seem to have the same mental acuity as he did four years ago,” said McCormick. “He doesn’t have the energy, he doesn’t have the pace of his speaking…he’s a different guy,” he added.
This Zerohedge article is about Mike McCormick's book. McCormick was Biden's stenographer from 2011-2017. Obviously, McCormick is trying to sell books. He might be exaggerating a bit. But, just as obviously, Biden's lost some acuity. I'm really looking forward to the debates between Biden and Trump. Without a teleprompter, they'll both be on their own. ;-) Grover

In the US, the dems hate Russia, the reps hate China, while they both are puppets of Netanyahu.

Rioters learning and becoming effective in Portland.

Bottom line, man, if you had ever given me a scenario like this and said hey, you’re sober, and you have a gun, and somebody is hitting you with a bat and throwing rocks at you that could kill you or put you in a coma, you try to get away but they cut you off with a convoy of vehicles and the assault starts again. They impede your movement and beat you with bats… It got way worse after that video ended, they chased us for 11 city blocks. They had a convoy of about 25 vehicles that cut us off at the next intersection, They had scouts on the corner with radios, they had a drone following us, they had a bull horn calling us Nazis, and the crowd was following a red strobe light that was up in the air on a stick, so they would announce Nazis and then people would follow the red strobe light, That video is just the beginning, I’ve got a f***ing fractured hand from a baton, everyone of us has black and blue bruises up and down their legs and back.
No prosecution. No bail required. The bad guys are owning the streets after dark in Portland.

Wow. That’s an incredibly compelling story. Antifa really does own the streets. And their tactics - at least when they are used to bully a small group - are incredibly effective. I’ve always wondered what that sort of thing would look like at the ground level. Now I know.
Takeaway #1: you need one big trained and organized group to effectively deal with another big trained and organized group.
Takeaway #2: Antifa is a military organization.

I assume that by this you mean that you understand that the current President of the United States won election due to the assistance of the Dictator of Russia.
LOL Your comment is so out of alignment with everything I know, the ethos of this site, and every known and assembled fact that I can only conclude one thing. This site isn't the right place for you. Further, such comments as this one detract from the overall tenor of this site by providing nothing but an unfounded assertion, itself built upon other assertions. Either bring data or don't bother. At any rate, I'm politely asking you to move on. We're busy trying to figure out how to navigate the coming crises, not seeking to be diverted by MSM nonsense.  

I wonder how long the dogs will wait to slip their leashes. Those four dogs showed great restraint. I’m sure there are dogs in the crowd organizers but the majority of the crowds might be completely unprepared for a properly organized dog attack.